Days went by,and somehow I couldn’t get overit. I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t cry. Iwas all empty inside,and hurting. Hurting more thanI’d ever hurt in my life before. There didn’t seemto be anything that could make me better. I wasthinking every minute of my big yellow dog,and howwe’d worked together and played together,how he’
d fought off the she - bear from Little Arliss,howhe’d saved me from the killer hogs,and how he’dfought off the mad wolf from Mama and Lisbeth. Andthinking how,after all this,I’d had to shoot him justlike the red bull and our cow,Spot.
Mama tried to talk to me about it,and I let her.
But although everything she said made good sense,itdidn’t do a thing to that dead feeling I had.
妈 妈就这件事想方设法开导我,我让她讲。虽然她讲的话句句在理,可对我那麻木的感情却丝毫不起作用。
Lisbeth talked to me. She was too shy to saymuch,but she told me again there was the otherdog,the spotted pup.
“He”s pa rt Old Ye lle r,”she said.“And he wa sthe be s t one of the bu nch.”
But that didn”t help either. The spotted pupmight be part Old Yeller,but he wasn”t Old Yeller.
He hadn”t saved all our lives and then beenshot down as if he was nothing.
Then one evening the clouds came and itrained all night. That seemed to wash away the rabiessickness. Anyway,soon afterwards,it died rightaway.
But we didn”t know that at the time. Whatseemed to us important about the rain was that nextmorning Papa came riding home through the mud.
The long ride to Kansas and back had made Papathin and knotty as a fence rail. But he had moneyin his pockets,a big shouting laugh for everybody,and a saddle horse for me.
The horse was a sort of grey with a black maneand tail. Papa put me on him at once,and made megallop him near the house. He had all the fire agrown man could want in his best horse,and yet hewas as gentle as a pet.
“Now,is n’t he gre a t?”Papa asked.
I said“Ye s s ir!”and knew that Papa was rightand that I ought to be pleased and thankful. But Iwasn’t. I didn”t care one way or the other aboutthe horse.
Papa saw something was wrong. I saw him lookat Mama,and Mama shake her head. Then late thatevening,just before supper,he called me down tothe spring,where we sat and he talked.
“Your mama told me a bout the dog ,”he said.
“Ye s s ir,”I said,and nothing more.
“Tha t wa s rough ,”he said.“Tha t wa s a s rougha s a nything I e ve r he a rd o f ha ppe ning to a boy. AndI’m ve ry proud of the wa y my boy s tood up to it. Youc ouldn’t a sk a ny more of a g rown ma n.”
He stopped for a minute. He picked up somelittle stones and threw them into the water.
“Now the thing to d o,”he went on,“is to try toforge t it a n d go on be ing a ma n.”