书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第5章 Unit One Love (3)

let things (it ) slide 让它去;听其自然

[ 例句] He slid over the difficul t question without answering it.

[ 辨析] slide;slip;glide

slide 强调滑动时一直与表面保持接触;slip 强调由于表面平滑而突然和不由自主地滑行;glide 强调不停地、动作优雅地滑行。

slipper [..slip..] n.拖鞋

staff* [ st....f] n.(全体) 职员,工作人员

[ 同义] personnel,c rew

[ 考点] on the staff 在职;是职员

[ 例句] It’s good to have you on the staff.

[ 辨析] personnel;staff;c rew

personnel 与staff 都指“全体工作人员”,有时可换用。personnel 单复数相同,主要指公职和军职人员;crew 特指飞机、火车或船上工作的全体工作人员。

stroll * [ st r..ul ] v.散步,漫步

[ 同义] wander

surround* [ s....raund] v.包围;环绕

[ 考点] be surrounded by (with) 四周都是.

surround.with 用.围住.

[ 例句] The school was surrounded on all sides by mountains.

tenderly* [..tend..li] adv.温柔地

throat* [..r..ut ] n.噪子

[ 考点] a t each other’s throats 激烈争吵,吵架

cut one’s own throats 自己害自己;自寻死路

lie in one’s throat 扯大谎

stick sb. ’s throat 刺在某人喉咙里;使某人很反感

[ 例句] It was his a rrogance (傲慢) which stuck in my throat.

tuck* [ t..k] v.塞(好);掖(好)

[ 考点] tuck away 收藏;存储;吃掉

tuck in 把.塞好

tuck up 卷起;折起;把被褥等塞好

[ 例句] They tucked up their sleeves and began working.

watchful [..w..t..ful ] ad j.戒备的;注意的

[ 考点] be watchful for 注意寻找;提防

be watchful of 注意

[ 例句] Be wa tchful for car s when you cros s the str eet.

well [wel ] v.涌出

[ 考点] well out 涌出;流出

well up (眼泪) 泛出,夺眶而出

[ 例句] Tear s welled up in her eyes when she was told the news.

wide awake [..waid....weik] ad j.完全醒着的;清醒的

withdrawn [ wi....dr....n] ad j.孤独的;离群的

wrinkle* [ r i..kl] v.起皱纹

wrinkled [..ri..kld ] ad j.有皱纹的

as though 似乎,好像

[ 例句] He talks as though she knew it very well.

be dependent on 依靠

[ 例句] Succes s is la rgely dependent on hard work.

be on/off duty 上/下班

[ 例句] When they we re off duty they would come to take care of their sick child.

come to life 苏醒

[ 例句] The doctor applied some medicine and the patient began to come to life.

deprive.of 剥夺

[ 例句] Sickness deprived him of the pleasure of going out to play.

turn up 使.向上翘

[ 例句] He turned up his eyes when he came across me.

Passage Ⅱ Benefi ts from Pets


addition* [....di....n] n.增加

[ 同义] inc rease

[ 反义] deduction,s ubtr action

[ 考点] in addition 另外;又

in addition to 除.外;还

[ 例句] In addition to a fine,he was sent to prison.

additional * [....di....n..l ] ad j.额外的;附加的

[ 同义] ext ra

adoring [....d....r i..] ad j.崇拜的;敬慕的

aid* [ eid] v.帮助,援助

[ 同义] help,as sist

[ 辨析] aid;as sist;help

aid 为正式用语,在日常会话中不常用,强调强者对弱者的帮助、资助和援助;assist 在许多场合下指帮助的一方只是被帮助一方的助手,居次要地位,常译成“协助”;help 是最普通的用语,几乎所有用aid 或assist 的地方都可用help 来代替。

Alzheimer’s [.... ltshaim..z ] disease n.早老性痴呆病

anxiety * [ ........zai..ti] n.忧虑

[ 考点] give anxiety to 使.担心

feel no anxiety about 对.不愁;不急

with great anxiety 着急,非常担扰

[ 例句] We waited with gr eat anxiety for mor e news about the accident.

appreciation* [....pr..i....i e..i..n] n.①感激②欣赏

benefit* [..benifit ] n.好处

[ 同义] good,advantage,profit,interest

[ 考点] for the benefit of 为了.利益

be of benefit to 对.有好处

[ 例句] Univer sal peace would be of great benefit to all mankind.

bind* [ baind] v.捆绑

[ 同义] tie,fasten

[ 反义] unbind,unloose

[ 考点] bind sb.to (do) sth.使某人负有义务,约束

bind oneself to do 许诺,答应干

be bound to do 一定会

be bound up with 和.联系在一起

[ 例句] 1 ) He has bound himself to make dona tions (捐款) to the calamity fund (救灾基金).

2 ) The cont ract binds you to pay interest.

[ 辨析] fasten;tie;bind

fasten 指把两件或更多的东西缚在一起,或使某物固定在某一位置上,也可指把注意力集中在某一物上;tie 指用线、绳子、绳索或丝带等来扎紧;bind 指扎紧、捆紧。

brilliant* [..brilj..nt ] ad j.卓越的;高明的

capable* [..keip..bl ] ad j.有能力的

[ 考点] (be ) capable of 有.能力的

[ 例句] You’d bet ter show us what you are capable of.

cute* [ kju..t ] adj.漂亮的;逗人喜爱的

deaf* [ def] ad j.①聋的②不愿听的;装聋的

[ 同义] indifferent,unconcerned

[ 反义] aware,conscious

[ 考点] be deaf to 不理睬

turn a deaf ea r to 对.置若罔闻

[ 例句] The headmaste r turned a deaf ear to our com- plaints.

derive* [ di..raiv] v.得利,取得

[ 考点] dirive from 来源于

[ 例句] Many Englis h words derive from Latin.