Without making a sound,he ran up beside her,made his jump,and set his teeth in her nose.
它 悄无声息地跑到“阿花”的身边,纵身一跳,一口咬住了它那只牛鼻子。
I suppose it was the weight of him that did it.
Anyway,he just set his teeth in her nose,madehimself into a tight ball ,and hung on. It made thecow turn head over heels. She landed flat on herback with all four feet sticking up. After taking thatsecond fall ,she didn’t seem to have much fight leftin her. She went quietly back into the bushes to hercalf.
I followed her,with Old Yeller beside me,andwe drove her out and across the hills. Not once didshe turn on us again. She did try to run off two orthree times,but all I had to do was send Old Yellerin to head her off. And the second she caught sightof him,she couldn’t turn fast enough to get headedback the right way.
It was the same when we got her into the cow- pen. Her bag was heavy with milk the calf
couldn’t hold. Mama said we should get the milkout. She came with a bucket and I took it,knowingthere would be a big kicking fight before I couldhope to get any milk.
The kicking fight started. As soon as I touchedSpot’s bag,she reached out with a flying backfoot,meaning to kick my head off and coming closeto doing it. I was on top of the fence as fast as anysquirrel could have been.
Mama was shaking her head.“I wa s h oping Shewouldn”t be like this ,”She said.“I a lwa ys ha te ha vingto tie up a cow to bre a k he r for milking ,but its e ems the re”s no othe r wa y.”
I thought how much trouble it would be havingto tie up Spot by her head and feet twice a day everyday for a month or more. I looked at Old Yellerwho was standing just outside the pen.
“Ye lle r ,”I said,“you come in he re .”
Yeller came jumping through the fence.
Mama said,“Why,s on,you ca n”t te a ch a c owto s ta nd with a dog in the pe n. Spe cia lly a c ow with ayoung ca lf. S he”ll be fighting a t him a ll the time ,thinking he”s a wolf or some thing trying to ge t he rc a lf.”
I laughed.“P e rha ps it won”t work,”I said,“but
I ca n te ll you one thing. Sh e won”t be fighting OldYe lle r!”
She didn’t. She put down her horns and rolledher eyes as I brought Old Yeller up to her.
“Now,Ye lle r,”I said,“you s ta nd he re a ndwa tch he r.”
Old Yeller seemed to know just what I wanted.
He walked right up to where he could almost touchhis nose to hers,and stood there wagging his littletail.And she didn’t go for him or run from him. Allshe did was stand there and sort of shake. I wentand milked her bag,and she didn”t once try tokick me. She just seemed to hold herself very stillwhen I first touched her.
阿 黄似乎知道我究竟想干什么。它一直走到它的鼻子几乎可以碰到牛鼻子的地方,站在那儿摇着它那条短尾巴。那牛既没有朝它走去也没有逃开。它只是站在那儿,有点儿发抖。我走过去挤它的奶,它一次也没有想踢我。当我刚碰到它时,它似乎只是直挺挺地站着。
It was a big surprise to Mama.“We ll,tha t be a tse ve rything ,”she said.“Why,we s ha ll ha ve he r broken to milking in a we e k’s time .”
Mama was right. Three days after we started Icould drive Spot into the pen,go right up to her andmilk her,and all she’d do was stand there andstare at Old Yeller.
By the end of the second week she was standingand smiling and chewing quietly-the gentlestcow I ever milked.
After all that,I’m sure you can see why Inearly died when a man rode up one day and askedus to give him back Old Yeller.