
第23章 青春不老,理想不死(10)

We are fortunate to be livingin an age when social welfareand humanitarian assistance arerecognized not only as desirablebut necessary. I am fortunateto be living in an age when thefate of prisoners of conscienceanywhere has become the concernof peoples everywhere, an agewhen democracy and human rightsare widely, even if not universally,accepted as the birthright of all. How often during my years underhouse arrest have I drawn strengthfrom my favourite passages inthe preamble to the UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights:


Disregard and contemptfor human rights have resultedin barbarous acts which haveoutraged the conscience of mankind, and theadvent of a world in which human beings shallenjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedomfrom fear and want has been proclaimed as thehighest aspirations of the common people, it isessential, if man is not to be compelled to haverecourse, as a last resort, to rebellion againsttyranny and oppression, that human rightsshould be protected by the rule of law…


If I am asked why I am fighting for humanrights in Burma, the above passages will providethe answer. If I am asked why I am fighting fordemocracy in Burma, it is because I believethat democratic institutions and practices arenecessary for the guarantee of human rights.


Over the past year there have been signsthat the endeavours of those who believe indemocracy and human rights are beginningto bear fruit in Burma. There have beenchanges in a positive direction; steps towardsdemocratization have been taken. If I advocatecautious optimism it is not because I do nothave faith in the future but because I do notwant to encourage blind faith. Without faithin the future, without the conviction thatdemocratic values and fundamental humanrights are not only necessary but possible forour society, our movement could not have beensustained throughout the destroying years. Some of our warriors fell at their post, somedeserted us, but a dedicated core remainedstrong and committed. At times when I think ofthe years that have passed, I am amazed that somany remained staunch under the most tryingcircumstances. Their faith in our cause is notblind; it is based on a clear-eyedassessment of their own powersof endurance and a profoundrespect for the aspirations of our people.


It is because of recent changes inmy country that I am with you today;and these changes have come aboutbecause of you and other lovers offreedom and justice who contributedtowards a global awareness of oursituation. Before continuing to speakof my country, may I speak out for ourprisoners of conscience? There stillremain such prisoners in Burma. It is tobe feared that because the best knowndetainees have been released, theremainder, the unknown ones, will beforgotten. I am standing here because Iwas once a prisoner of conscience. Asyou look at me and listen to me, pleaseremember the often repeated truth thatone prisoner of conscience is one toomany. Those who have not yet beenfreed, those who have not yet beengiven access to the benefits of justicein my country number much morethan one. Please remember them anddo whatever is possible to effect theirearliest, unconditional release.


Burma is a country of manyethnic nationalities and faith in itsfuture can be founded only on a truespirit of union. Since we achievedindependence in 1948, there never hasbeen a time when we could claim thewhole country was at peace. We havenot been able to develop the trust andunderstanding necessary to removecauses of conflict. Hopes were raisedby ceasefires that were maintainedfrom the early 1990s until 2010 whenthese broke down over the courseof a few months. One unconsideredmove can be enough to remove long-standing ceasefires. In recent months,negotiations between the governmentand ethnic nationality forces have beenmaking progress. We hope that ceasefireagreements will lead to politicalsettlements founded on the aspirationsof the peoples, and the spirit of union.
