

“How? ”I asked.“How c a n you forge t a thing

“这怎么做得到呢? ”我反问

like tha t?”


He looked at me for a moment ,then shook his head.

他 朝我看了一会儿,然后摇摇头。

“I s uppos e I don”t me a n quite th a t,”he said.

“It’s not a thing you c a n forge t. It’s no t a thing youre a lly ou ght to forge t. Wha t I me a n is.things like tha tha pp e n. The y ma y s e em ve ry wrong a nd un fa ir,buttha t’s how life is p a rt of the time.


“But tha t isn”t the only wa y life is.Pa rt of thetime it’s ve ry good. And a ma n ca n”t s poil a ll thegood pa rt by worrying a ll the time a bout the ba d pa rt.

Tha t ma ke s it a ll ba d....D’you s e e wha t I me a n?”


“Ye s s ir,”I said. And I did. Only it still didn’tdo me any good. I still felt just as dead and empty.


That went on for a week or more,I shouldthink,before something happened which broughtme back to life.


It was at dinner - time. Papa had sent me outto feed Jumper and the horses. I”d just startedback when I heard a lot of noise in the cabin. Iheard Mama’s voice lifted high and sharp.“Wh y,you thie ving pup !”she cried out. Then I heard aloud yelp,and out of the kitchen door came the


spotted pup with a big lump of combread in hismouth. He raced round the house,running with histail tight down. He was yelling blue murder,but itdidn’t stop him hanging on to that piece of cornbreadhe’d stolen from Mama.


Inside the cabin. I heard Little Arliss. He wasfighting and screaming his head off at Mama for hittinghis dog. And on top of it all,I could hear Papashouting with laughter.

从 屋里传来了小阿里斯的声音。他踢打着,声嘶力竭地尖叫着,因为妈妈打了他的狗。除此之外,我还听到爸爸边笑边喊的声音。

At that moment,I began to feel better. Seeingthat little old pup,racing off for the bushes with hiscombread seemed to loosen something inside me.


I felt better all day. I went back and rode myhorse and enjoyed it. I rode a long way into thewoods,not going anywhere special,just riding andlooking and beginning to get the feel of having a realhorse of my own.


Then,at sundown,I was coming back to thecabin along Birdsong Creek. At the spring I heardsplashing and shouting. I looked ahead,and sure enoughit was Little Arliss. There he was,with noclothes on,Playing in our drinking water again. Andin the water with. him was that bread - stealingspotted pup.


I started to bellow,“Arlis s !Ge t tha t na s ty oldpup out of our drinking - wa te r.”


Then I didn”t. I just started to laugh. I satthere and laughed till I cried. And all the time Iknew I should be thrashing them both black andblue for messing up our drinking water.


When at last I couldn”t laugh and cry anymore,I rode on and turned my horse into the field.

Tomorrow,I thought,I’ll take Arliss and that pupout for a squirrel hunt. The pup was still very tiny,but it seemed to me he was big enough to start doingall the things Old Yeller used to do.
