We couldn”t leave the dead bull to lie thereso close to the cabin. In a few days the smell woulddrive us out.Also,the body lay too close to thespring. Mama was afraid of what it might do to ourdrinking - water.
“We”ll ha ve to burn it,”she said.
“Burn it? ”I said in surprise.“Why c a n’t we jus tle a ve it for the buzz a rds a nd othe r a nima ls to cle a nup ?”
“烧掉它? ”我惊奇地问道。
“Be ca us e the n the s ickne s s might ge t a ll ove rthe pla c e ,”Mama said.“lf the a nima ls e a t it,the ymight ge t the s ickne s s ,too .”
It was going to mean a terrible lot of woodgathering. We’d lived there long enough to use upall the dead wood close to the cabin. So Mama andLisbeth had to go far into the woods for it.I got apiece of rawhide string and patched up the chain,and Mama and Lisbeth used Jumper to drag up big
dead logs. I helped them pile the logs on top of thebull. We piled them up until the bull’s body wascovered. Then we set fire to them.
Soon the file was roaring. The flames shot highinto the air. The heat and the smell of burnt hairand hide drove us back.
熊 熊的烈火很快就燃烧了起来。火苗直窜空中。火焰的热浪、烧焦的皮毛所发出的味道使我们向后退去。
It was the biggest fire I’d ever seen. I thoughtthere was enough fire there to burn three bulls. Butwhen it began to die down two hours afterwards,thebull still wasn”t half burnt up. Mama and Lisbethwent on dragging wood.
It took two days and nights to burn up thatbull. We worked all day long each day,with Mamaand Lisbeth dragging up the wood while I fed thewood on to the fire. Then at night we couldn’t reallysleep. The smell of roasting meat had broughtwolves,and they were fighting and howling allnight.They didn’t get any of it,they were too afraidof the hot fire,but all night long,on bothnights,Old Yeller kept going,weak as he was,betweenthe fire and the cabin. He barked savagely,telling the wolves to keep away.
花 了两天两夜才把这头牛烧掉。我们每天都从早到晚地干活,妈妈和丽丝贝拖木头,我把木头往火里丢。到了晚上我们也不能真正地安睡。烤肉的香味引来了狼群,它们整夜在那儿争斗着,嚎叫着。
Both nights,I lay there watching the eyes ofthe watching wolves. They were like coals in thefirelight. And I lould still hear the weak bellow ofold Spot as she went in her circle. As I lay there,I
had pictures of Bud Searcy’s uncle in my mind.
I did wish Papa would come home. 我真希望爸爸能回来啊!
As soon as the job of burning the bull was finished,Mama told us we would have to do the samefor Spot. That was all Mama said about it. but Icould tell from the look in her eyes how sad shewas. She’d had great hopes of Spot making us a realmilk - cow,but they were all gone now.
Mama looked tired,and I knew she was thinkingwhat I was thinking- that if rabies had sickenedone of our cows it might get them all.
“I’ll do the sho oting,”I told her.“But I’m goingto follow h e r s ome wa y from the c a bin be fore I doit. Th e n it’ll be clo s e r to some wood.”
“How a bout your le g ?”Mama asked.
“The le g’s doing fine ,”I told her.“I think it’lldo it s ome good to be wa lke d on.”
“We ll,try to do it on some b a re g roun d,”Mamasaid.“It’s s o dry now,we sha ll be in da nge r o f s e ttingthe woods on fire if the re”s much gra s s a bout.”
I waited till Spot circled past the cabin again,then took my gun and followed her.
By now,Spot was so sick and thin I didn’t likelooking at her. She was just skin and bones. Shewas so weak that she kept nearly falling as shewalked. I kept waiting for her to cross a bare patchof ground where it would be safe to build a fire.