All day and all night,Spot went on in the sameway: she walked and she bellowed. She walked in awide circle that brought her quite close to the cabinabout two times a day and then took her so far into
the hills that we could only just hear her. Shewalked with her head down. Her walking got slowerand her bellowing weaker as she got weaker. Butshe never stopped.
When the bull came,he was worse,and a lotmore dangerous. He came two or three days later. Iwas sitting out in the dog run at the time. I’d gotout to a chair beside Old Yeller,where I could sitand scratch him under his chewed - off ear. That’swhere he liked to be scratched most. Mama was inthe kitchen cooking dinner. Lisbeth and Little Arlisshad gone off to the creek below the spring toplay with the pup and to fish. I could see them runningand laughing along the bank.
Then I heard this heavy sound and turned towatch a bull come out of the bushes. He was thered bull,the one that got lifted into the cart the dayof the fight. But he didn’t walk like any bull I’dever seen before. He walked with his head hanginglow and wobbling. He fell about as if he couldn’tsee where he was going. He walked head on into atree,just as if the tree wasn’t there,and fell to hisknees when he hit it.He rolled to his feet and cameon,grunting as he made his way towards thespring.
That was when,for the first time since we’d
brought him home,Old Yeller got up from his cowhide bed. He’d been lying beside me,taking nonotice of the sight or the sound of the bull. I thinkthe wind must have changed and brought him thesmell of the bull. It seemed to tell him for sure whatI was still only beginning to wonder.
He got up with a fierce growl. He moved towardsthe bull,so weak that he could only juststand. His lips were lifted and his teeth werebared. His hair stood up angrily along the back ofhis neck and shoulders.
Watching him,I had a prickly feeling at theback of my own neck. I’d seen him like that before,but only when there was the greatest danger.
Never while just facing a bull.
I knew,then,that Mama and I had been foolingourselves. Up till now,we hadn”t wanted to facethe facts. We’d kept hoping that Spot would getbetter from whatever was wrong with her. Mama andLisbeth had saved Spot’s calf by letting it suck anothercow.
Now I knew that Spot wouldn”t get well,andthis bull wouldn’t either. I knew they were bothdeadly sick with rabies. Old Yeller had smelled现在我知道阿花不会好了,这头公牛也不会好了。我知道它们都患了狂犬病,而且都已病入膏肓。
that sickness in this bull and somehow he knewhow dangerous it was.
I thought of Lisbeth and Little Arliss down atthe spring. I got out of my chair,calling for Mamaas I did so.“Mama !”I said.“Bring me my gun,Ma -ma !”
Mama came hurrying to the door.“Wha t is it,Tra vis ?”she wanted to know.
“Tha t bull!”Isaid.“He”s ma d with rabie s a nd he”
s going s tra ight towa rds Lisbe th a nd Little Arlis s .”
Mama took one look and said,“Oh,my Lord!”
in a very low voice. She didn’t wait to get me mygun or anything else. She just tore off to the creek,shouting to Lisbeth and Little Arliss to run,toclimb a tree,to do anything to get away from thebull.
I called after her,telling her to wait,to give mea chance to shoot the bull. I don’t think she everheard me. The bull tried to turn on her,tripped,andwent to his knees. Then he was back on his feet againas Mama went flying past. He went straight forher. He’d have got her,too,if the sickness hadn’tmade his legs too wobbly. This time,when he fell,his nose went into the ground,and he just lay
there,too weak to try to get up again. 儿;它已经虚弱得爬不起来了。
By this time,Old Yeller was there,barking atthe bull. He was keeping out of the bull’s reach,but ready to eat him alive if he ever came to hisfeet again.
I didn’t wait to see any more. I went and gotmy gun. I walked slowly down to where I couldn’tmiss and shot the red bull between the eyes.