My heart was right up in my mouth,and somehowI couldn’t get any breath. I didn’t know whatsort of a jam Little Arliss had got himself into,but I
knew it was something to do with a wild bear,andthat was enough.
At last I came out of the woods and could seethe spring. There was Little Arliss,in the pool again.
He was lying half in and half out of the water,holding on to the back leg of a little bear cub nobigger than a small coon. The bear cub was out onthe bank,whimpering and crying and clawing thestones with all three of his other feet ,trying to pullaway. But Little Arliss wasn”t letting go. He wastoo frightened to let go.
I don”t know how the bear cub ever cameclose enough for Little Arliss to catch him,or whyhe didn”t turn and bite him. Perhaps he was likeLittle Arliss: too frightened to think.
Anyway,there wasn”t time to think about allthat now. The bear cub’s mama had heard the criesof her baby and she was coming. She was crashingso fast through the bushes that they were breakingall around and under her. She was roaring mad andready to kill.
And worst of all,I could see I’d never getthere in time!
Mama couldn”t either. She’d heard Arliss,too,and was running from the cabin,and screamingat Arliss to let the bear cub go. But all Little Arliss
would do was hang on to that back leg and let outone scream after another as fast as he could suck inbreath.
Now the she - bear was charging across thecreek,sending water high in the bright sun androaring angrily. And however fast I ran,or Mamaran,the she - bear was going to get there first!
I think I nearly went blind then,picturing whatthe bear was going to do to Little Arliss. I know Iopened my mouth to scream and no sound came out.
Then,just as the bear went charging up thebank of the creek towards Little Arliss and hercub,a flash of yellow came like the wind down thehill. It was that big yellow dog. He was yelling likea mad bull. He wasn’t nearly as big and heavy asthe she - bear,but when he threw himself at herfrom one side,he rolled her right off her feet.Theywent down in a close fight.
As I went past I saw the she - bear get on toher back feet like a man and claw at the dog hangingfrom her throat.
I didn’t wait to see any more. I ran straight intothe pool and got Little Arliss away from the cub.
I grabbed him by the arm and threw him up to Mama,as if he was a half - empty sack of corn.
“Gra b him,Mama !Gra b him,a nd run!”Iscreamed.
Then I turned to have a go at the bear with mychopper. But I didn’t need to. Old Yeller was doingall right by himself. The bear kept coming athim. She’d swing at him with one of her big frontclaws. She’d slap him head over heels. She’d hithim so far that it didn’t look as if he could ever getback before she charged again. But he always did.
He’d hit the ground rolling,yelling his head off ithurt so much,but somehow he’d always roll to hisfeet. And here he’d come again,ready to face herfor another round.
From up at the cabin I heard Mama calling.
“Come a wa y from the re ,Tra vis.Hurry,son !”
从 小屋那边传来妈妈的呼唤声:“离开那里,特拉维斯。快点儿,孩子!”
Suddenly,I was frightened again. I ran towardsthe cabin.
Old Yeller was there first. Mama said that theminute Old Yeller saw we were all out of danger,hethrew the fight to that she - bear and beaded for thehouse. The bear came after him a little way,but OldYeller was going so fast Mama said it looked as ifthe bear was going backwards.
阿 黄已比我先到了。妈妈说,阿黄一见到我们都脱险了,就让那头母熊自个儿去打,径直朝木屋跑来。母熊追赶了一阵,但妈妈说阿黄跑得非常快,那头熊看起来好象在倒退似的。
If the big yellow dog was hurt or frightened hedidn’t show it in any way when he got into thecabin. Not like the rest of us. Little Arliss had
stopped screaming,but he was holding Mama as ifhe’d never let her go. And Mama was sitting in themiddle of the floor holding him close and crying asif she’d never stop. As for me,I was close to cryingmyself.
Old Yeller,though,all he did was to comejumping on us. He licked our faces and barked soloudly the noise nearly made us deaf. To look athim you might have thought that bear fight was onlya game we’d all been playing just for fun.