书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第10章 Unit T hree Culture(1)

Par t One In class Reading

Bridging Cultural Gaps Gracefully


1) All things,the planned t rip will have to be called off.

A.considered B.be considered

C.conside ring D.having considered

2) Si r Denis,who is 78,has made it known that much of his collection to the na tion.

A.has left B.is to leave

C.leaves D.is to be left

3) A series of debates between the lecture rs about the development of China’s west for the next weekend.

A.scheduled B.was scheduled

C.have scheduled D.were scheduled

4) Great as Newton was,many of his ideas today and a re being modified by the work of scientists of our time.

A.are to challenge B.have been challenged

C.may be challenged D.a re challenging

5) The last half of the nineteenth century the steady improvement in the means of t ravel.

A.has witnessed B.was witnessed

C.witnessed D.is witnessed

6) I t was as a general holiday by the American peo- ple.

A.observing B.observed

C.observant D.observable

7) This plan must be if it is to be used successfully.

A.changed B.varied

C.modified D.alte red

8) Once again,success in farming is by new worries.

A.accumulated B.accomplished

C.accompanied D.accustomed

9) She depar ted in order to make the tr ain.

A.in the haste B.in a haste

C.in haste D.a t haste

10 ) Why do you always me to do the unpleasant jobs?

A.pick on B.pick up

C.pick off D.pick out

11) The weather us from climbing the mountain.

A.disguised B.discharged

C.discour aged D.disturbed

12) Since he and I both work in the same hospital,I can hardly meeting him.

A.stop B.fail

C.mis s D.avoid

13) He was so much altered that I did not him at first sight.

A.unde rstand B.know

C.realize D.recognize

14) The new drug can the patient of his sha rp pain.

A.lesson B.ease

C.comfor t D.reduce

15) In the advanced course students must take performance tests at monthly.

A.length B.gaps

C.inte rvals D.distance


1) A 2 ) D 3 ) B 4) B 5) C 6 ) B 7) C 8 ) C

9) C 10 ) A 11 ) C 12) D 13 ) D 14) B 15) C


abrupt* [....br..pt ] ad j.①突然的②陡峭的③鲁莽的

accompany * [....k..mp..ni ] v.① 陪伴;陪同② 伴随③为. 伴奏

[ 同义] ①go along with②play accompaniment for

[ 考点] accompany sb.to 陪某人到.

be accompanied by 由.陪同(陪伴)

accompany sb.on the guitar/piano 为某人弹吉他/钢琴伴奏

[ 例句] 1 ) Thunde r often accompanies lightning.

2 ) She asked me to accompany her to the church.

accomplish* [....k..mpli..] v.①完成;取得②实现;达到

[ 同义] ①gain,achieve②attain,finish,complete

[ 反义] fail

[ 考点] accomplish a journey 行完旅程

accomplish a plan/promise 完成计划/实现诺言

[ 例句] 1) The task will not be accomplished in one genera tion.

2) He can accomplish mor e in a day than any other boy in his clas s.

[ 辨析] accomplish;achieve;complete;finish;end

accomplish 指在困难的情况下胜利地完成某次行动或达到某个目的;achieve 与accomplish 一样强调完成某一困难的目标;complete 含有把不足或未完成的东西补足完成,将所有工作干完;finish 通常用于日常事务,指想做的事情被做完了;end 有较强的结局的含义。

assure [......u..] v.①向.保证②使确信;使放心

[ 同义] ①ensur e,reass ur e,insure②convince

[ 考点] assur e oneself that 弄清楚,查明

assur e s b.of sth./ass ur e sb.that 向某人保证某事

be as sured of sth.对某事有信心

[ 例句] 1) I assured myself tha t the medicine was perfectly safe before taking it.

2) He assur ed us of his ability to solve the problem.

[ 辨析] assur e;ensure;ins ur e

assur e 保证,使确信,常用来表示从一个人头脑中消除怀疑、不肯定或担忧的心情;ensur e 保证,担保,常用于ensure sb.against/from sth.保证某人免受.,ensure that 保证;insure 保证,保险,常指用金钱做保,insure. (against/for ) 给.保险。

avoid [....v..id] v.避免;避开

[ 同义] evade,escape

[ 反义] encounter,face,meet

[ 考点] avoid doing 避免做.

[ 例句] You must avoid giving any unnecessary informa - tion.

bow [ bau] v./n.①点头②鞠躬

[ 同义] ①nod②bend

[ 考点] bow sb.in/out 鞠躬欢迎某人进入/恭送某人出去

bow down to 向.屈服,屈膝弯腰

bow to sb.向某人鞠躬

[ 例句] 1) The actors bowed their thank s at the end of the play.

