

Sometimes,failure to attain a certain goal has led unexpectedly and even more rewardingly to another.Consider the famous case of Columbus.His studies convinced him that the world is round,and he believed that by sailing westward he could reach Cathay and the Indies.It took him five years before he was able to get the ships necessary for such a journey.Even then,his crew was so doubtful of his ideas that they mutinied and almost turned back.Still Columbus never lost faith.The power within him kept him going,and when he finally sighted some islands he called them the "West Indies." Even after making three more trips to American,Columbus died without realizing he had discovered a new world! History,however,does not record Columbus as a failure.No good effort is ever lost!

What you picture must come to pass if you picture it long enough,clearly enough and confidently enough.I am going to repeat many of these statements again and again,in different ways,because I want them to be indelibly impressed upon your consciousness.

The successful men and women of the world never lost sight of their pictures.They keep on reminding their creative power of what they desire in life so that it will keep on attracting everything they need to materialize what they have pictured.

Example of picture power

Irma and Farley O'Brien are a young couple now living in North Hollywood,California,in " the home of their dreams." It is just the home that they pictured,which they testify came to them as a direct result of visualization.

For months they had tried to find the right home,had looked in many sections and had enlisted the aid of many real-estate agents.They had seen a number of attractive houses and yards but none possessed that indescribable appeal,that heart-warming something they were seeking in a place they would wish to buy.

Finally,despairing of finding what they wanted by they routine methods,Irma and Farley decided to stop searching.They had learned of a new way to attract to them what they desired—a magical way.

All they had to do was to sit quietly and picture together the exact house that they wanted,in the faith that this home existed somewhere and already belonged to them.

Irma drew out the floor plans for the house.She visualized the surrounding landscape,The garden,the flowers,the patio—everything.Farley and she discussed these plans,agreed upon them,become enthused over them.They had little money to invest in such a home,but they had faith that resources would also be made available if they pictured what they desired strongly enough and clearly enough and put forth every effort in the direction of their objective.

Irma said to Farley: "I don't want just a house.I want a home that has been built by a couple who loved it as we will love it,the instant we see it.I want a place that has the atmosphere of love in it and around it.I want to feel this love in every room,in the garden,among the flowers.Do you suppose there is such a place?"

"I'm sure there is," said Farley."There has to be—or you couldn't feel about it as you do."

And so each night,before retiring,Irma and Farley pictured themselves being led to such a home,wherever it might be.They dropped off to sleep,dreaming of this home,with the expectation of being led to it when the time and conditions were right.They let go of all previous apprehensions that they would not find what they desired.Somehow,some way,they knew that what they were picturing would materialize for them.