书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第7章 Unit Two Psychology in Our Daily Life (1)

Part One In Class Reading

Is There a Doctor in the Body?


1) The power to rules of mor al conduct,as is provided

in the constitution,should belong to the People’s Congress.

A.describe B.sign

C.pr esc ribe D.as sign

2) The medicine the doctor gave me my headache.

A.fr eed B.refreshed

C.r eleased D.relieved

3) “Are we to a rrive in town before da rk ?”“Yes,I think so .”

A.likely B.probable

C.pos sible D.maybe

4) I am not sure what his in the play is,but I think he will act the pa rt of the hero.

A.actor B.performance

C.demonstr ation D.role

5) To avoid feeling guilty,an individual might hold back a desire to run the r isk of doing to others.

A.harm B.honor

C.favor D.justice

6) A steady incr ease in the divor ce has a roused the conce rn of the government.

A.speed B.pace

C.r ate D.cycle

7) What made her hea rt was the sight of many people begging in the st reets.

A.bled B.bleed

C.blood D.bleeder

8) I t was difficult to guess what her to the news would be.

A.impression B.reaction

C.comment D.opinion

9) They we re all their bad luck.

A.swear at B.swea r off

C.swea r about D.swea r to

10) He’s gone to hos pital in Beijing for special,and the re they have good medical care.

A.t raining B.cure

C.disease D.t reatment

11) What is the between language and thought?

A.schola rship B.relationship

C.owne rship D.as sistantship

12) We thought they had come to repair the window,but in,they were burglars.

A.addition B.future

C.reality D.vain

13) He slipped and broke his leg.,he will have to

be away from school for two or three months.

A.In fact B.As a rasult

C.To be surprised D.In result

14) The work was well done however you think a - bout.

A.in a way B.in the way

C.by the way D.on the way

15) The fate of these pr isone rs r ests the judge.

A.up B.with

C.on D.from


1) C 2) D 3) A 4 ) D 5 ) A 6) C 7 ) B 8 ) B

9) C 10 ) D 11 ) B 12) C 13 ) B 14) A 15) B


bleed* [bli..d ] vi.流血


[ 考点] bleed to death 流血至死

bleed away one’s life 流血致死

bleed for 为.流血;为.感到悲痛

bleed someone white 把.的血汗榨干

[ 例句] He bled them for every penny they’d got.bleeding [..bli..di..] adj.出血的,流血的

capsule* [..k .. psju..l ] n.胶囊;太空舱;瓶盖

harmless* [..h....mlis] a dj.无害的,不危险的

heal * [ hi..l ] vt.使痊愈,治愈


[ 同义] cure

[ 反义] worsen

[ 考点] heal sb.of a disease 治愈某人的疾病

heal sb.with medicine 用药给某人治病

heal over 治愈,弥合

heal up 痊愈

[ 例句] The doctor healed him of his wound.

[ 辨析] cure;heal;tr eat

cure,heal 和t reat 均有“治疗” 意思。cure 偏重医治疾病,使人恢复健康;也用于借喻消除社会不良现象或个人恶习等,用法为cure sb.of a disease 或cure sb.(a disease) 。heal 在现代英语中多指治愈伤口、创伤,使之复原,用法同cure。

t rea t 指内伤、外伤的治疗,或药物及非药物的治疗,但不指治愈,用法为tr eat sb.for a disease 或t rea t sb.(a disease ).

likely* [..laikli] ad j.可能的adv.很可能

[ 同义] ad j.apt,liable,probable,pos sible

[ 反义] unlikely

[ 考点] It is likely tha t 有可能.

be likely to do sth.可能做某事

as likely as not 很可能,十之八九

[ 例句] It is quite likely tha t they have already arrived by now.

[ 辨析] probable;possible;likely

probable 指十有八九的可能性,指有根有据、合情合理、值得相信的事物;possible 指十有二、三的可能性,常有“ 实际可能性很小” 的暗示;likely 介于二者之间,指十有七、八的可能性。

placebo [ pl....si..b..u] n.(复bos 或boes ) 安慰剂

prescribe* [ pri..skraib ] v.① 开药,开药方② 规定,命令,指示

[ 考点] prescribe for a disease 为某疾病开处方

prescribe medicine to a patient 给病人开药

prescribe to sb.wha t to do 指示(规定) 某人做什么

[ 例句] Do not prescribe to me wha t I am going to do.

prescription* [ pri..skrip....n] n.处方;规定,指令

[ 考点] make up a prescription 配方

write out a prescription 开处方

a prescription for a disease 治某病的药方

rate* [ reit ] n.①率,比率②速度③等级

[ 同义] ②speed

[ 考点] a t any rate 不管怎样

a t this (that ) r ate 如果这样(那样) 的话

[ 例句] I think we s hould leave her alone for the moment at any rate.

