That Little Arliss!From the time he’d grownup big enough to get out of the cabin he was alwaystrying to catch and keep every living thing that heset eyes on.
Every night before Mama let him go to bed,she’d make Arliss show her whatever he’d got inhis pockets. Usually it was a mess of grasshoppersand worms and beetles and little tree lizards. Sometimesthere was a young bird that had fallen out ofits nest before it could fly,a green frog,or a watersnake as well.
Then,after the yellow dog came,Little Arlissstarted catching even bigger game: things like rabbitsand,once,a baby possum.
然而,继黄狗来到之后,小阿里斯捕捉起更大的猎物来了: 诸如兔子之类,有一次,捉到了一只小负鼠。
I knew very well it was Old Yeller who was doingthe catching. He’d hunt the game and then let LittleArliss have it. So Little Arliss could come in and tellMama a big lie about how he caught it himself.
I watched them one day when they caught ablue catfish in Birdsong Creek. The fish had got intowater that was so shallow his top fin was stickingout. About the time I saw it,Old Yeller and LittleArliss did too. They both ran. The fish turned backquickly,but Old Yeller was too fast for him. Hejumped on the fish and shut his big mouth over itand carried it back to the bank. Little Arliss fell onthat fish,just as he’d done with everything else.
The fish fin cut his hand but he wouldn”t letthe fish go. He ran to the cabin,carrying the fishand yelling.
That night when we ate the fish for supper,LittleArliss told the biggest lie I ever heard about howhe’d swum far down into a big hole under therocks and caught the fish and almost died before hecould swim back to the bank with it.
那 天晚上我们晚餐吃鱼的时候,小阿里斯撒了一个我闻所未闻的弥天大谎,说什么他一直游进了岩石下的一个大洞才抓到了这条鱼,还说什么抓住鱼往回游的时候差一点儿送了命。
But when I tried to tell Mama how it had reallybeen,she wouldn”t let me.“Now,this is Arlis s”ss tory,”she said.“You mus t le t him te ll it the wa y hewa nts to.”
I said to Mama then,“Mama ,tha t old ye llowdog is going to ma ke the bigge s t lia r in Te xa s out ofLittle Arlis s .”
Mama just laughed at me,in the way she al
ways laughed at Little Arliss’s tall stories when shewas so far away that he couldn’t hear. She told meto leave Arliss alone. She said she had yet to hearhim tell a bigger lie than the ones I used to tell.
Well,I shut up then. If Mama wanted Little Arlissto grow up the biggest liar in Texas it was nothingto do with me.
好 吧,那么我就不吭声吧。如果妈妈要小阿里斯成为全得克萨斯最大的吹牛大王的话,那可就不关我的事了。
All of this,I suppose,is what led up to LittleArliss’s catching the bear. I think Mama had lethim tell so many tall stories about his catching livegame that he was beginning to believe they weretrue himself.
It was like this. I was quite a long way down thecreek,cutting wood for the fence where the bulls hadbroken it down. It was heavy work.My breath got harderand harder to breathe. An hour before sundown Ifelt so dead tired I just couldn’t go on. I tried to thinkof something I could tell Mama so that she wouldn’tknow why I’d stopped so soon.
That’s when I heard Little Arliss scream.
Little Arliss was always screaming. He”dscream when he was happy and scream when hewas angry and a lot of the time he’d scream just tohear himself make a noise.
But this time wasn’t like that. The second Iheard his screaming my heart seemed to stop. Thistime I knew Little Arliss was in real trouble.
I ran like mad up the trail to the cabin. A minutebefore I was so tired I couldn’t walk. But nowI was running through the tall trees along the creeklike a frightened wolf.
Little Arliss’s second scream,when it came,was louder and wilder than the first. With it was asort of crying sound that I knew didn’t come fromhim. It was a sound I seemed to have heard before,but just then I couldn’t place it.
Then from far off to one side came a sound Iwould have known anywhere. It was the coughingroar of a charging bear. I’d only heard it once inmy life. That was when Mama had shot but not killeda hog - killing bear and Papa had had to finishit off with a knife to stop it from getting her.