书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第9章 Unit Two Psychology in Our Daily Life (3)

[ 考点] do justice to 公平地对待

in justice to 对.作应有的评价

[ 例句] I say,in justice to him,that he is a good teache r.

latter * [..l .. t..] n.后者

ad j.后者的,后面的

lengthen* [..le......n] v.变长,使延长

[ 同义] extend

[ 反义] shorten

[ 考点] lengthen out 渐渐变长;放长

minimize* [..minimaiz] vt.使.减少到最低程度;轻视

observation* [....bz....vei....n ] n.观察,注意;言论

preferable* [..pref..r..bl] adj.更好的,更合意的

[ 同义] bette r,superior

[ 考点] be pr efe rable to 比.更好一些

It is prefer able that .是可取的(此句型要求虚拟语气)

queue* [ kju..] v.排队n.排队

[ 考点] in a queue 在队里

jump the queue 插队

queue up (for) 排队等候

reclaim [ ri..kleim] n.认领,收回v.回收;纠正;开垦

[ 考点] reclaim a man from error 纠正某人的错误

reclaim land from the sea 填海拓地

baggage reclaim 行李提取处

relate* [ ri..leit ] v.①使相互关联②叙述,讲述

[ 同义] ①link,associate②na rrate,tell

[ 考点] relate to 关于.,和.有关的;向.叙述

be related to 与.相关

relate. to (with ) 把.与.相联

[ 例句] He rela ted to his friends the story of his escape.

social * [..s..u....l] adj.①社会的②社交的

[ 反义] ②sociable

[ 考点] social problem (system/life ) 社会问题(制度/生活)

technology * [ tek..n..l..d..i] n.技术,工艺

teller [..tel..] n.银行出纳

terminus [..t....min..s] n.终点站

transfer* [ t r .. ns..f....] v.转移,迁移;转让;改变

[ 同义] change,move,shift

[ 考点] t ransfer.to 把.转移(转变/转让) 到.

ultimately* [....ltim..tli ] adv.最后地,最终地

unbearable [....n..b....r..bl] a dj.无法忍受的

back up 证实,支持

[ 例句] He backed his argument up with figur es.

be related to 与.有关

[ 例句] His fury could be related to what you said.

be fed up 对.腻烦,讨厌

[ 例句] I’m fed up with this wet weather.

have to do wi th 和.有关

[ 例句] The event has to do with you.

on average 平均地

[ 例句] On average we r eceive 20 let ters a day.

take a short cut 走捷径,抄近路

[ 例句] We decided to take a shor t cut home.

tear one’s hair out 对.焦虑不安,对.感到愤怒

[ 例句] Before the exam,Tom was tearing his hair out prepar ing for it.

Passage Ⅲ Comforting Thoughts


alpha [.... lf..] n.阿尔法(一个希腊字母)

aroma [....r..um..] n.芳香

associate* [....s..u..ieit ] v.与.联合,结合ad j.副的n.伙伴,合伙人

[ 考点] associate.with 把.与.联系起来

associate with 与.交往

associate professor 副教授

one’s old associate 老朋友

[ 例句] A healthy life is fr equently thought to be as sociated with open count ryside and homegrown food.

baker * [..beik..] n.面包师

bolster [..b..ulst..] v.加强;支援,鼓励


buck [ b..k] n.美元

buddy [..b..di ] n.好朋友

chip* [ t..ip] n.碎片;薄片,(土豆) 条

[ 同义] fr agment,cr ack

comforting [..k..mf..ti..] ad j.安慰的,令人欣慰的

confirm* [ k..n..f....m] v t.① 证实,肯定②批准,确认③ 巩固,加强

[ 同义] ①prove,as sure②approve

[ 考点] confirm sb.in sth.确认,同意

confirm a title to sb.批准,授予某人一个称号

[ 例句] This new evidence confirms me in my opinion that they ar e lying.

