Her name was Lisbeth and she came with hergrandpa the day he called on us. They came ridingup on a thin old horse that looked as if he hadn’thad a fill of corn for ages. Behind them was a long- haired she - dog that I always thought was one ofBell’s pups.
Old Yeller went out to bark at them as theyrode up. I noticed at once that his barking didn’tsound as if he meant it. It was more as if he wasbarking because he thought that was what we wantedhim to do. And as soon as I yelled at him tostop,he was quiet. That surprised me,too.
By the time Mama had come to the door andtold Searcy and Lisbeth to get down and come in,Old Yeller was having a high old time with the long- haired she - dog.
Lisbeth looked at me with those big eyes whileher grandpa got off the horse. Searcy wouldn”tcome in the cabin. He said it was such a hot day itwould be better sitting in the dog run. So I got fourcowhide chairs. Searcy sat in the one I always likedbest,and then he started talking.
First he asked Mama if we were all right,andMama said we were. Then he told her it was a bigjob looking after all the families while the men weregone,but that he was glad to do it. If the smallestthing went wrong he said,Mama was to let himknow straight away. And Mama said she would.
Then he put his chair back against the cabinwall and began to tell us everything that was goingon in the settlement. He said how dry the weatherwas and how the corn would be no good this year.
He said the cows were going dry,and nothing wasgrowing in the gardens. He told us how Jed Simpson’sboy was sitting and waiting for a shot at awild turkey when a fox came right up and jumpedon him. Jed Simpson’s boy had to club it with hisgun till it was dead. This looked to Searcy like acase of rabies. Everybody knew that no fox in hisright mind was going to jump on a hunter.
然 后他把椅子靠在木屋的墙上,开始告诉我们村子里发生的每一件事。他说今年天气这样干旱,玉米的收成好不了,又说奶牛的奶快干了,园子里什么东西也不长。
This made Searcy think of an uncle of his whogot bitten by a mad dog once. This was when Searcy
was a little boy. As soon as the dog bit him,theman knew he was going to die. So he went and got abig chain and tied one end to the bottom of a treeand the other end to one of his legs. And he stayedthere until the rabies got him and he went clean outof his mind. He was wet at the mouth and screaming,and he ran at his wife and children,trying tocatch them and bite them. But the chain round hisleg held him back,which was why he’d chainedhimself to the tree in the first place. And there,chained to that tree,he died. And they buried himunder the same tree.
Bud Searcy said he hoped we wouldn”t havean outbreak of rabies in the settlement and all diebefore the men got back from Kansas.