书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第30章 Unit Eight Social Problems (3)

blush 一般指由于羞愧、惭愧而脸红,着重于内心的羞愧。如: She blus hed for shame.flush 强调由于兴奋、激怒而导致“脸红”。如: They wer e flushed with victory.

boot* [ bu..t ] n.靴子

breathe* [ br..i..] v.呼吸

breathless [..bre..lis ] ad j.气喘吁吁的

brunette [bru....net ] n.黑(或深褐) 色头发的女子

churn [ t......n] v.翻腾,蠕动

coach* [ k..ut..] n.(无卧铺设备的) 普通旅客车厢

cocktail* [..k..kteil ] n.鸡尾酒

collision* [ k....li....n ] n.碰撞

[ 同义] c rash,smas h,bump

[ 考点] be in/come into collision with 与. 撞击,和. 发生矛盾

[ 例句] His car had a collision with a t ruck.

creature* [..kri..t....] n.生物(尤指动物)

[ 同义] being

criminal * [..krimin..l] n.罪犯

currency * [..k..r..nsi ] n.货币

[ 同义] money,notes,cash

damn* [ d .. m] v.罚.入地狱

deceitful [ d..i s..i tful] adj.欺骗的

[ 同义] dishonest,deceiving,cheating

[ 反义] honest

destination* [..desti..nei....n] n.①目的地②目标,目的

[ 同义] ①goal,aim,objective②goal,aim,objective elbow* [..elb..u] n.肘部

enumerate [ i..nju..m..reit ] v.数,清点

[ 同义] count,list,specify

fare* [ f....] n.车费,船费

[ 同义] charge,ticket

glossy [....l..si ] ad j.有光泽的

[ 同义] shiny,polis hed

[ 反义] dull

grimace [..ri..meis ] n.怪相

gri t [..rit ] v.咬紧

heartbeat [..h....tbi..t ] n.心跳

identification* [ ai..dentifi..kei....n] n.身份证明

identity * [ ai..dent..ti ] n.身份

instant* [..inst..nt ] n.瞬间,片刻

[ 同义] moment

[ 考点] a t a ce rtain instant 在某个时刻

in an instant 马上,立刻

the instant 一.就

[ 例句] He came the instant I called his name.

intact* [ in..t .. kt ] adj.完好无损的

[ 同义] undamaged,unha rmed

[ 反义] broken

knot* [ n..t ] n.结

[ 同义] tie

marine* [ m....ri..n] adj.海军的

meant ime* [..mi..ntaim] n.期间

[ 同义] meanwhile

[ 考点] in the meantime 与此同时

[ 例句] I was cutting the grass,and he was planting roses in the meantime.

membership* [..memb....ip] n.会员身份

missing* [..misi..] adj.找不到的;丢失的

[ 同义] absent,lost

[ 反义] present

movie* [..mu..vi] n.电影

muster [..m..st..] v.振作,鼓起

[ 考点] muster up one’s courage 鼓起勇气

[ 例句] I mustered up my courage and walked onto the stage.

policeman* [ p....li..sm..n] n.警察

[ 辨析] police;policeman police 是集体名词,总是以单数形式出现,但应当用复数形式的谓语。如: Don’t you think that the police are the best people to ask for help?(难道你不认为警察是求助的最合适的人吗?) policeman (policemen 复数) 指一名警察,可以是交通警察,也可以是侦探警察或公安警察。如: The workmen told him to do as he pleased and the policeman telephoned for help.(工人对那个警察说随他的便,于是那个警察就打电话求助了。)

presence* [..prez..ns ] n.①出席,在场②存在

[ 同义] ①at tendance,company②appea rance,existence

[ 反义] ①absence②lack,want

[ 考点] in the presence of sb./sth.在某人(某事) 面前make one’s pr esence felt 使别人感到自己重要

[ 例句] He was calm in the presence of danger.rage* [ reid..] n.生气

[ 同义] ange r,tempe r,fury

[ 反义] calm,coolnes s

[ 考点] express a rage 表示愤怒

fall/fly into a r age 勃然大怒

in a black rage 怒气冲冲地

a fit/outburst of r age 一阵狂怒

[ 例句] He fell into a r age when he lea rned about it.

recede [ ri..si..d ] v.退去,远去

[ 同义] withdraw

[ 反义] advance relieved* [ ri..li..vd] adj.如释重负的

[ 同义] comfor ted

[ 反义] worried

[ 考点] be relieved at sth.对.感到宽慰be relieved of 被解除

[ 例句] She felt relieved at the prospect.

remarkable* [ ri..m....k..b..l] adj.值得注意的,不寻常的

[ 同义] ext raordinary,significant

[ 反义] ordina ry

rip* [ rip] v.撕裂或拉破

scatter * [..sk .. t..] v.散开,驱散

[ 同义] spread,distr ibute

[ 反义] collect,gather

[ 考点] scat ter about 四散奔逃

scat ter sth.over 把.撒得到处都是

[ 例句] The sun soon scatte red the clouds.

shyness* [....ainis] n.羞怯,腼腆

[ 同义] nervousnes s

[ 反义] boldness

somehow* [..s..mhau] adv.由于未知的或未确指的原因

startle* [..st....tl ] v.使惊吓

[ 同义] surprise,alarm,frighten,shock,scare

[ 反义] calm

[ 考点] be star tled at 对.感到吃惊

[ 例句] We were star tled at the news.

stray * [ st rei] ad j.走失的,流浪的

[ 同义] lost

suffocating* [..s..f..keiti..] ad j.使人窒息的

terminal * [..t....min..l ] n.(铁路、公共汽车、航空线的) 终点站,总站

tightly * [..taitli] a dv.紧紧地

tile* [ tail ] n.瓷砖

trim* [ t rim] v.用.镶边

unmarried* [..n..m .. rid] adj.未婚的

vanish* [..v .. ni..] v.突然不见,消失

[ 同义] disappea r,fade,go

[ 反义] appear

[ 考点] vanish away 逐渐消失

vanish from sight 消失

vanish into thin air 化作泡影

[ 例句] Dinosaurs (恐龙) have vanished from the ear th.

worldly * [..w....ldli] ad j.尘世的,世俗的

[ 同义] expe rienced,mature

[ 反义] naive

X-ray * [..eks rei ] n.X 射线,X 光

zigzag [..zi..z ....] v.呈之字形移动

[ 同义] wind

all at once 突然

[ 例句] All at once it sta rted to r ain.

hand.over to 将.交出

[ 例句] His plan has been handed over to a commit tee.

hang on to 抓住;坚持,不放弃

[ 例句] Hang on to the rope and don’t let go.

in place 在合适的地方

[ 例句] She likes everything to be in place befor e she star ts to work.

in the presence of 当着某人的面,有某人在场

[ 例句] He was often polite in the presence of ladies.

kill t ime 消磨时间

[ 例句] I killed time by r eading a newspaper while waiting for my friend.

pick up 偶然结识(常指与异性调情)

[ 例句] They wer e cruising at bars,hoping to pick up some girls.

rip off 盗窃

[ 例句] Someone ripped off my bicycle.

trip somebody up 用脚绊倒某人

[ 例句] The naughty boy put his foot out to t rip the teacher up.

turn up 失去后被发现,(尤指偶然地) 发现

[ 例句] The mis sing boy turned up a week later.