2) We s hall never bow down to our enemies.

caut ion* [ k........n] v./n.①小心;谨慎②警告;警惕

[ 同义] n.①car e②warning v.②warn

[ 反义] careless nes s

[ 考点] employ/take/exe rcise the great caution 极其谨慎;特别小心

caution sb.against danger 告诫某人谨防危险

[ 例句] 1 ) We employ the gr eatest caution in handling the situa tion.

2 ) They cautioned us against drinking the water.

compliment* [..k..mplim..nt ] v.①赞扬②向.致意③祝贺n.①恭维(话) ②敬意③ (复) 问候

[ 同义] v.①praise②congratulate n.①r espect②congra tulations③greetings

[ 考点] pay/present/send one’s compliments to 向.致意fish for compliments 故意引人说恭维话

[ 例句] 1 ) Give my compliments to your mother.

2 ) Stop fis hing for compliments- you know you acted br illiantly.

confusion* [ k..n..fju......n] n.混淆;混乱

[ 考点] avoid confusion 防止混淆

cause/c rea te confusion 引起/造成混乱

lead to confusion 导致混乱

in confusion 在混乱中

throw s b.into confusion 使某人惊慌失措

[ 例句] 1 ) Conflicting r epor ts have led to widespread public confusion over the government’s intention.

2 ) The old man looked in confusion at his new surroundings.

constantly* [..k..nst..ntli ] adv.老是,总是

[ 同义] continuously,frequently

corporation* [..k....p....rei....n] n.公司

[ 同义] company,fi rm

culture* [..k..lt....] n.①文化;文明②修养③陶冶;教育

[ 同义] ①civilization③education,tending

[ 考点] a man of (low) culture 一个有(缺乏) 教养的人

mor al/intellectual/physical cultur e 德/智/体育

[ 例句] 1 ) He is a man of great culture.

2 ) They have developed their bodies by physical culture.

definitely * [..definitli] adv.明确地;确切地;肯定

delegation [..deli....ei....n] n.代表团

discomfort* [ dis..k..mf..t ] n.不舒服;困苦

[ 同义] suffer ing,inconvenience

[ 考点] general/physical/unendurable discomfor ts 浑身的/身体的/无法忍受的不适

[ 例句] He r lette r caused him some discomfor t.

edible* [..edibl] a dj.可食的n.(复数) 可食的东西

fancy * [..f .. nsi ] n.①想像力;幻想②爱好;迷恋

adj.①花色的② (食品等) 特别的;高档的v.①喜欢②设想;猜想

[ 同义] n.①dream,fantasy②liking,prefe rence ad j.②colored v.②prefer,imagine,guess

[ 反义] n.①fact,reality② dislike

[ 考点] have a fancy (tha t. ) 感到,揣想

have a fancy for (没有一定道理地) 喜欢,想要

take a fancy to 爱上,(变得) 喜欢

take/catch the fancy of 引起.的喜爱

fancy oneself as 自以为是(某种人材)

fancy dr es s/foods 花哨的穿着/特级食品

[ 例句] 1 ) He has a fancy for bright ties.

2 ) The new book took the fancy of the public at once.

3 ) He fancies himself as the fastest swimmer.

farewell * [..f......wel ] n.再见;再会

[ 同义] good-bye

[ 考点] make one’s fa rewells 辞行

take fa rewell 告别

[ 例句] 1 ) It’s time to make our farewells.

2 ) I took farewell of my friends.

flee* [ fli..] v.逃跑;逃离

[ 同义] escape

[ 考点] flee the count ry 逃往国外

flee for one’s life 逃命

[ 例句] 1 ) He fled to the seashore to escape the heat.

2 ) The frightened people fled a round for their lives.

fluster [..fl..st..] n.紧张;慌乱

foreigner * [..f..r..n..] n.外国人

foreignness [..f..r inis] n.外国(人) 的特性

forth [f......] adv.向前;向外

[ 同义] forwa rd,outwa rd

[ 考点] and (so on) so for th 等等

back and forth 来回地,反复地

bring/put for th 提出,产生

give/send for th 发出

hold for th 大谈

set for th 提出,出发

[ 例句] 1 ) The costumes are r ed,pink,blue,purple,yellow,and so for th.

2 ) The tiger is pacing back and for th in his cage.

3 ) New arguments we re brought forth.

gap* [.... p] n.①裂(缺) 口②间隔;间隙③差距

[ 同义] ①break,hole③diffe rence

[ 考点] bridge/close/fill/fill in/fill up/stop/supply a gap


[ 例句] 1 ) History bridges the gaps between the past and present.

2 ) Pleasa fill in the gaps on the diagram.

Godspeed [......d..spi..d] n.祝万事如意