书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第31章 Unit Nine The Joy of Travel (1)

Part One In Class Reading

Transformative Travel

1. 词汇精练

1) Have you read Wa r and Peace,the gr eat by Lev Tolstoy?

A.romance B.novel

C.tale D.mystery

2) The police set a to catch the thieves.

A.plan B.device

C.t rap D.t rick

3) I only like to tackle something if it really me.

A.faces B.challenges

C.dar es D.braves

4) I think she hur t my feelings rather than by accident.

A.vir tually B.liter ally

C.deliber ately D.appropriately

5) His life to his marriage is said to have been busy and event ful.

A.pr eceding B.previous

C.super ior D.ea rlier

6) The dea th of his father gave him a whole new pers pective life.

A.in B.of

C.on D.with

7) There was only one house in sight,away on the.

A.range B.distance

C.view D.hor izon

8) I t will take a long time to get there by bus,but we don’t have any.

A.alternative B.alte rnate

C.alter ability D.alte ration

9) To make his speech more convincing,he feels a need to his argument by additional evidence.

A.impose B.abst ract

C.challenge D.r einfor ce

10) The first thing we did before going on a cycling tour round the wor ld was to plan our.

A.resor t B.bearing

C.route D.cause

11) We have 5 hours of English a week,including one in the language laboratory.

A.text B.unit

C.episode D.ses sion

12) When there is intense pressure of work,you absolutely have to your time effectively.

A.reckon B.st ructur e

C.construct D.clas sify

13 ) We put our question to a (n) of housewives numbering nea rly 500.

A.se ries B.sequence

C.sample D.approval

14) By now,we had begun to r ealize that he r the team had faded and s he was losing inter est in t raining.

A.commitment to B.contact with

C.commis sion for D.cont ract for

15 ) These excursions will give you an even deeper into English language and cultur e.

A.investiga tion B.insight

C.impression D.inqui ry


1) B 2 ) C 3) B 4) C 5) B 6) C 7) D 8) A

9) D 10) C 11 ) D 12) B 13) C 14) A 15) B

2. 词汇精解

alternative* [....l..t....n..tiv] n.① 两者或在两者以上间择一② 供选择的东西;替代物


[ 同义] n.①choice,option,selection② substitute

[ 考点] an alternative to .的代用品

have/the re is no alternative but (to + 动) 除.外别无选择

the alte rna tive of doing sth.or doing another thing 要么干.,要么干.

[ 例句] 1 ) You have the alternative of staying in high school or going to work.

2) As the t rain leaves only on alte rnate (间隔的)

days,you have no alternative but to stay her e ove r night.

[ 辨析] alternative;choice;option;selection alternative 表示二者择一或三者择一,选择十分有限,不指具体事物的选择;choice 指一般性选择,范围较广,强调自由选择;option 强调从两个或两个以上的相互排斥的事物中作出选择,着重强调选择的权利和自由;selection 指广泛的选择,强调选择者的识别力和鉴赏力。

approval* [....pru..v..l] n.①同意;赞成②批准;认可

[ 同义] ①agr eement,favor②permission

[ 反义] disapproval

[ 考点] gain (obtain/ea rn/win/meet with) the approval of (from) 得到.的赞同on approval (商品) 包退换的

[ 例句] This proposal is likely to meet with the approval of the minister.

challenge* [..t.... lind..] n.①挑战②艰巨的任务

v.①向.挑战②考验(人或事物的) 能力;激发

[ 考点] accept (respond to/take up) a challenge 应战

challenge sb.to (do) sth.挑战某人做某事

give/offe r a challenge 挑战

[ 例句] 1 ) We accepted their challenge to swim across the river.

2 ) The difficulty of the problem challenged me to find the answer.

circumstance* [..s....k..mst..ns ] n.[ pl .] 环境;情况

[ 同义] condition,envi ronment,situation,surrounding

[ 考点] if circumstances allow (permit ) 如果情况允许的话

unde r any (all ) circumstance 在任何情况下unde r (in/at ) no circumstances 无论如何也不,决不unde r (in ) the circumstances 在这种情况下

[ 例句] Unde r no circumstances should the baby cross the st reet alone.

