书城外语《 新编大学英语③ 》词汇突破记忆

第26章 Unit Eight Healthy Living (1)


1) The doctors have the cause of the illness to an unknown vi rus.

A.at tr ibuted B.contr ibuted

C.attached D.related

2) If the heavy r ain had with an ext reme high tide ,ser ious flooding would have resulted.

A.happened B.worked

C.coincided D.occurr ed

3) He’s got a disease ,which does not affect his mind but damages his muscle cont rol.

A.serious B.deliberating

C.debilitating D.defecting

4) High levels of lead have been in the atmosphe re.

A.found B.discover ed

C.checked D.detected

5) The opposition par ty has been in such for so long that they pose no real thr eat to the pr esent gove rnment.

A.state B.mixture

C.hurry D.disorder

6) Sunlight the branches.

A.filtered in B.filtered through

C.filte red out D.filtered down

7) I heard a sharp of breath behind me.

A.whistle B.ai r

C.intake D.sound

8) The temper ature will reach a of 39 centigrade to- day.

A.maximum B.minimum

C.highest D.most

9) Nowadays ,inst ruments ar e widely used in var ious fields.

A.pr ecise B.pr ecision

C.exact D.accurate

10) The machine works according to the of elect romagnetic conduction.

A.principal B.t ruth

C.base D.principle

11) The team is by JVC,so the players wear the let - ter s JVC on their s hir ts.

A.s uppor ted B.donated

C.sponsor ed D.granted

12) You have to 5% tax from the lottery prize you’ve received.

A.r educe B.decrease

C.les son D.subt ract

13) Her tactics to win back her boyfriend.

A.backfi red B.bubbled

C.blackened D.da rkened

14) He continues to carry the of liberal politics.

A.flag B.symbol

C.banner D.task

15) In the kitchen an impressive of stainles s steel utensils hangs on the wall.

A.bat tery B.number

C.group D.collection


1) A 2 ) C 3) C 4) D 5) D 6) B 7 ) C 8) A

9) A 10) D 11) C 12) D 13) A 14) C 15) A

Part One In Class Reading

Set Your Body’s Time Clock to Work for You


administration4 [..dmini..st rei....n] n.① 管理部门,行政机关②管理

[ 同义] cent ral ,direction

[ 考点] the Bush administ ration 布什政府

the last Republican administ ration 上届共和党政府

[ 例句] 1 ) She has little experience in administr ation.

2 ) Dr.White has complained that more of her time is taken up with pet ty (不重要的) administ ration than with tr eating the sick.

aeronaut ics [....r..u..n....tiks ] n.航空学

aspirin [.... s p..rin ,.... sprin] n.阿司匹林

astronaut [.... str..n....t ] n.宇航员

attribute4 [....tr ibu..t ] v.把(某事) 归因于,认为是.结果

[ 同义] apply ,ascr ibe,assign ,featur e

[ 考点] a tt ribute sth.to 把.归因于

[ 例句] 1 ) To wha t do att ribute this delay?

2 ) We att ribute our succes s to being in the right place at right time.

biologist* [ bai....l..d..ist ] n.生物学家

cadence [..keid..ns] n.节奏,韵律

coffeinated [ k .. fi....neitid] adj.含咖啡因的

caffeine [..k .. fi..n] n.咖啡因

chronobiologist [..kr..n..bai....l..d..ist ] n.时间生物学家

circadian [ s......keidi..n] adj.生理节奏的

coincide6 [ k..uin..said] v.(在时间上) 巧合,同时发生

[ 考点] coincide with 与.同时发生

views coincide on (a range of) subjects 观点一致

[ 例句] 1 ) I timed my holiday to coincide with the children ’s school holiday.

2 ) His comments coincided with a survey this week which found that many childr en begin r egular television watching before they a re a year old.

complexity * [ k..m..plek siti] n.复杂(性)

[ 反义] brevity ,simplicity

[ 例句] There a re a lot of complexities surrounding this iss ue.

dean6 [..di..n] n.(大学) 学院院长,系主任

debili tating [ di..biliteiti..] ad j.使衰弱的

[ 考点] a debilitating climate 不宜人的气候

[ 例句] It is a debilitating disease which does not affect the mind but damages muscle control.

detect4 [ di..tekt ] v.发现,觉察

[ 同义] ca tch ,discover ,distinguish ,pe rceive,recognize,spy

[ 反义] conceal ,hide

[ 例句] 1) Financial exper ts have detected signs that the economy is beginning to improve.

