I was too sick and worn out to care about a surprise;but I knew from her look that I had to say“Wha t?”or hurt her feelings,so I said“Wha t?”
“One of Mis s P ris s y’s pups !”she said.
She brought her hands from behind her back.
In the right one,she held a dog pup which was aboutas big as a year - old possum. It was a dirtywhite with blue spots all over it. She held it by theloose skin at the back of its neck,and it hungthere,half - asleep.
“Born in a ba dge r ho le ,”she said.“Se ve n ofthem. I brought you the be s t one !”
I’d beard that one all my life- that if a pupdidn’t whimper when you held him up by the looseskin,he would be sure to turn out a good one. Ididn’t think much of that. Papa always thought itmore important what colour the inside of a pup’smouth was. If the pup’s mouth was black inside,Papa said that was the one to choose. And that’sthe way I felt about it.
But just then I didn’t care if the pup’s mouthwas pea - green on the inside. All I wanted was formy leg to stop hurting.
I said,“Little Arlis s will like it,”then I knew I’dsaid the wrong thing. I could tell by the look in hereyes that I’d hurt her feelings,after all.
我 说:“小阿里斯会喜欢它的。”但是,我知道我说错了话。从她的眼神里我看得出来,我毕竟还是伤了她的感情。
She didn”t say anything. She just got very stilland quiet and kept looking at me till I couldn’t standit and had to look away. Then she turned and went out
of the cabin and gave the pup to Little Arliss.
It made me mad,her looking at me like that.
What did she think I’d say anyhow? Here I waslaid up with a bad hog cut,hurting so much it wasall I could do to get my breath,and she wanted meto make a big fuss over a little old sad - lookingspotted pup.
那么她以为我会说些什么呢? 严重的戳伤使我卧床不起,痛得我只有喘气的份儿,而她却要我为一只蹩脚的可怜巴巴的小花狗而大事纷扰。
I had a dog. Old Yeller was all cut up,worsethan I was,but he was getting well. Mama had toldme that. So what use did I have for a pup? It wouldbe all right for Little Arliss to play with. Keep himfrom under Mama’s feet. But when Old Yeller andI got well and took to the woods again,we wouldn’
t have time to wait about for a fool pup which wastoo little to follow.
所以我还要一只小狗干什么呢? 给小阿里斯玩玩倒很不错。这可以使他不再去纠缠妈妈。不过,一旦我和阿黄痊愈后要到森林里去的时候,我们可没时间去等候一只傻乎乎的、小得没法跟上我们的小狗的。
I lay in bed feeling angry all day. I was thinkinghow silly it was of Lisbeth to think I shouldwant a pup when I already had a grown dog. I laythere just waiting for a chance to tell her so,too,but she never came back to give me the chance.
She stayed outside and played with Little Arliss andthe pup till her grandpa got round to leaving. ThenI saw her and Little Arliss come past the door,goingtowards where her grandpa was saddling hishorse.She looked in at me,then looked away,and Iknew I wasn’t mad at her any more. I felt sort of
mean. I wished now I could think of the right thingto say about the pup,so that I could call her backand tell her. I didn’t want her to go off home withher feelings still hurt.
But before I could think of anything,I heardher grandpa say to Mama,“Now,Mrs.Coa te s ,you”
re a ll in a ba d wa y h e re with your ma n gone a nd tha tboy la id up.I’ve be e n s itting o ut he re thinking.It’smy job,you know,to s e e tha t e ve rybody’s ta ke n ca reof while the me n a re gone ,a nd wh a t I think is tha t I’llju s t le a ve o ur girl Lisbe th he re to he lp you a ll out.”
Mama said in a surprised voice,“Why,Mr.
S e a rcy,the re”s no ne e d for tha t. It’s ve ry kind ofyou,but we s ha ll be a ll right.”
“No,now,Mrs.Coa te s ,you”ve got a lot to do a llby yo urs e lf,a nd my Lisbe th ,s he”ll be gla d to he lp.”
“But,”Mama said,“s he”s such a little girl,Mr.
S e a rcy. She ma y not e ve r h a ve s ta ye d a night awa yfrom home be fore .”
“S he”s little ,”Bud Searcy said,“bu t s he”sWilling. S he”s like me.Wh e n p e ople a re in tro uble ,s he”ll gla dly do he r bit. You jus t ke e p he r he re now.
You”ll s e e wha t a big he lp s he”ll be .”
Bud Searcy wouldn’t listen to anything moreMama said. He just told Lisbeth to be a good girland help Mama out,just as she was used to helpingat home. Then he got on his horse,and rode off.