I did a lot of thinking about what Lisbeth hadtold me about Old Yeller. In the end I told Mama.
“Why,tha t wic ke d dog!”she said.“We”ll ha veto try a nd thin k of s ome wa y to s top him. Eve ryone inthe s e ttleme nt will be a n gry with u s if we don”t.”
“S ome body’ll shoot him,”I said.
“Try tying him,”she said.
So I tried tying him. But we didn”t have anywire in those days,and he could chew through anythingelse even before you’d had time to turn yourback. I tied him with rope and then with thick cowhidestring. It was the same with both. By the timewe’d got into bed,he’d chewed them in two andwas gone.
“Le t’s try the corn bin ,”Mama said on the thirdnight.
That might have worked if it hadn”t been forLittle Arliss.
I took Old Yeller out and put him in the cornbin. But the minute he heard the door shut on himhe started to yell so much that Little Arliss camerunning. Mama and I both tried to tell him why wehad to shut the dog up,but he just wouldn’t listen.
我 把阿黄牵出来,放进箱子。
“We ll,it looks a s if we”re be a te n ,”Mama said.
I thought for a minute and said,“No,Mama ,Ithink the re”s one othe r cha nce.We ca n s hut him upin the s ame room with me a nd Little Arlis s e ve rynight.”
“But he”ll s le e p in the be d with you boys ,”Mamasaid,“a n d the ne xt thing you know you’ll both bes cra tching fle a s .”
“No,I’ll put a c owhide on the floor a nd ma kehim s le e p the re ,”I said.
So Mama said all right,and I put a cowhide onthe floor beside our bed and we shut Old Yeller inand that put a stop to the stealing.
Of course Old Yeller didn’t sleep on the cowhide.
And once,a long time afterwards,I did have afew fleas. But I soon picked them off. And nowwhen we fed Old Yeller cornmeal or fresh meat ,heate it and did well on it and never went to thechicken nests again.
About that time,too,the wild animals started
taking so much of our food that often Old Yellerand I were kept up nearly all night .
It was most often the coons. The corn was growingup tall and big. It would soon be ready for cutting.
The coons would come at night to make a finemeal off that corn. Then sometimes,too,the coyoteswould come and eat our water melons. And now andthen a deer would jump into the field and eat corn,melons,and peas.
糟 蹋庄稼的野兽大多数是浣熊。玉米长得又高又大,很快就可以开镰收割了。浣熊总是晚上来美美地饱餐一顿。有时候小狼也跑来偷吃我们的西瓜。鹿也不时地蹦跳着到地里吃玉米,西瓜和豆类。
So Old Yeller and I took to sleeping in the cornpatch every night. We slept on the cowhide thatYeller would never sleep on in the cabin. That is,we slept on the cowhide when we got to sleep. Mostof the night we’d be up fighting the coons. We hadthe cowhide in the middle of the patch,where Yellercould smell out a coon all the way to the fenceon every side. We’d lie there on the cowhide andlook up at the stars and listen to the warm night airbrushing the corn. Sometimes I’d wonder what thestars were and what kept them hanging up there sohigh and if Papa all the way off in Kansas could seethe same stars I could see.
因此,我和阿黄每天晚上都睡在玉米地里。我们睡在那张在家里阿黄从来也不肯睡的牛皮上。也就是说,我们能偷空歇睡一会儿的时候,就睡在那张牛皮上。晚上大部分时间我们都得起来打浣熊。我们把牛皮铺在玉米地中央,四周篱笆以内有浣熊出现的话,阿黄都能嗅得到。我们躺在牛皮上,仰望着星星,倾听着温暖的夜风吹拂玉米叶所发出的沙沙声。有时我感到奇怪: 星星究竟是什么? 是什么东西把它们高高地悬挂在天空? 远在堪萨斯的爸爸能不能看到我所看到的这些星星?
I badly wanted to see Papa. With the help ofOld Yeller I was taking care of things all right,butI couldn’t think of anything I’d like more than for
Papa to come home.
Then,just as I was going off to sleep,I’d hearOld Yeller get on his feet and go padding offthrough the corn. A minute later his yelling barkwould come from some part of the patch and I’dhear the fighting scream of some coon caught stealingcorn. Then I’d jump to my feet and go runningthrough the corn and shout to Old Yeller.
“Ge t him,Ye lle r,”I’d shout.“Te a r him up !”
And that’s what Old Yeller would be trying todo. But a coon isn’t an easy thing to tear up. Forone thing he’ll fight you from sun down till sun -up. He’s not really big,but the longer you fighthim,the bigger he seems to get. He fights you withall four feet and every tooth in his head.
On top of that he’s fighting inside a thickhide that fills a dog’s mouth like a loose sack. Thedog has a hard time ever really biting him. It waseasy for me to go running through the dark cornfields,yelling at Old Yeller to tear up a thievingcoon,but it wasn”t easy for Old Yeller to do it.
He’d be yelling and the coon would be screamingand they’d go rolling and thrashing through thecorn,breaking a lot off and making so much noise itsounded like murder. But usually when the fight
was over the coon went one way and Old Yeller theother,both well pleased with themselves.
Working there,night after night,keeping theanimals from our bread corn,I came to see what Iwould have been up against if I’d had to do itwithout the help of Old Yeller. By myself,I’d havebeen run off my legs,and still wouldn’t have savedthe corn. And what a lot of fun I’d have missed ifI’d been alone,and how lonely I would have been.
Papa was right when he”d told me how badly Ineeded a dog.
一夜又一夜地在田地看守着,防止野兽夺走我们的口粮,这使我逐渐明白: 如果没有阿发相助,我将会面临什么。如果我孤身奋战,即使把腿跑断,也还是保不住这些玉米。再说,如果我孤零零地一个人呆在那儿,我会失去多少乐趣,会感到多么孤独寂寞啊!爸爸是对的,他对我说过,我是多么需要一只狗啊!