

I thought I’d had it. The noise of the bulls. wasright in my ears. The hot smell of blood was in mynose. They were stamping all round and over me,andthere was so much dust I couldn’t see a thing.


Then Mama was pulling me by the hand andshouting,“Run ,Tra vis.Run!”


She didn’t have to keep shouting at me. I wasrunning as fast as I’d ever run. We got through the


open cabin door just a second before Reddy threwBlacky against it.


Blacky almost came through the door on top ofus,but turned sideways,as he was,he was too bigto be pushed through.


Somehow,he got off Reddy’s horns,and awaythey went again,banging their horns together andbellowing.


I looked at Mama and Little Arliss. Mama’sface was white.

我 朝妈妈和小阿里斯看了一眼。妈妈吓得脸色发白。

For once,Little Arliss was so frightened hecouldn’t scream. Suddenly I wasn”t afraid anymore. I was angry.


I reached for Papa’s whip. That made Mama evenmore frightened.“Oh,no ,Tra vis ,”She cried.

“Don’t go out the re !”


“The y’re going to sma s h down the h ous e ,Ma -ma ,”I said.


“But the y might kill you ,”Mama said. “可是它们会把你给弄死的,”


I turned and went towards the door. It looked tome as if they might kill us all if they broke throughthe cabin walls.

我 转身向门口走去。在我看来,如果它们把木屋的墙壁给捅穿了,那我们所有的人都会给弄死的。

Mama came running to grab me by the arm.

“Ca ll the dog !”She said.“P ut th e dog a fte r them!”


That was a good idea. Why hadn’t I thought of


it myself? The old yellow dog could make some returnfor all the trouble he’d been about the place.

想到这一点呢? 这只老黄狗也可以为它在这里所制造的种种麻烦来一个将功补过。

I ran through the dog run to the back of thehouse,calling“He re ,Ye lle r !He re ,Ye lle r!Ge t’emboy!Afte r”em!”



Old Yeller was there all right.But he didn”tcome,and he wasn’t after”em. He took one lookat me running towards him with that whip in myhand and he was sure I’d come to kill him. He putdown his tail,and ran yelling for the woods.


If there had been any way I could have doneit,that’s when I would have killed him.


But there wasn’t time to wait for a fool dog. Ihad to do something about those bulls. I had to stopthem breaking the place up. Papa had left me tolook after things while he was gone. I ran up to thebulls and went to work on them with the whip. But Icouldn”t stop them. They were too mad. I yelledand whipped them. Still they went right on withtheir fight.



I think nothing would have stopped them if ithadn’t been for a funny thing. There was a big cartstanding in front of the cabin just where the groundwent down towards the spring and the creek. Papaused it for carrying wood and hay.


It had just come to me that I should get my gunand shoot the bulls when Blacky got that long hornof his under Reddy’s belly. He got Reddy’s feetclean off the ground and rolled him in the air. Nextminute Reddy was on his back in the cart with allfour feet sticking up. The cart began rolling,and awayit went down the hill,carrying Reddy with it.


Blacky was the silliest looking bull you eversaw. He had his tail up and his head high. Hecouldn’t for the life of him think what he’d donewith the red bull.


The cart went wobbling and bumping on all theway to the spring. There it hit a big rock and turnedover. Reddy fell right into the spring. There was watereverywhere. By now all the fight was taken outof Reddy. He made off for the woods,running withhis tail down.



Blacky saw Reddy then. He went after him. Butwhen he got to the cart he stopped. The cart was onits side and the top wheel was still going round andround. Blacky had never seen anything like that. Helooked for a long time at the wheel. He lifted hisnose up to smell it. Then he reached out a longtongue.



How that black bull yelled!He ran off rollinghis tongue and yelling,and with his tail down just


as far as the red bull’s.


It made you laugh the way both those bulls hadbeen frightened to death,and each one thinkinghe’d lost the fight.


But all the same they had made a bad mess ofthe fence.