2) Do I detect a note of i rritation in your voice ,Ann?

disorder [ dis......d..] n.① (身心、机能的) 失调,紊乱② 混乱,无秩序

[ 考点] blood disorder 血液失调

mental disorder 大脑紊乱

public disorder 公乱

civil disorder 民乱

[ 例句] 1) The whole office was in a state of disorder-she couldn’t find a thing that she looked for.

2) The family has a history of mental disorder.

dub6 [d..b] v.①给.起绰号②为(影片或录音带) 配音

[ 同义] call ,chr isten ,label ,name

[ 考点] be dubbed into 配.音

[ 例句] I ’d r ather wa tch a film with subtitles than one dubbed into English.

eccentricity6 [..eksen..t ris..ti] n.古怪,反常,怪癖

[ 同义] aberration ,abnormality ,oddity ,st rangeness

[ 例句] His eccent ricity now extends to neve r washing or changing his clothes.

familiarize* [ f....mili..r aiz ] v.使熟悉

[ 同义] acclimatize ,accustom,br ief ,coach ,inst ruct ,prime

[ 考点] familiarize oneself with 使自己熟悉

[ 例句] I bought a guidebook to familiar ize myself with the count ry before I went there.

filter4 [..filt..] v.①透过②过滤


[ 考点] an oil/ water filter 油/ 水过滤器

a dust filte r 灰尘过滤器

filter down (in/ out/ through ) (漫漫) 渗入,渗过,渗透

[ 例句] 1 ) Reports about an accident began to filte r in.

2 ) Sunlight filters t rough the br anches.

graph4 [..r....f] n.曲线图

[ 同义] char t ,diagr am,grid ,table

[ 考点] graph pape r 图纸

temper ature graph 气象图

[ 例句] 1 ) To dr aw a graph you need to plot results along

X and Y axes.

2 ) This graph shows how c rime has va ried in rela - tionship to unemployment over the last 20 yea rs.

intake [..inteik ] n.① 吸入(数) 量,纳入(数) 量② (气体、液体的) 入口

[ 考点] daily intake of (sth .) 日吸入量air intakes 空气入口

[ 例句] The teacher t raining college has increase its intake of students by 50% this year.

maximum4 [..m .. ksim..m] adj.最大值的,最大量的n.最大值,最大量

[ 同义] ad j.Biggest ,greatest ,highest ,largest ,most ,outmost n.ceiling ,extr emity ,height ,most ,peak ,summit

[ 反义] minimum

[ 考点] turn up to maximum volume (把音响等) 开到最大音量

do sth.to the maximum 尽最大可能地做某事

[ 例句] 1 ) The bomb was designed to cause the maximum amount of ha rm to the maximum number people.

2 ) The tempera ture will reach a maximum of 27°C today.

metabolic [..met....b..lik] ad j.新陈代谢的

[ 考点] metabolic r ate 新陈代谢率

[ 例句] The athlete had taken pills to stimulate their meta -bolic r ate.

nadir [..neidi..] n.最低点

[ 反义] zenith

[ 考点] the nadir/ zenith of.的最低/ 高点

[ 例句] The defeat was the zenith of he r career.

nightfall [..nait f....l ] n.傍晚,黄昏

[ 同义] dus k ,eve ,evening ,sunset ,gloaming ,twilight

[ 反义] drawn ,sunrise

pharmacy6 [..f....m..si ] n.药剂学,药房

physiologist* [..fizi....l..d..ist ] n.生理学者,生理学家

potency [..p..ut..nsi ] n.效能,效力

[ 同义] st rength ,powe r ,force,influence ,effectivenes s

[ 反义] impotency

[ 例句] The potency of these weapons is far gr eate r than anything previously available.

precision4 [ pri..si..n] n.精确,准确

[ 同义] exactnes s,accuracy

[ 考点] precision inst ruments/ tools 精密仪器/ 工具

precision bombing 正确轰炸

[ 例句] 1 ) Great precision is requi red to align the mirrors accurately.

2 ) His books are a pleas ur e to r ead because he

writes with such a cla rity and precision.

predictably * [ pri..dikt..bli ] adv.可预言地

[ 同义] expectedly

[ 例句] 1 ) The American tennis champion predictably beat

the Br itish newcomer in the second round of the championship.

2 ) Predictably (正如预期的那样) ,af ter the initial inter est ,the refugees now seem to have been forgotten.

principle4 [..prinsip..l ] n.①原理②原则③准则,为人之道