She was about a mile from the cabin when Isaw that she was going to cross a dry river bed,likethe one where Yeller and I got mixed up with thehogs. That would be a good place. it was rather farfor us to come to burn her,but there was plenty ofdry wood about. If I could shoot her out there in thesand,there’d be no danger of our fire running awayfrom us.
在 离开木屋大约一里路的地方,我看到它就要跨过一条干涸的河床了,一条象我和阿黄曾经在那里与猪群搏斗的河床。这倒是一块好地方。我们去到那儿去烧它是远了一点,但是周围有足够的干柴。
I hurried and got ahead of her. I hid behind abush on the far side of the river - bed. But she wasso sick and blind,I think I could have stood out inthe open and she wouldn’t have seen me. I waitedtill she came wobbling across the sand and thenfired,dropping her in the middle of it.
I’d got myself more tired than I knew,followingSpot so far from the cabin. By the time I gotback I was dead beat.
Mama took one look at me and told me to go tobed.“We”ll go a nd s ta rt the burning ,”she said.“Ifyou s ta y on tha t le g a ny longe r,it’ll ge t ba d a ga in .”
I didn’t say anything. I knew I was too weakand tired to walk that far again without rest.So Itold Mama where to find Spot and told her to leaveLittle Arliss with me. I watched her and Lisbeth setout,both riding on Jumper. Mama was carrying abucket full of coals to start the fire with.
At the last minute,Yeller got up from his cowhide.
He stood watching them for a minute,as iftrying to make up his mind. Then he went off afterthem. He was still thin and rough looking andhopping a bit on one leg. But he ought to know betterthan I did how well he was. So I didn’t call himback.
As it turned out. it’s a good thing I didn’t. Only,afterwards,I wished a hundred times there hadbeen some way I could have seen ahead. If I’d knownwhat was going to happen,I would have done everythingI could to stop them all from going.
I didn’t mean to drop off to sleep,not with LittleArliss to look after. But I did and I slept tillsundown,when I woke and felt very bad about leavinghim alone for so long.
But Little Arliss was all right,playing outsidethe cabin with the spotted pup. They were having agreat game. Arliss was racing round the cabin,
dragging a short piece of rope. The pup was chasingthe rope. Now and then he’d get close enough tojump on it. Then he’d growl,put his teeth in it,and try to shake it and hang on at the same time.
Usually,he got pulled off his feet,but that didn’tseem to bother him. Next time Arliss came racingpast,the pup would jump on the rope again.
小段绳子,绕着木屋奔跑,小狗在后面追逐着那段绳子。不时地,它可以追上那段绳子,近得完全可以跳上去。然后它就嗥叫起来,用牙去咬绳子。它一面抖动着绳子: 一面又紧紧地抓住它。它一般总是被拖离地面,但是它对此似乎并不在乎,小阿里斯下一次跑过它时,它又会跳到绳子上去了。
I wondered what was keeping Mama and Lisbethso long. Then I thought how far it was to wherethe dead cow lay,and how long it would take thetwo of them to drag enough wood and start the fire.
They’d be lucky if they got back before dark.
I went down to the spring for a bucket of freshwater and wondered when Papa would come back.
Mama had said two days ago that it would be aboutnow,and I hoped so. For one thing,I couldn’t waitto see what sort of horse Papa was going to bringme. But mostly it was because this rabies had gotme frightened. I’d handled things pretty well untilthat came along. I’d been badly cut by a hog,butthat could have happened to anybody,even a grownman. And I was nearly well from that. But if thesickness got more of our cattle,I wouldn”t knowwhat to do.