书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第6章 Unit One Love (4)

disability [..dis....biliti] n.残疾,无能

[ 同义] inability

diversion* [dai..v........n] n.转向,转移

eagerly * [..i......li ] adv.渴望地

ease* [ i..z ] n.①舒适②容易


[ 考点] a t ease 安适,自在

with ease 容易

ease one’s life 使生活变得舒适

ease up 放慢;缓和,松弛

[ 例句] You should ease up on your worke rs : You’ve been pushing them too hard.

emot ion* [ i..m..u....n] n.情感;激情

[ 同义] feeling,passion

[ 辨析] emotion;feeling;pas sion

emotion 指受到外界某种刺激而引起的喜、怒、哀、乐等情感;feeling 往往由本意“感觉” 引申为“同情”、“感情”和“体会”,常与emotion 通用;pas sion 则指“极强烈的感情”,特别是愤怒、爱好等,还可指男女间的爱情。

entitle* [ in..taitl] v.①给某人以权利或资格②给.命名

[ 考点] entitle sb.to sth.使某人有权利做某事

[ 例句] This ticket entitles you to a free seat at the concer t.

expert* [..eksp....t ] n.专家

[ 同义] specialist

growl [..r aul ] v.嚎叫

household* [..haush..uld] n.家庭,(集合名词) 全家人,户

human being* [..hju..m..n..bi..i..] n.人类

indetify * [ ai..dentifai ] v.①辨认出②认为与.一致

[ 考点] identify oneself (be identified ) with 与. 密切配合;参加到.中去;支持

[ 例句] I wish to identify myself with these words.

independently* [ indi..pend..ntli] adj.独立地;自主地

individual * [ indi..vidju..l] adj.个人的;个体的

[ 同义] personal,pr ivate

[ 反义] gener al,collective

interaction* [ int....r .. k....n] n.交流,相互作用

nap [ n .. p] n./v.小睡,打盹

[ 同义] doze

[ 考点] catch sb.napping 乘人不备地抓住他的疏忽之处

take (have ) a nap 睡午觉,打盹

[ 例句] He ate his meal and had a lit tle nap.

obvious* [....bvi..s] ad j.显然的;明显的

[ 同义] evident,distinct,clea r,appar ent,plain

[ 辨析] evident;distinct;appa rent;obvious;plain;


evident 指因有明显的证据和迹象,容易使人明白或做出判断,毫无可疑之处;distinct 指事物的轮廓清楚、界限分明或定义明确,使人一目了然;appa rent 与evident 意思十分接近,常可互换使用;obvious 着重指极为明显,以至有目共睹,含有一目了然、无须证明的意味,比evident 更加表面化;plain 是一个非正式用词,指事物因不混淆、不复杂而浅显、明白,常用以指语言的简单平易、一听就懂;clear 一词最普通,其用法及意义很广,对人们的听觉、视觉或理解力来说,任何明朗清晰的事物都可用这个词。

ownership* [....un....ip] n.所有权

physically * [..fizik..li] adv.身体上,肉体上

popularity [..p..pju..l .. r iti ] n.普及;流行

pressure* [..pre....] n.压力,强制

[ 考点] unde r (the) pres sure (of) 在.压力下

bring pr es sur e to bea r on sb.(to do sth .) 对.施加压力

[ 例句] He is under the pres sure to vote with his leaders on this is sue.

purr [ p....] v.低声地叫

relaxation* [ ril .. k..sei....n] n.①消遣②休息,娱乐

[ 同义] recreation

remark * [ ri..m....k] v.谈论;说

[ 同义] comment

[ 考点] remark on/upon 评论;谈论

[ 例句] He remarked loudly on human rights.

resident* [..rezid..nt ] n.居民

rub* [ r..b] v.摩擦

[ 考点] rub into 把.擦入;向.强调

rub shoulders with sb.与某人(尤指名人,要人) 有来往

rub along 保持和睦关系;不发生争吵

[ 例句] Par ents often t ry to rub into their children how much they have done to them.

scratch* [ skr .. t..] n./v.抓,搔

[ 考点] come up to scra tch 及时来到;符合要求

scratch about for 四处扒寻;四处搜寻

scratch along 勉强度日

scratch one’s head 搔头皮;(对某事) 迷惑不解

scratch through 划去;勾去

[ 例句] 1 ) Do you think the new teache r will come up to scratch?

2 ) We sc ratched along that year with very little money.

security * [ si..kju..riti] n.安全

[ 考点] go (enter into/give) security (for ) (为. ) 作保

in secur ity 安全地;安心地

on secur ity of 以.担保

[ 例句] You can look forwa rd to your futur e in the compa - ny with secur ity.

stroke* [ st r..uk] v./n.抚摸

[ 考点] st roke sb.(sb. ’s hair ) the wrong way 触怒某人;犯某人之忌

st roke sb.down 安抚某人;劝某人息怒

[ 例句] What the child said stroked his par ents the wrong way.

suggestion* [ s....d..est....n] n.建议,意见;提议

[ 同义] proposal,advice

[ 辨析] proposal;suggestion;advice

proposal 指提供他人考虑或讨论的建议,有打定了主意的意味;suggestion 指可供他人考虑的建议,有并不坚持己见的意思;advice 指关于对方应当如何行动的建议,即劝告。

therapy * [....er..pi ] n.治疗;疗法

touching [..t..t..i..] a dj.动人的;使人伤感的

unconditional * [....nk..n..di....n..l] adj.无条件的

veterinarian [..vet..ri..n....ri..n] n.兽医

vitamin* [..vit..min] n.维生素

wag [w ....] v.摇尾

writer * [..r ait..] n.作家;作者

be capable of 有能力

[ 例句] The company was not capable of handling s uch a la rge order.

in addi tion to 除.之外(还)

[ 例句] In addition to his sala ry,he earns a lot from royalties (稿费).

in return 回报

[ 例句] They a re letting us use their computer,and in r eturn we a re giving them the res ults of our resear ch.