[ 辨析] circumstance;condition;environment;situation;surrounding circumstance 指某事发生时周围的情况、条件、环境,用复数;condition 指任何改变或限制另一事物存在、发生的必要事物先决条件,常用复数;environment 指周围各种自然的和人为的因素、气氛,对人有感情、道德和思想上的影响;situa - tion 指某一时间所处的处境、情况,也指重大的事态危急的局面或形势;surrounding 指周围的地方(空间)。

commitment* [ k....mitm..nt ] n.①承诺;保证② 承担的义务③忠诚

[ 同义] ① promise,pledge,under taking② obligation,r esponsibility③loyalty,devotion

[ 考点] carry out/back away from one’s commitment 履行(背弃) 诺言

fulfil one’s commitment 履行诺言

make/take/under take a commitment 作出承诺

meet one’s commitments 承担义务

[ 例句] They made a commitment to pay their bills on time.

deliberately * [ di..lib..r..tli] adv.故意地,存心

[ 同义] intentionally

[ 反义] accidentally

dimension* [ di..men....n] n.①尺寸②面积;规模范围③重要性

[ 同义] ①size②area,range③importance

[ 考点] of great/la rge/huge/enormous dimensions 规模巨大的

realize (recognize ) the dimensions of sth.意识(认识) 到某事的重要性

take the dimensions of a field 丈量土地

[ 例句] We could not help but gape a t the hall of such gr eat dimensions.

elicit* [ i..lisit ] v.引出,引起

[ 同义] get from,draw for th,pr evoke

engagement* [ in....eid..m..nt ] n.①约定;约会②订婚;婚约

[ 考点] make an engagement with 与.约定

break one’s engagement 失约

[ 例句] An honest man will never break his engagement.

fantasy * [..f .. nt..si] n.幻想

[ 同义] fancy

[ 考点] have fantasies about 有.的幻想

live in a world of fantasy 生活在幻想中

[ 例句] He is always having fantasies about becoming r ich and famous.

horizon* [h....raizn] n.①地平(线) ② (知识、思想、经验、阅历、兴趣等的) 范围③眼界;见识

[ 同义] ②range,scope

[ 考点] broaden (enla rge/expand/extend/widen) one’s horizon(s) 开阔眼界

open (up) a new horizon to sb.使某人大开眼界

be on the horizon 在地平线上;即将出现的(事件)

[ 例句] 1 ) After two weeks of talks a solution to the dispute is finally on the horizon.

2 ) The course in psychology opened up new

horizon (s) for students.impulsiveness [ im..p..lsivnis ] n.冲动

incorporate* [ in..k....p..reit ] v.①使.并入②包含

[ 同义] ①join,unite,combine,unify

insight* [..insait ] n.① (对内部的) 察看②洞察力③ 深入理解;深刻见解

[ 考点] gain/have an insight into 领悟到,洞察

show insight into sth.对某事显示出洞察力

[ 例句] He had an insight into human natur e.

insulate* [..insjuleit ] v.使隔离(以免受到影响)

[ 同义] isolate,sepa rate

[ 考点] insulate sb.from/against sth.使某人与某物隔离

insulating mater ials 绝缘材料

[ 例句] The royal family is insulated from many of the difficulties faced by ordina ry people.

introductory [..intr....d..kt..ri] a dj.介绍性的,引导性的

lifestyle* [..laifstail] n.生活方式

mindset [..maindset ] n.意向,精神状态

novel * [..n..v..l ] n.小说ad j.不常见的;新奇的

[ 同义] ad j.fres h,new,imaginative,str ange,r are

[ 反义] ad j.ordinary,usual

ordinarily* [......din..rili ] adv.通常地,惯常地

perspective* [ p....spektiv] n.① 远景② (观察问题的) 视

角: 观点③ (事物内部的) 恰当关系;(对事物的) 合理观察

[ 同义] ①prospect②view

[ 考点] get.into per spective 关系恰当地对待

in (out of) perspective 关系(不) 恰当的(地)

pers pective on 对.的看法

[ 例句] We must see the mat ter in its proper pe rspective.

previous * [..pri..vi..s ] ad j①以前的②过急的③在.之前

[ 同义] ①ear lie r,forme r③pr ecedent,pr eceding,pr ior

[ 反义] ①later,subsequent

[ 考点] be too previous in doing sth.做某事太匆忙了

previous to 在.以前

[ 例句] I know nothing about the accident;it happened previous to my arrival here.

[ 辨析] ea rlier;former;precedent;preceding;previous;prior ea rlier 指在刚提到的事物之前,尤其是很早以前;forme r 可指二者中前者的,也可指前任的,一度的;precedent 指顺序在前面的;preceding 指在时间、位置、顺序上紧接在他物之前,中间没有间隙,置于名词之前;previous 指在时间或顺序上在前,常指预先准备的行动;prior 与previous 同义,但含有两者相比时,有前者比后者更重要的意思。

publicly * [..p..blikli ] adv.公开地