cookie* [..kuki] n.曲奇饼

crazy* [..kreizi ] ad j.荒唐的,发疯的,着迷的

[ 考点] drive sb.cr azy 使某人发疯

be crazy for 渴望,痴想

demonstrate* [..dem..nst reit ] v.①表明,说明②论证,证明③示威,游行

[ 同义] ①show② prove

[ 考点] demonst rate against sth.为反对.而游行

desperately* [..desp..r..tli] adv.极度地,极强烈地

dessert* [di..z....t ] n.甜食,点心

effective* [ i..fektiv] ad j.有效的,生效的

[ 同义] efficient,succes sful

[ 反义] ineffective

expose* [ ik..s p..uz] v t.①暴露,揭露②使处于.作用或影响下

[ 同义] ①reveal,uncover②subject

[ 反义] ①conceal②protect

[ 考点] expose.to 使.暴露在.下

be exposed to 处在.影响下

[ 例句] The gold medal winner has been widely exposed to the public on television.

impractical * [ im..pr .. ktik..l] a dj.不切实际的

indicate* [..indikeit ] v t.①表明②表示,标出

[ 同义] ①announce,suggest② show,mark

item* [..ait..m] n.① (新闻等的) 一条,一则②条款,项目

[ 考点] item by item 逐条,逐项

naturally * [..n .. t....r..li ] adv.自然地

neighborhood* [..neib..hud] n.邻近地区

odor * [....ud..] n.气味,香气;臭气;声誉,名气

panic* [..p .. nik] n.恐慌,惊乱a dj.惊慌的v.(使) 惊慌(失措)

[ 同义] n.terror,fright,ala rm

[ 反义] n.secur ity

particularly * [ p....tikjul..li] a dv.特别地,尤其

payment* [..peim..nt ] n.偿付的钱;报偿;报应

pray * [ prei ] vt.①祈祷②请求,恳求

[ 同义] ①pleed② request,beg

[ 考点] pray for 为.祈祷

pray against 祈祷不要发生

pray sb.to do sth.请求某事

be past praying for 无可救药

[ 例句] Nancy prayed to be given patience to finis h the work.

prayer * [ pr....] n.祈祷

private* [..pr aivit ] ad j.① 秘密的,私下的② 私人的,私有的

[ 同义] ①confidential

[ 反义] ②public

[ 考点] private business (affai rs) 私事

private study 自学

in private 非公开地,在私下

recall* [ ri..k....l] v.①回忆,想起②召回,撤消

[ 同义] ①remember,recollect

[ 考点] recall doing sth.回忆(做) 某事

recall to s b.sth.使某人回想起

recall to mind 记起,回忆起

[ 例句] I can still recall your saying to me that you wer e going to be abroad.

ridiculous * [ ri..dikjul..s ] adj.可笑的,荒谬的

scientific* [..sai..n..tifik ] ad j.科学的

sniff* [ s nif] v.闻,嗅;觉察到

[ 同义] smell

[ 考点] sniff at 瞧不起,鄙视sniff out 嗅出

[ 例句] You shouldn’t sniff at this oppor tunity.

soothe* [ su....] v.安慰,抚慰

soothing [..su....i..] ad j.安慰的,安慰性的

spice* [ spais ] v.调味

spiced* [..spaist ] ad j.经过调味的

stuff* [ st..f] n.材料,物料,废物


[ 同义] n.material v.load,pack

[ 考点] do one’s stuff 干拿手的事,显身手

know one’s stuff 精通业务

stuff up 塞住,堵住

be stuffed with 把.塞满,把.填满

stuff.into 把.装入

[ 例句] These union negotiators know their stuff.

upset* [..p..set ] ad j.心烦意乱的;不舒服的

[ 考点] be upset about (over ) 为.而心烦意乱as it happens 恰好,碰巧

[ 例句] I would like to go downtown as it happens.

associate.with 把.和.联系到一起

[ 例句] We always as sociate the name of Einstain with his Theory of Relativity.

bring back 使.被忆起

[ 例句] Her appe rance brought back the remote childhood for me.

expose somebody (something) to 使.暴露在

[ 例句] You should t ry to avoid being dangerously exposed to the enemy’s gunfire.

in private 私下,秘密地

[ 例句] Could we talk to you in pr ivate?

make light of 不把.当回事

[ 例句] He always made light of his mistakes.

right away 立刻

[ 例句] Can I leave for a rest right away?

use up 用完

[ 例句] I used up a whole roll of film taking pictures in the garden.