
第66章 文学常识

Section Three Common Sense in Literature


Based on the close relation between fiction and life, Prof. Wu Mi summarized five principles for guidingone’s life in reading fiction:


1.Fiction Is a Miniature of Life.


Life is a stage, with all kinds of Characters acting and suffering in accordance with their Character(nature) respectively. Any small and obscure family or social group, as well as the arena of the whole worldand the spectacle of entire History, exhibits the same variety and combination of Characters, with similarrelations of mutual cause-and-effect in their actions. The same fascinating interest is found in studying theone as in studying the other; the same qualifications of mind and heart are required for the understanding andappreciation of the one as of the other. In this sense, Fiction is a Miniature of Life; and Fiction is higher thanHistory, because history is a record of political transactions and characters of the leading public men whereasFiction is the re-presentation of the life and being of the time. Hence the Meaning of“Illusory Land of GreatVoid”and of“Vanity Fair”.


2. Man Is the Master and Author of His Own Fate.



The life of every man (or woman), however socially and morally unimportant, is significant. And, in theblind web (or net) of accidents and rapid wheels of chance, every step of our action affects the happiness ofourselves and of others, and determines our personality and character. In this limited sense, man is the masterand author of his own fate.


3.Fiction Makes its Readers Discard the False and Retain the True.


Wide experience and imaginative understanding reveal to us the Law for Man (Emerson) or the truthsof human life. These are not to be reduced to a few simple and dogmatic statements or maxims. And, noone individual man or group should be made to embody and illustrate the Whole Truth of Human Life.

That truth must be discovered from, and exhibited both in unified totality and in its rich varying phasesof life’s manifestation. But, with reference to one aim or principle of life, with reference to one person’smoral character, with reference to one step in political and social action, there can be seen, clearly andunmistakably, the distinction between the True and the False, between honesty and hypocrisy, or pretension,or imposture; between sincere devotion and work and working with ultra and selfish and base motives. Fictionmakes this distinction clear by supposing that the Reader (following the Author) could know all the incidentsand all the feelings and thoughts of the Characters, and thereby understand for each Reader himself (orherself) the Real Nature of each and all the facts and people in this book.


4.The Reader will Be Made in Love with True Love.


Love exists (lives), is felt and observed, in the human heart. Love could be understood and appreciatedonly through“self-knowledge”. There are all types and degrees of Love: even the Love between Man andWoman has so many varieties—the true and the false, the noble and the base, the pure and the interested,etc.

The Novelist tries to show all these varieties of Love manifested in different Characters, of different naturesand in different life-situations; so that the Reader will be made in love with True Love.


5.Love the Good and Hate the Evil:


Virtue carries with it its own reward, and Vice its own punishment, in the comfort and sufferings ofConscience. In the actual life of the real world (even in History), there are by far more cases of Injustice thanJustice; so that the general impression is one of bewilderment, indignation, and pessimism. The RealisticNovelist, accordingly, would not have“Virtue rewarded”or Vice punished in his book (for that would beuntrue to Morality as well as Art). He would not even make his good characters rejoice at heart in spiritualcomfort; nor make his bad characters repent and suffer the pangs of Conscience—not even make themexpress their dissatisfaction at partial failures practically. He would only narrate and describe in sucha truthful way that the Readers (if right-minded) will naturally sympathize with the good and sufferingcharacters, and condemn or hate the bad and successful characters. Always remember: If an evil is minor,resist it nonetheless. If a good deed is trifling, perform it all the same.