



I couldn”t really see where I was aiming inthat half - light. I just had to guess,and hope for a


hit.I squeezed the trigger. The gun banged backagainst my shoulder. There was such a long flash offire from the gun that it blinded me for a second. Icouldn’t see a thing.


Then I heard that all the growling and bitinghad stopped. I ran fast towards the two still greyshapes lying side by side.


For a second,I was sure that I’d killed OldYeller,too. Then,just as I bent over him he gave abig sort of sigh and climbed up to start licking myhands and wagging his little tail.


As all the worry went out of me I had to sitdown on the ground,shaking. Mama came and satbeside me. She put one arm across my shouldersand held it there while she told me what had happened.


It had taken her and Lisbeth till dark to get thewood and start the fire. Then they’d got on oldJumper and started for home. All this time they’dbeen without water and they were thirsty. Whenthey came to the crossing on Birdsong Creek,they’

d got down to drink. And while they were lyingdown drinking,the wolf came.


He was right on them before they knew it. Mamahappened to look up and see him as he charged


towards them. Mama just had time to get to her feetand grab a big stick before he sprang. She hit himhard across the head and knocked him to theground. Then Old Yeller was there,laying into him.



Mama and Lisbeth got on Jumper and went asfast as they could back to the cabin. Right afterthem came the wolf,as if he could only think ofcatching them,and nothing else. But Old Yellerfought him too hard and too fast. Yeller wasn’t bigor well enough to stop him,but he slowed him downand fought him away from Jumper and Mama andLisbeth.

妈 妈和丽丝贝跨上“跳高能手”,尽快地逃回木屋。那只狼紧紧地跟在她们后面,似乎一心一意要捉住她们。但是,阿黄向它发起了迅猛的攻击。阿黄长得不够高大,身体又没有完全恢复,所以并不能挡住这只狼,可是它却减慢了狼的速度,使它不能靠近“跳高能手”、妈妈和丽丝贝。

“He mus t h a ve be e n ma d ,son ,”Mama finished.“No ordina ry wolf would ha ve done tha t. Note ve n a big gre y wolf.”



“Ye s sum,”I said,“a nd it’s a good thing tha tOld Ye lle r wa s with you to ke e p him off. ”I didn”tlike to think what would have happened withoutOld Yeller.

“是的,妈妈,”我说道,“幸好阿黄和你们在一起,使它不能靠近你们。”我真不愿意去想: 如果没有阿黄,会出什么事。

Mama waited a little bit,then said in a quietvoice:“It wa s a good thing for us ,s on,but it wa sn”tgood for Old Ye lle r.”


The way she said that gave me a cold feeling atthe bottom of my stomach. I sat up straighter.

“Wha t do you me a n ?”I said.“Old Ye lle r’s a ll right.

He ma y be a bit chewe d up,but he ca n”t be ba dly

她说这话时的神态使我从心底里感到一阵寒栗。我直挺挺地坐着。“你这话什么意思? ”我问道,“阿黄没有什么。它可能被咬了一

hurt. Look,he”s off towa rds the c a bin.”


Then it hit me. I saw what Mama was gettingat. I couldn’t seem to get my breath.

然 后,我恍然大悟。我明白了妈妈的意思。我好象连气都透不过来了。

I jumped to my feet,wild with fright.“But Ma -ma !”I cried out.“Old Ye lle r’s jus t s a ve d your life !

He”s s a ve d my life !He”s s a ve d Little Arlis s”s life !

We ca n”t-”



Mama got up and put her arm across my shoulderagain.“I kn ow,son ,”she said.“But he”s be e nbitte n by a ma d wolf.”

妈 妈站起来又搂住了我的肩膀。“我知道,孩子,”她说。“但是,它被那只疯狼咬了。”

I started off into the blackness of the nightwhile my mind went round and round this way andthat,like a rat trying to find its way out of a trap.


“But,Mama ,”I said.“We do n’t know for sure .

We could wa it a nd s e e.We could tie him up or shuthim up till we know for sure !”


Mama broke down then. She put her head onmy shoulder and held me tight while she cried.


“We c a n”t ta ke a cha nc e ,s on,”she said.“Itwould be you or me or Little Arlis s or Lisbe th ne xt. I’lls hoot him if you ca n”t,but we”ve jus t got to do it. Wec a n’t ta ke th e Cha nce !”


I knew then that Mama was right. We couldn’ttake the chance. And from what I’d heard therewas every chance that Old Yeller would get thesickness It was going to kill something inside me todo it ,but I knew then that I had to shoot my bigyellow dog.


Once I knew for sure I had to do it,I don”tthink I really felt anything. I was like a dead manwalking.


Quickly,I left Mama and went to stand in thelight of the burning bear grass. I got my gun readyand called Old Yeller back from the cabin. I putthe nose of the gun against his head and pulled thetrigger.