[ 辨析] ra te;ratio;propor tion

ra te 是一般用词,既可指速度又可指比率;r atio 指一个数(量) 与另一个数(量) 的比;proportion 指一物体与其他物体在数量、大小、位置或形状等方面的比例。

react* [ ri.... kt ] v.反应;反抗;起化学反应

[ 同义] work,function,act

[ 考点] react to 对.作出反应

react against 反抗

react on (upon) 对.产生影响

react with 同.相互作用

[ 例句] He reacted against his father’s influence by becoming a priest.

reaction* [ r i.... k....n] n.反应;反作用;核子反应

[ 考点] reaction to 对.反应

reality* [ ri.... l..ti] n.现实,事实;真实性

[ 同义] ①fact②actuality,t ruth

[ 反义] ①fancy,ideality

[ 考点] in r eality 实际

accept reality 承认现实

bring sb.back to r eality 使某人回到现实中来

face r eality 面对现实

[ 例句] We thought they had come to r epai r the window,but in r eality,they were burgla rs (盗贼).

reassurance* [..ri........u..r..ns ] n.安慰,保证

relationship* [ r i..lei....n..ip] n.①关系,联系②亲戚(关系)

[ 同义] ①bond,link

[ 考点] have a (no) relations hip to 与.有(无) 联系

relief* [ ri..li..f] n.① (痛苦等) 减轻,解除②救济品;救援

[ 同义] ①lightening,ease

[ 考点] to one’s r elief 使人感到宽慰的是a sense of relief 放心

[ 例句] Much to the students’ relief,the exam was post - poned.

role* [ r..ul] n.角色;作用;身份

[ 同义] character,par t,function

[ 考点] play a role in 在.中起作用;在戏中担任.角色a leading (impor tant/lit tle ) role 主要(重要/次要) 角色

take on a role 扮演一个角色

[ 例句] Women play an important role in the society.

seasickness* [..si..siknis ] n.晕船

swear* [ sw....] v.发誓;诅咒

[ 同义] affirm,curse

[ 考点] swear about sth.诅咒某事

swear at sb.咒骂某人

swear by 以.起誓,以.担保

swear to 保证,发誓,坚持说

swear on 以.发誓

[ 例句] I’ll swear to the t ruth of what he said.

treatment* [..t ri..tm..nt ] n.治疗方法;处理;待遇,对待

[ 同义] cure,handling

[ 例句] He’s gone to hospital in Beijing for s pecial t reat - ment.

tribal * [..t raib..l ] ad j.部落的

ulcer [....ls..] n.溃疡

as a result 因此,结果

[ 例句] I t ’s raining.As a r esult,the spor ts meeting is postponed.

fool somebody into doing something 在某事上愚弄某人

[ 例句] I was fooled into thinking that she was honest.

in a way 在某种程度上,就某种意义来说

[ 例句] The work was well done in a way.

open up 展示,揭示

[ 例句] A split (分裂) has opened up in the committee.

react to 对.做出反应

[ 例句] We wer e ala rmed at the way in which Kathy reac- ted to the drug.

rest with 取决于,得靠

[ 例句] The fa te of people rests with the way they act.

Par t Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ The Psychology of Money


account* [....kaunt ] n.①账目,账户②记述③原因,解释

vi.说明,成为.的理由;占. (比率)

[ 同义] n.①bill② statement③explanation,reason

[ 考点] account for 说明(原因)

by all accounts 据说,据载

on account 赊账

on account for 由于.,因为.

on any account 无论怎样

on one’s account 为了.的利益

take.into account 考虑,重视

[ 例句] Hope my teacher will take my recent illness into account when judging my examination.

actually * [.... kt..u..li] a dv.实际上,真实地;竟然;目前

addicted* [....diktid] ad j.上瘾的,沉湎于

[ 考点] be addicted to 沉湎.

addiction [....dik....n] n.瘾,沉溺

advert ise* [.... dv..taiz] v.①为.做广告,宣传②通知③ 公布

[ 同义] ②notify③proclaim

[ 考点] adver tise for 登广告求.

adver tise through the pres s 通过报纸宣传

officially adve rtise 正式公布

[ 例句] We’ve adver tised for someone to look afte r the ga rden.

advert iser * [.... dv..taiz..] n.广告商

alcohol * [.... lk..h..l] n.酒;酒精,乙醇

[ 考点] drink alcohol 喝酒,饮酒

keep off alcohol 不沾酒

absolute alcohol 纯酒精

amount* [....maunt ] n.①数量,数额②总数,总额

vt.①总计,合计② (在价值、意义、效果等上) 等同,相当于

[ 考点] an amount of 大量(的)

to the amount of 总计达

amount to 到达,总计

[ 例句] Ther e’s only a small amount of food.

assignment* [....sainm..nt ] n.任务,作业;分配,指派

behavior * [ bi..heivj..] n.行为,举止;(机器) 运转情况

belief* [ bi..li..f] n.信念,信赖;相信

[ 同义] faith,t rust,confidence

[ 考点] beyond belief 难以置信

give up one’s belief 抛弃信念

lose one’s belief in sb.失去对某人的信任

[ 例句] The failur e of the ope ration has shaken my belief in doctors.