

One day,some weeks later,Irma and Farley were at a friend's house and Irma felt impelled to tell this friend of "their dream." The friend listened with interest and then said: "You have just described the home of a friend of mine—a man by the name of Mr.Davies,whose wife died a few months ago,shortly after their 'dream home' was completed.Mr.Davies is still living in the home.He has been offered twice what it cost him but he says that he won't sell until he finds a couple who will love this home as much as his wife and he did."

"Please take us to this man," Irma and Farley requested.

When they arrived outside the home in North Hollywood,they stopped and stared,unbelievingly.

"This is it!" they both cried,even before they had stepped across the threshold…the house,the yard,the garden,the flowers,the patio ...their picture had come to life!

And when they met Mr.Davies at the door,the love of this home was in their eyes,and he saw it,and said to them: "I see that you already like this place.Just make yourselves at home.I won't go with you.Take your time.Go wherever you wish.When you have finished,I'll be waiting."

For an hour Irma and Farley lost themselves in their breathless examination of the beautiful premises.It seemed to them as though they had already moved in…as though they had been living in this "home of their dreams," as perhaps they had,in the higher,mental sense.

But now,it was time to face reality.It was obvious that this home would cost far more than they could pay,that any down payment would be in excess of their entire resources.

"What shall we do?" Irma said to Farley."We've found the home we have pictured—but how can it be ours?"

"Our faith has taken us this far," said Farley."Let's not doubt that it can take us the rest of the way."

They were out in the backyard and now they turned to enter the house.As they did so,Mr.Davies opened the door.He stood quietly,eyeing them.

"Oh,it's wonderful…wonderful!" they exclaimed."Just what we have been wanting! But it appears to be beyond our means."

"Perhaps it may not be," said Mr.Davies."I have been requesting a large down payment of people to whom I am not interested in selling.But you love this home as my wife and I did.Somehow,I can feel that she would never forgive me if I sold our beautiful home to a couple who did not share our deep feeling for it.You folks know what you can pay—make your own terms.”

A deal was arranged and the O'Briens left with the assurance that the "home of their dreams" would now become their real life home.

Even so,the down payment would take all their available finances,with no resources in sight to complete the purchase.

"Have we let our feelings run away with us?" Irma questioned."Should we have assumed this big obligation?"

"Everything has worked out so perfectly," said Farley,“'I have faith it will keep on working out this way."

And it did! Today their lovely home is bought and paid for.

Yes,that power within always works when you have learned how to utilize it.It works in ways you cannot possibly imagine,when you place your faith in it and do what you fell is right to do in any situation.

In the case of Irma and Farley,like had attracted like.They had been picturing the kind of a home Mr.Davies owned and he had been picturing selling this home to the kind of a couple they were.Such visualizing had drawn them magnetically together through the medium of the friend to whom Irma felt impelled to confess her desire for "the home of her dreams."

The channels through which you may reach your goal are always provided in much the same manner by the power within,when you have pictured what you want,clearly and confidently and persistently,with faith that what you picture can and will be attained.

All that is good and right for you in life can be drawn to you by right thinking.What "that something" has done for others,it can just as easily do for you.

Positive thoughts attract—negative thoughts repel

Check your thinking! Do you believe what has been told you thus far? Does it begin to ring a bell? Can you look back on your life and see how you have attracted good things to you by positive thinking and bad things by negative thinking? If you can,then you are ready to learn what this creative power can do for you!