top of him. We”re pre te nding tha t he”s s ick,a ndwhe n yo ur dog is s ic k you ha ve to be ve ry ca re fulwith him.”
It was a great game,and Little Arliss fell inwith it. He sat where Mama told him to. He heldOld Yeller’s head in his lap,waiting for the ride tostart.
It didn’t take cong. I’d already but I rope roundJumper’s neck. leaving the loop big so that itwould pull back against his shoulders. Then,oneach side of Jumper,we tied another rope on to theone round his shoulders. and carried the ends ofthem back to the cowhide. I made two cuts with myknife at the edge of the cowhide and then tied arope into each one. We made sure that both ropeswere the same length and that they were long enough.
We didn’t want the cowhide to touch Jumper’sheels. Like most mules,Jumper didn”t likeanything touching his heels.
“Now,Tra vis ,”Mama said,“you ride him,a ndI’ll le a d him.”
“You”d be tte r le t me wa lk,”I said.“Jumpe rma y throw a fit with tha t hide bumping a lon g be hind,a nd you might not be a ble to hold him by yours e lf.”
“还是让我自己走吧,”我说,“‘ 跳高能手’可能因为那张牛皮在后面碰碰撞撞而大发脾气,你一个人可能管不住它。”
“You ride him,”Mama said.“I don”t wa nt youwa lking on tha t le g a ny more.If Jumpe r pla ys up jus tonc e ,I’ll ta ke a c lub to him.”
“你骑上去,”妈妈说:“我再也不许你用那条腿走路了。如果‘ 跳高能手’有一点儿不老实,我就用棍子来对付它。”
We started off,with Little Arliss pleased as anythingwith the fine ride he was getting on a dragginghide. Sure enough,at the first sound of thehide,Jumper jumped. But Mama pulled down onhis rope and I hit him between the ears with a deadstick. With the two of us coming at him like that,Jumper felt it was more than he wanted. He beganto go quietly,but now and then bending his neckround to have a look at what he was dragging. Youcould tell he didn”t like it,but I suppose hethought he’d better put up with it.
Littie Ariissnever had a finer time than he didon that ride home. He enjoyed every long hour ofit. And part of the time I think it wasn’t too roughon Old Yeller. It was quite gentle and even as longas we stayed in the dry riverbed. Even when we leftthe sand and started across the open ground itwasn’t too bad. Mama led Jumper a long,roundaboutway,keeping as much as she could to theplaces where tall grass grew. The grass would benddown under the hide,making a soft cushion overwhich it slipped easily. But this was rough country,
and however hard she tried not to,Mama sometimeshad togo over rocky places. The hide went over therocks,in the same way as over the grass and sand,but it couldn”t do it without bumping the ridersquite a lot.
Little Arliss would laugh when the hidebumped him along over the rocks until his teethrattled.He got as much fun out of that as the rest ofthe ride But the bumping hurt Old Yeller so muchthat sometimes be couldn’t hold in his whimpers.
When Yeller’s whimpers told us how much hewas hurting,we’d have to stop and wait for him torest. At other times,we stopped to give him water.
Once we got water from a little spring in the rocks,and next time it was at Birdsong Creek.
Mama’d bring him water in my hat. He wastoo weak to get up and drink,so Mama would holdthe water right under his nose and I’d lift him upfrom the pillows and hold him so close that hecould reach down and lap the water with histongue.
Going so far,so slowly,and with so manystops,I thought we were never going to get home.
But we were home in the end just about as it gotdark enough for the stars to show.
By then,my hurt leg was very stiff. I couldn’treally feel it. It was like a lump of wood. When Islid down from Jumper’s back,it wouldn”t holdme. I fell to the ground and lay there too tired andhurt to get up.
Mama made a great fuss about how weak andhurt I was,but I didn’t mind. We’d got Old Yellerhome,and he was still alive. There,in the light ofthe stars,I could see him licking Little Arliss’sface.
Little Arliss was sound asleep.