Two days later,I wanted Old Yeller to go stillmore. That was when the two bulls met at our cabinand had their big fight.
We first heard the bulls while we were eatingour dinner of combread,roast meat,and watercressfrom below the spring. One bull came from the highrocks behind the cabin. We could hear his angrybellowing as he came down the hill.
“Tha t old bull’s re a dy to fight,”I told Mamaand Little Arliss.“He”s te lling a ll the oth e r bullshow big a nd fie rce he is .”
Almost before I’d finished talking we heardthe second bull. His bellowing was just as loud. Hewas telling the first bull that he was the biggest andfiercest of all the bulls.
We sat and ate and listened to them. We couldtell by the noise that they were getting nearer eachother and angrier every minute.
我 们坐在那儿,边吃边听。从它们发出的声音,我们可以听得出来它们彼此越挨越近,火气也越来越大了。
I always liked to see a fight between bulls orbears or wild hogs or almost any wild animals. Andnow I jumped up from the table and went to thedoor and stood listening. If the bulls met and starteda fight I was going to see it .
Years ago,Papa had cut all the trees fromround the cabin,and there were only two oaks leftto keep out the sun. That was so he could get agood shot at any Comanche or Apache coming toscalp us. Now I saw the first bull,right where Papahad once shot a Comanche off his horse. He was abig black bull,with one horn up and the otherdown. He was hitting the ground with his feet andbellowing all the time.
他这样做的目的是为了能准确地射击前来剥我们头皮的科曼契或阿巴契人( Comanche 或Apache) 。现在我看到了第一头公牛,它就在爸爸有一回曾经开枪把一个科曼契人从马上打落下来的那块地方。这是一头黑色的大公牛,一只牛角往上翘,另一只则往下弯。它的蹄子在地上又蹬又踢,吼叫个不停。
The other bull was bellowing too,and comingcloser.
“Th e y’re going to fight h e re whe re we ca n a lls e e ,”I called to Mama and Little Ariss.
There was a fence round our cabin. I ran outand sat on the top rail. Mama and Little Arlisscame and sat beside me.
Then,from the other side,came the second
bull. He was red. He wasn”t so big,but both hishorns went up. He wanted to fight just as much asthe first bull.
At about that time,from somewhere behind thecabin,came Old Yeller. He was making almost asmuch noise as the bulls. He’d come out to getthem away from the cabin.
I shouted at him.“Ge t ba c k the re ,”shouted.
“We wa nt to s e e the fight.”
That stopped him. But he wasn’t happy and hewent on barking. So I jumped down and picked upa stone. I didn’t even have to throw it. He ran offround the side of the Cabin,yelling as if I’d murderedhim.
That started Little Arliss screaming at me. Hetried to get down so that he could pick up a stone.
But Mama held him.“Quie t,now,Arlis s ,”shesaid,“Tra vis isn”t going to hurt your dog. He jus tdoe s n’t wa nt him to frighte n off the bulls .”
Little Arliss was quiet in the end,and I got onthe fence again. I told Mama that I backed Blacky.
She said she backed Reddy because he had twofighting horns. We sat there and watched the bullsget ready to fight. We talked and we laughed,and小阿里斯总算平静下来了。我重新坐到围栏上去。我对妈妈说我支持黑牛。她说她支持红牛,因为它有一对好斗的牛角。我们坐在那儿,看着两头牛准备拼杀。我们谈never once did we think we were in any danger.
All at once Blacky charged. And Reddy chargedto meet him. I let out a yell. The two bulls met headon,with a loud banging of horns. I could feel the bangup there on the fence. Reddy went down. I let out antheryell,thinking Blacky was winning.
A second later,though,Reddy was back on hisfeet and charging. He went at Blacky fast and hard.
And then there they were,both of them,comingstraight for our fence.
“Look out!”Mama shouted,and jumped downwith Little Arliss.
But I was watching the fight too hard to see thedanger in time. I was still sitting on the fence whenthe bulls crashed through it,and down I came,withthe fence,almost under their feet .