
第21章 青春不老,理想不死(8)

I have a dream that one dayevery valley shall be exalted, andevery hill and mountain shall bemade low, the rough places will bemade plain, and the crooked placeswill be made straight; and the gloryof the Lord shall be revealed and allflesh shall see it together.

This is our hope, and this is thefaith that I go back to the South with.

With this faith, we will beable to hew out of the mountain ofdespair a stone of hope. With thisfaith, we will be able to transformthe jangling discords of our nationinto a beautiful symphony ofbrotherhood. With this faith, wewill be able to work together, topray together, to struggle together,to go to jail together, to stand up forfreedom together, knowing that wewill be free one day.





迟到 21 年的诺贝尔演讲

21 years late Nobel Award Lecture

[昂山素季 / Aung San Suu Kyi]

Your Majesties, Your Royal Highness,Excellencies, Distinguished members of theNorwegian Nobel Committee, Dear Friends,


Long years ago, sometimes it seemsmany lives ago, I was at Oxford listeningto the radio programme Desert IslandDiscs with my young son Alexander. Itwas a well-known programme (for all Iknow it still continues) on which famouspeople from all walks of life were invitedto talk about the eight discs, the one bookbeside the Bible and the complete works ofShakespeare, and the one luxury item theywould wish to have with them were theyto be marooned on a desert island. At theend of the programme, which we had bothenjoyed, Alexander asked me if I thoughtI might ever be invited to speak on DesertIsland Discs. “Why not?” I respondedlightly. Since he knew that in general onlycelebrities took part in the programme heproceeded to ask, with genuine interest, forwhat reason I thought I might be invited. I considered this for a moment and thenanswered: “Perhaps because Id have wonthe Nobel Prize for literature,” and we bothlaughed. The prospect seemed pleasant buthardly probable.


(I cannot now rememberwhy I gave that answer, perhapsbecause I had recently read a bookby a Nobel Laureate or perhapsbecause the Desert Island celebrityof that day had been a famouswriter.)


In 1989, when my latehusband Michael Aris came to seeme during my first term of housearrest, he told me that a friend,John Finnis, had nominated mefor the Nobel Peace Prize. Thistime also I laughed. For an instantMichael looked amazed, then herealized why I was amused. TheNobel Peace Prize? A pleasantprospect, but quite improbable! So how did Ifeel when I was actually awarded the NobelPrize for Peace? The question has been putto me many times and this is surely the mostappropriate occasion on which to examine whatthe Nobel Prize means to me and what peacemeans to me.


As I have said repeatedly in many aninterview, I heard the news that I had beenawarded the Nobel Peace Prize on the radioone evening. It did not altogether come asa surprise because I had been mentionedas one of the frontrunners for the prize in anumber of broadcasts during the previousweek. While drafting this lecture, I havetried very hard to remember what myimmediate reaction to the announcement ofthe award had been. I think, I can no longerbe sure, it was something like: “Oh, sotheyve decided to give it to me.” It did notseem quite real because in a sense I did notfeel myself to be quite real at that time.


Often during my days of house arrestit felt as though I were no longer a partof the real world. There was the housewhich was my world, there was the worldof others who also were not free but whowere together in prison as a community, andoutside was the world of the free; each wasa different planet pursuing its own separatecourse in an indifferent universe. What theNobel Peace Prize did was to draw me onceagain into the world of other human beingsoutside the isolated area in which I lived, torestore a sense of reality to me. This did nothappen instantly, of course, but as the daysand months went by and news of reactionsto the award came over the airwaves, Ibegan to understand the significance ofthe Nobel Prize. It had made me real onceagain; it had drawn me back into the widerhuman community. And what was moreimportant, the Nobel Prize had drawn theattention of the world to the struggle fordemocracy and human rights in Burma. Wewere not going to be forgotten.
