

Where did the steamboat,the locomotive,the automobile,the electric light,the sewing machine,the radio,the typewriter and a million other objects and conveniences come from? All were thoughts or mental pictures in the minds of men before they became realities.Everything on this earth,except that which nature creates or has provided,is the result of sustained thought.

Take out of this world everything that has been created by thought alone,and you would have nothing left but the primitive jungle.This is the quickest,most graphic way to give you a comprehension of what the mind of man has done.

When the real history of the evolution of mind is written it will make the greatest,most thrilling story of all time because it will cover all time and every phase of human experience.

This story will tell how man required thousands upon thousands of years to emerge from the depths of ignorance,superstition,fear,prejudice,mythology and wrong concepts.

It will tell of great minds like Galileo,who believed with Copernicus that the earth moves around the sun,and was compelled by the Inquisition to take back his statement and was forbidden to publish his learned books.With what shame we look back upon such persecutions by the early Church of men who dared pursue the truth despite existing doctrines and decrees.

The history of the human mind will give honor to Charles Darwin,whose profound study of plants and animals led to his famous,world-shaking,The Origin of Species,in which he advanced the theory of evolution.To the credit of modern-day theology,God's handiwork in and through evolution is now being recognized by many religious sects.

Time's majestic march through the ages has seen man's mind develop powers he little dreamed of in the early days of his residence on this earth.

Proof that man is more than animal

The fact that the creature man has been able to survive all these centuries in the struggle against all forms of 1ife and in spite of the inhumanities of his fellow man is proof that he possesses superior powers within.Man is a veritable God in the making although he reveals,still too often,devilish tendencies.

It is that inner power which man possesses,beyond and apart from any other living creature on this earth,which has made it possible for him to advance to his present state of development and awareness.

The power within has lifted man above all other animals.While there are probably higher intelligences on other planets and in higher realms of being,it is now evident that man has unlimited potentialities for further development within him.He is just in the kindergarten of his opportunities for unfoldment and achievement,once he learns how to live peacefully and co-operatively with his fellow man.He is in the midst of learning this painful lesson now.But I have faith he is going to learn it.I have a faith in this vast inner power,greater than man,of which man is becoming more and more conscious—"that something" which can and will eventually free man from his fears and hates and prejudices—and give him such understanding of his own self that he will,in turn,be able to understand others.

You always know when a man or woman is using the power within his or her life.Such people walk in the consciousness of this power which is in and behind their every thought and act.They are poised,self-assured,courageous,uninhibited and magnetic in expression.They know where they are going and how to get there.They have pictured their future and are moving with resoluteness and conviction into that future.There is a spirit about them which is contagious.They tend to carry you along with them,to spur you on to greater efforts in your own behalf.These people are the planners and the doers of the world.The great mass of unthinking human beings follow in their wake.

Do you lead the pack,or are you one of the pack? If you are a follower of others,you have not yet discovered "that something" within you.To be a leader,to be able to step out ahead of the pack in your line of work or human interest or expression,you must know how to draw upon the power within.It is absolutely essential.You cannot be anything without it.

The law of attraction will only bring to you what your picture.The creative power within must be magnetized by what you visualize for it to do.

Picture! Picture! Picture!

This is the simple command which leads to attainment.Picture! Picture! Picture! But be sure you are picturing what you really want and not developing pictures of fear and worry which will cause that inner power to create for you what you don't want!

If Edison,when he was trying to invent the electric light,had pictured failure instead of success,he would never have made ten thousand experiments before he developed the filament which would carry the electric current and produce light.Think of it! Edison failed 9,999 times before he succeeded once! But each failure taught him what would not work,and through the laborious process of elimination finally led him to the discovery of something that would work!

How long could you persist in the face of such colossal failure? Edison is credited with saying,"Success is ninety-nine per cent perspiration and one per cent inspiration."

When you know you are working with the power within,as Edison did,your faith will never falter.You will continue the struggle against all obstacles and seeming setbacks,in the unshakeable conviction that you will eventually succeed.