

It looked as if I’d never get back to the placewhere I’d left Old Yeller. To begin with,I’d made forhome too fast and it had been a long way. By the timeI got there I was so hot and tired that I was shaking.

And my hog - cut leg was playing me up badly. Ithadn’t gone stiff like I thought it would. I’d used ittoo much. It was because I’d used it so much that thepart inside was jumping long before I got home even.

And after I got there it wouldn’t stop.



That frightened Mama. I kept trying to tell herhow bad Old Yeller was,and how we’d have tohurry back to him. But she wouldn’t listen to me.


“We”re not going a nywhe re till we”ve cle a ne dup tha t le g,”she told me.“I’ve s e e n hog cuts be -fore.If you le a ve them the y ca n b e a s da nge rous a ss na ke bite.Now,jus t hold s till till I finish ,”she said.


I saw that it wasn”t any use,so I held still


while she got hot water and washed the cut. Butwhen she poured turpentine into it I couldn”t holdstill. I jumped and yelled and screamed. It felt as ifshe’d burnt me with a red - hot iron. It hurt morethan when the hog tore me. I yelled so much withthe pain that Little Arliss broke out crying too. Butwhen at last the pain left my leg,the jumping insidehad stopped.



Mama got some clean white rags and tied upthe place. Then she said,“Now,you lie down on tha tbe d a nd re s t. I d on”t wa nt to s e e you ta ke a nothe rs te p on tha t le g for a we e k.”


I was so shocked I couldn’t say a word. All Icould do was stare at her. Old Yeller was lying faroff there in the hills,about to die if he didn”t gethelp,and Mama was telling me that I couldn”twalk.



I got up from the chair I’d been sitting on. andI said to her,“Mama ,I’m going ba ck for Old Ye lle r.

I told h im I’d c ome ba c k,a nd tha t’s wha t I’m goingto do. ”Then I walked out through the door.



By the time I’d caught Jumper,Mama had herbonnet on. She was ready,and she was coming. Allshe said was,“How’ll we bring him ba c k?”

当 我把“跳高能手”牵出来的时候,妈妈已经戴好了帽子。她已经准备好了,她也要去。她只是说了声:“我们怎么把它弄回来呢?”

“On Jumpe r,”I said.“I’ll ride Jump e r a nd holdOld Ye lle r in my a rms .”

“放‘ 跳高能手’身上,”我答道。


“You c a n”t do tha t,”she said.“He”s too biga nd he a vy. I might lift him up to you,but you c ouldn’thold him in your a rms for so long. You”d be wornout.”


“I’ll hold him,”I said.“If I’m worn out,I’llre s t. The n we”ll go on a ga in .”


Mama stood looking out over the hills for a minutewhile she thought.She was sort of talking toherself:“We ca n”t us e the ca rt. The re a re n”t a nyroa ds a nd the c ountry’s too rough.”


Then she turned to me and smiled.“I knowwha t. Ge t tha t cowhide off the fe nc e.I’ll go a nd ge ts ome pillows .”


“Cowhide ?”“牛皮?”

“Tie it ove r J umpe r”s ba ck,”she said.“I’lls how you whe n we ge t the re .”

“把它缚在‘ 跳高能手’的背上,”她说。“到那儿后,我再弄给你看。”

I didn”t know what she had in mind,but Ididn’t care. All I cared about was that she was goingwith me.

我 不知道她脑子里想的是什么,但我也不去管它。我所关心的只是她要和我一起去。

I got the cowhide and put it across Jumper’sback. He didn’t like the way it slapped him,andhe was quick to throw it off.


“He y,Jumpe r!”Ishouted at him.“Hold s till!”

“喂,‘ 跳高能手’!”我向它喝道,“不准动!”

He held still next time. Mama brought the pillowsand a long piece of rope. She made me tie thecowhide to Jumper’s back with the pillows on top.

Then she lifted Little Arliss up and set him on topof the pillows.


“You ride be hind him,Tra vis ,”she said.“I’llwa lk. ”We could see the buzzards gathering longbefore we got there. We could see them circling,black against the blue sky,and dropping lower andlower with each circle. One buzzard didn”t evenbother to circle. He came straight down in a longdive,his ugly head held out and his wings shut againsthis body. He shot past ,right over our heads,and the whooshing sound he made through the airturned me cold. I was sure it was all over for OldYeller.



Mama was walking in front. She looked back atme. The look in her eyes told me that she wasthinking the same thing. I almost couldn’t go on.


But when we moved down to where the pricklypears were I felt a little better. Because all at oncethere came up from the river - bed a crowd of flappingwings. Something had moved those buzzardsand I thought I could guess what it was.


Another second and I was sure. It was Old


Yeller. His yelling bark sounded thin and weak,butjust hearing it made me want to shout and run andlaugh.He was still alive!He was still able to fightback!


The buzzards were back on the ground by thetime we got there. As soon as they saw us,though,they started trying to get off it again. For birds thatcan sail around in the air all day without seeming tomove their wings,they were pretty slow at gettingstarted. I could have shot a good ten of them beforethey got away if I’d thought of bringing my gunwith me.


There was a sort of mad light shining in OldYeller’s eyes when I looked in at him. And when Istarted to drag the tree roots away he came at mewith teeth bared.

