For the next two weeks,Old Yeller and I had arough time of it.I lay on the bed inside the cabinand Yeller lay on the cowhide in the dog run,andwe both hurt so much that we were turning andwhimpering all the time. Sometimes I hurt so muchthat I didn’t quite know what was happening. I’dhear grunts and whimpers and I wouldn’t know ifthey were mine or Yeller’s. My leg had come upvery big and I had a wild hot fever. Mama was alwayshaving to carry fresh cold water from thespring,which she used to bathe me all over tryingto get my fever down.
When she wasn”t carrying water,she was outdigging prickly - pear roots which she smashed uptill they were soft and then put on my leg.
We had lots of prickly pear growing near thecabin,but they were the big tall ones and theirroots were no good. She had to go quite a long way
to find the ones she wanted. The ones without muchtop but with lots of roots,shaped sort of like sweetpotatoes.
When Mama wasn”t waiting on me,she wastaking care of Old Yeller. She waited on him just asshe did on me. She was getting up at all hours ofthe night to look after our cuts,bathe us in cold water,and feed us when she could get us to eat. Ontop of all that ,there were the cows to milk,LittleArliss to see to,clothes to wash,wood to cut,andold Jumper.
We were going through a spell of no rain,justas Bud Searcy had said we would. The green grassall dried up till Jumper wouldn’t eat it any more.
He took to jumping the field fence and eating thecorn that I’d never got round to gathering.
我们正在经历一场干旱,就象巴德· 塞西曾经对我们说过的那样,绿草干枯得连“跳高能手”也不愿吃了。它跳过围墙去吃那些我怎么也没能来得及收割下来的玉米。
Mama couldn”t let that go on. That was ourbread corn. Without it ,we’d have no bread for thewinter. But it looked for a time as if there wasn’tany way to save it.Mama would go to the field andchase Jumper out. Then,almost before she”dturned her back,he’d jump in and start eating thecorn again.
Mama stopped Jumper in the end. She tied adrag to him. She got a rope and tied one end of it tohis right forefoot. She tied a heavy lump of wood to
妈 妈终于把“跳高能手”给制住了。她给它系上一块拖曳。妈妈拿了一根绳子,将绳子的一头系在
the other end of the rope. By pulling hard,Jumpercould move his drag along enough to get grass andwater. But whenever he tried to jump,his drag heldhim down.
The drag on Jumper’s foot saved the corn. butit gave Mama a lot of work. He was always gettingthe wood caught behind a bush or a rock. so that hecouldn’t get away. Then he’d get himself reallyfrightened. He’d fight the rope and end up fallingdown. If Mama didn’t hear him at once,he’d startbraying and go on braying till she went to helphim.
Altogether,Mama had her hands full,and LittleArliss was no help. When he wasn’t bothering her,he was bothering me. Over and over again he’dcome in to stare at me and say,“Wha tc ha doin′inbe d ,Tra vis ? Why doncha ge t up ? Wh y donc ha ge tup a nd c ome a nd pla y with me ?”
“你在床上干啥啊,特拉维斯? 你干嘛不起床? 干嘛不起来跟我玩?”
He nearly drove me mad,till the day BudSearcy and Lisbeth came,bringing the pup.
I didn’t know about the pup at first. ”I didn’teven know that Lisbeth had come. I heard BudSearcy talking to Mama when they rode up,but myleg was hurting too much. I couldn’t even roll overand look out of the door. I remember just lying
there and being mad at Searcy for coming. I knewwhat a bother he’d be to Mama. For all his talk aboutlooking after the women and children while themen were gone,I knew he’d never turn a hand toany real work.
In a little while,though,I heard a quiet at thedoor. I looked up. It was Lisbeth. She stood with herhands behind her back,looking at me with her bigeyes.
“You hu rting muc h? ”she asked. “你疼得厉害吧?”她问道。
I was hurting a lot,but I wasn’t going to say soto a girl.“I’m doing a ll right,”I said.
“We didn”t know you”d got hog cut,or we”dha ve c ome s oone r,”she said.
I didn’t know what to say to that,so I didn’tsay anything.
“We ll,a nyhow,”she said,“I’ve brought you as urpris e .”