He talked till dinner - time,said not a word allthrough dinner,and then went on talking as soon ashe’d got down the last mouthful.
He told us how some strange animal thatwasn’t a coyote,a possum,or a coon had startedrobbing the settlement.Or perhaps,even,it wassomebody. Nobody knew. All they knew was theywere losing meat they’d hung up,eggs from thenests,and sometimes even combread the womenhad put out to cool.
While Bud Searcy was talking I began to havean uneasy feeling. The feeling didn’t get any betterwhen Lisbeth asked me to come down to the springwith her.
巴 德· 塞西在讲这些事的时候,我产生了一种不安的感觉。当丽丝贝邀我到山泉那儿去的时候,这种惶惶然的感觉依然存在。
We had walked right down to the spring withOld Yeller and the long - haired dog following,beforeLisbeth looked up at me and said,“It’s him.”
“Wha t do you me a n ?”I said. “你这话什么意思?”我问道。
“I me a n it’s your big ye llow dog ,”she said.“Is aw him.”
“Do wha t? ”I asked. “它干了什么?”我追问道。
“S te a l some e ggs ,”she said.“From one of ou rne s ts .”
I stopped then and looked straight at her andshe looked straight back at me and I couldn”tstand it and had to look down.
“But I’m not going to te ll,”she said.
“不过我不会告诉别人的,” 她说。
I didn’t believe her.“I think you will,”Isaid.
“No ,I won”t,”she said,shaking her head.“Iwouldn”t,e ve n b e fore I knew he wa s your dog.”
“Why?” “为什么?”
“Be ca us e Mis s P ris sy is going to ha ve pup s .”
“Mis s Pris sy?”
That’s the name of my dog,and she’s going to
have pups and your dog will be their papa,and Iwouldn’t want their papa to get shot.
I looked at her again,and again I had to lookdown. I wanted to thank her,but I didn’t know theright words. So I fished around in my pocket for anIndian arrowhead I’d found the day before,and Igave it to her.
She took it,and looked at it for a bit with hereyes shining,and then she put it deep into a longpocket she had in her dress.
“I wont’t ne ver,ne ver te ll,”she said,then turnedand ran off to the cabin as fast as she could go.
I went and sat by the spring for a while. If Lisbethhad caught Old Yeller stealing stuff from thesettlements,then somebody else might too. And ifthey did,they would be sure to shoot him.
After Bud Searcy had eaten a big supper andtalked a lot more,he rode off home with Lisbethriding behind him. I went then and got the eggs andkept three back. I called Old Yeller. I broke theeggs on a flat stone right under his nose and triedto get him to eat them. But he wouldn’t. It was asif he’d never heard that eggs were good to eat. Allhe’d do was stand there wagging his tail and try tolick me in the face.
It made me mad.“You thie ving dog,”I said.“Iough t to ge t a c lub a nd bre a k your ba ck-in te n differe nt pla ce s .”
But I didn’t mean it,and I didn’t say it veryloud. I knew that if I did he’d fall over and startyelling as if he was about to die. And there I’dbe-in a fight with Little Arliss again.
“Whe n the y s hoot you ,I’m going to la ugh ,”Itold him.
But I knew I wouldn’t.