
第22章 青春不老,理想不死(9)

The French say that to part is to die alittle. To be forgotten too is to die a little. Itis to lose some of the links that anchor us tothe rest of humanity. When I met Burmesemigrant workers and refugees during myrecent visit to Thailand, many cried out:“Dont forget us!” They meant: “Dontforget our plight, dont forget to do whatyou can to help us, and dont forget we alsobelong to your world.” When the NobelCommittee awarded the Peace Prize to methey were recognizing that the oppressedand the isolated in Burma were also a partof the world, they were recognizing theoneness of humanity. So for me receivingthe Nobel Peace Prize means personallyextending my concerns for democracy andhuman rights beyond national borders. TheNobel Peace Prize opened up a door in myheart.


The Burmese concept of peace can beexplained as the happiness arising from thecessation of factors that militate againstthe harmonious and the wholesome. Theword nyein-chan translates literally as thebeneficial coolness that comes when a fireis extinguished. Fires of suffering and strifeare raging around the world. Inmy own country, hostilities havenot ceased in the far north; to thewest, communal violence resultingin arson and murder were takingplace just several days before Istarted out on the journey that hasbrought me here today. News ofatrocities in other reaches of theearth abound. Reports of hunger,disease, displacement, joblessness,poverty, injustice, discrimination,prejudice, bigotry; these are ourdaily fare. Everywhere there arenegative forces eating away at thefoundations of peace. Everywherecan be found thoughtlessdissipation of material and humanresources that are necessary forthe conservation of harmony andhappiness in our world.


The First World War represented aterrifying waste of youth and potential, a cruelsquandering of the positive forces of our planet. The poetry of that era has a special significancefor me because I first read it at a time when Iwas the same age as many of those young menwho had to face the prospect of withering beforethey had barely blossomed. A young Americanfighting with the French Foreign Legion wrotebefore he was killed in action in 1916 thathe would meet his death: “At some disputedbarricade”; “on some scarred slope of batteredhill”; “at midnight in some flaming town.” Youthand love and life perishing forever in senselessattempts to capture nameless, unrememberedplaces. And for what? Nearly a century on, wehave yet to find a satisfactory answer.


Are we not still guilty, if to a less violentdegree, of recklessness, of improvidence withregard to our future and our humanity? Waris not the only arena where peace is done todeath. Wherever suffering is ignored, therewill be the seeds of conflict, for sufferingdegrades and embitters and enrages.


A positive aspect of livingin isolation was that I had ampletime in which to ruminate over themeaning of words and preceptsthat I had known and acceptedall my life. As a Buddhist, I hadheard about dukkha, generallytranslated as suffering, since Iwas a small child. Almost on adaily basis elderly, and sometimesnot so elderly, people around mewould murmur “dukkha, dukkha”when they suffered from achesand pains or when they met withsome small, annoying mishaps. However, it was only during myyears of house arrest that I gotaround to investigating the natureof the six great dukkha. Theseare: to be conceived, to age, tosicken, to die, to be parted fromthose one loves, to be forced tolive in propinquity with those onedoes not love. I examined each ofthe six great sufferings, not in areligious context but in the contextof our ordinary, everyday lives. If suffering were an unavoidablepart of our existence, we shouldtry to alleviate it as far as possible inpractical, earthly ways. I mulled overthe effectiveness of ante- and post-natalprogrammes and mother and childcare;of adequate facilities for the agingpopulation; of comprehensive healthservices; of compassionate nursing andhospices. I was particularly intriguedby the last two kinds of suffering: to beparted from those one loves and to beforced to live in propinquity with thoseone does not love. What experiencesmight our Lord Buddha haveundergone in his own life that he hadincluded these two states among thegreat sufferings? I thought of prisonersand refugees, of migrant workersand victims of human trafficking, ofthat great mass of the uprooted of theearth who have been torn away fromtheir homes, parted from families andfriends, forced to live out their livesamong strangers who are not alwayswelcoming.
