I got my hands away only just in time,andshouted“Ye lle r!”at him. Then he knew I wasn’t abuzzard. The mad light went out of his eyes,and heput his head down quietly,as if,at last ,he’d had aload taken off his mind.
Mama helped me to drag the tree roots away.
Then we reached in and rolled his hurt body overon its back and brought him out into the light.
Mama didn’t bother to look at the bloodcaked
cuts all over his head and shoulders. She startedstraight away to undo the strips of shirt from roundhis body.
Then Little Arliss came pushing past me,askingin a frightened voice what was wrong with OldYeller.
Mama stopped.“Arlis s ,”she said,“do you thinkyou c ould go down the rive r - be d a nd find Ma ma apre tty gre e n liza rd ? I tho ught I s aw one down the reround the firs t be nd .”
妈妈停下手来,说:“阿里斯,你看你能不能到河床那边给妈妈捉一只漂亮的绿蜥蜴来? 记得我在第一道河弯那儿看到过一只。”
Little Arliss was as pleased as I was surprised.
Always before,Mama had just sort of put up withthe lizards he caught. Now she was wanting him tocatch one just for her. A happy smile came over hisface. He turned and ran down the river - bed ashard as he could go.
Mama smiled up at me,and then I knew whatshe was doing. She was just getting Little Arliss outof the way so that he wouldn’t have to look at theterrible sight of Yeller’s torn belly.
She said to me,“Go a nd ge t a long h a ir out ofJ umpe r’s ta il,s on. But s ta n d to one s ide so tha t hedoe s n’t kic k you.”
妈 妈对我说:“孩子,到‘ 跳高能手’的尾巴上去拔一根长长的毛下来。但是要站在它旁边,这样它就踢不到你了。”
I went and stood to one side of Jumper andpulled a long hair out of his tail. Sure enough,hekicked at me,but he missed. I took the hair back to
我 走过去站在“跳高能手”的一边,从它的尾巴上拔下一根长长的毛。不出所料,它果然朝我踢来,
Mama,wondering as much about it as I had aboutthe green lizard. But when Mama pulled a sewingneedle from the front of her dress and pushed thesmall end of the tail hair through it,I knew then.
Mama asked me if any of Yeller’s insides hadbeen cut and I told her I didn’t think so.
“We ll,I won’t bothe r them the n,”she said.“Anyway,if the y a re ,I don”t think the re”s a n ything Ic ould do .”
It was a long,slow job,sewing up Old Yeller’sbelly. It must have hurt an awful lot when Mamapushed and pulled the needle through. But if itdid,Old Yeller didn”t say anything about it. Hejust lay there and licked my hands while I heldhim.
We were wrapping him up in some clean ragsMama had brought with her when back came LittleArliss. He was running as hard as he’d run whenhe left. He was shouting happily at Mama. And inhis right hand he was carrying a green lizard.
How on earth he’d been able to catch anythingwhich ran as fast as those green lizards,I don”tknow. But he had one.
He had a really pleased look on his face whenhe handed Mama the lizard. The look on Mama’s
face as she took it was sort of helpless. She’d neverliked lizard and snakes and beetles and things,andyou could tell it was making her skin crawl to haveto touch that one. But she took it ,and said it waspretty,and thanked Arliss. Then she asked him ifhe’d keep it for her till we got home. Which LittleArliss was glad to do.
“Now,Arlis s ,”she told him,“we”re going topla y a game.We”re going to pre te nd tha t Old Ye lle ris s ick,a nd you’re going to look a fte r him. We”re goingto le t you both ride on a cowhide ,like the India nsdo some time s whe n the y’re s ick.”
“阿里斯,”她对他说,“让我们来做个游戏: 假装阿黄病了,由你来照料它。我们让你和它一起骑坐在那张牛皮上,就象有时候印第安人生病时所做的那样。”
It always pleased Little Arliss to play any sortof game,and this was a new one that he’d neverheard of before. He couldn’t wait to start and keptgetting in the way while we got things ready.
As soon as Mama took the cowhide off Jumper’sback and placed it hair - side down on theground,I began to see what we were going to do.
She put the soft pillows on top of the hide,thenhelped me to lift Old Yeller’s hurt body on to thepillows.
当 妈妈把牛皮从“跳高能手”
“Now,Arlis s ,”Mama said,“you s it the re on thepillows with Old Ye lle r a nd he lp hold him on.But re -membe r now,don”t pla y with him a nd d on’t ge t on