The man’s name was Burn Sanderson. He wasa young man who rode a good horse and was verypolite about taking his hat off to Mama when he gotoff in front of our cabin. He told Mama who hewas. He said he was a newcomer. He said that he’dcome down with some cattle. He’d had two dogs tohelp him with the cattle,but one of the dogs,thebest one,had somehow got lost.He’d heard fromBud Searcy that we had the dog.
那 个人的名字叫伯恩· 桑德生。他是一位骑着一匹好马的年轻人,在我们木屋前跨下马的时候,他彬彬有礼地对妈妈脱帽致意。他对妈妈作了自我介绍。他说他是新来的,并带了一群牛来。他说他有两只狗帮他照看牛群,但其中一只,最好的一只,却不知怎么不见了。他从巴德·塞西那儿听说那只狗在我们这儿。
“A big ye llow dog ?”Mama asked,looking troubled.
“是一只大黄狗吗? ”妈妈问道,神色很不安。
“Ye s s um,”the man said. Then he smiled.“Andthe wors t e gg s te a le r a nd c amp robbe r you e ve r s e te ye s on. Ste a l from right unde r your e ye s he will,butthe re wa s ne ve r a be tte r cow dog .”
Mama turned to me.“S on,c a ll Old Ye lle r,”Shesaid.
I just stood there. I was so scared I couldn’tmove or think.
“Go on ,S on,”Mama said.“I think he a nd LittleArlis s mus t be pla ying down by the cre e k s ome -whe re .”
“But Ma ma !”I cried.“We c a n’t do without OldYe lle r. He”s -”
“Tra vis !”“特拉维斯!”
Mama’s voice was sharp. I knew I was beaten.
I turned and went towards the creek,so angry withBud Searcy that I couldn”t see straight. Whycouldn’t he keep his mouth shut?
妈妈的声音很严厉。我知道再没有商量的余地。我转身向小河走去。我对巴德· 塞西恼火极了,以致有些意气用事。他干吗不闭上他那张嘴呢?
“Come u p to the hous e ,”Itold Little Arliss. “回家去,”我对小阿里斯说。
I think that from the way I said it he knewsomething terrible was happening.
He didn’t put out his tongue or anything. Hejust got out of the water and followed me back tothe cabin.
I suppose Burn Sanderson had begun to seehow much we thought of Old Yeller,or perhaps Mamahad said something about the dog while I was atthe creek. Anyway,he didn’t seem too happy abouttaking the dog off.“Now,Mrs.Coa te s ,”he said toMama,“you a nd the boys a re a ll a lone he re.Ba dlya s I ne e d the dog ,I ca n do without him until your ma nc ome s ba ck.”
But Mama said,“No ,Mr. Sa nd e rs on. He”s you rdog ,a nd the longe r we ke e p him the ha rde r it’ll befor us to g ive him up.Ta ke him. I’ll ta lk to the boys .”
The man tied his rope round Old Yeller’s neckand got on his horse. That’s when Little Arlisscaught on to what was happening. He threw a fit.
He screamed and yelled. He grabbed a lot of stonesand began throwing them at Burn Sanderson. One ofthem hit Sanderson”s horse which dropped hishead and went bucketing round the yard. This wokeup Old Yeller. He chased after the horse,barking atthe top of his voice. And what with Mama runningafter Little Arliss,shouting at him to shut up andstop throwing stones,it was the biggest and loudestfuss we’d had at the cabin for a long time.
那 人把绳子套在阿黄的脖子上,跨上了马。这时候小阿里斯才弄明白发生了什么事。他大发脾气,又叫又嚷。他抓起大把的石块朝桑德生扔去。一块石子击中了桑德生的马,那马低下头,在院子里横冲直撞地跑起来。这下子提醒了阿黄,它追赶着马,敞开嗓子狂吠,妈妈在后面赶小阿里斯,喝令他住口,不许他扔石子。在我们这座木屋里已经很久没有为了一件区区小事而如此地乱作一团了。
When Burn Sanderson had quieted his horse,he shouted at Old Yeller. He told him he’d betterstop that noise before he got thrashed. Then he rodeback towards us with a big smile.
His smile got bigger as he saw how Mama and Iwere holding Little Arliss. We each had him by onearm and were holding him right off the ground. Likethat he couldn’t get at any more stones to throw,but it didn’t stop him dancing up and down in theair and screaming.
“Le t him go ,”Sanderson said with a laugh.
“He”s not go ing to throw a ny more s tone s a t me .”
He jumped down from his saddle. He came andheld Little Arliss gently till he stopped screaming.
Then he said,“Look,boy,do you re a lly wa nt tha tthie ving old do g?”
He held Little Arliss away and looked himstraight in the eyes. Little Arliss looked straightback at him and didn’t say a word.
“We ll,do you ?”he asked.
“喂,要不要啊? ”他问道。
At last Little Arliss said“Ye s ”into his chin,and then looked away.
“All right,”Burn Sanderson said.“I’ll le t youke e p the dog,bu t you”ve got to do s ome thing fo rme ,too.”
“好吧,”伯恩· 桑德生说,“我让你养这条狗,但是你也得为我做件事。”