书城外语《 新编大学英语③ 》词汇突破记忆

第25章 Unit Seven Athletes (3)

[ 例句] 1 ) What struck her was the intense competition between the two brothers.

2 ) You won ’ t have much of a laugh with Andrew-he’s rather intense.

lawyerlike* [..l....j..laik ] adj.像律师的

midlife [..midlaif] n.中年(40~50 岁)

overly [....uv..li] a dv.太,过度

[ 同义] too ,ve ry

[ 例句] 1 ) I’m not overly happy at the decision.

2 ) His films have been criticized for being overly violent.

ponytail [..p..uniteil ] n.(女子的) 马尾发(型)

[ 例句] The only people with ponytails these days seem to be gir ls under ten ,or men in thei r fifties who ar e aging hippies.

prom [ pr..m] n.(AmE) 高中或大学班级举办的正式舞会,班级舞会

[ 同义] ball ,dance pa r ty

quest6 [ kwest ] n.寻求,搜索,追求

[ 考点] one’s quest for sth.对某事(物) 的追求

one’s quest to do sth.对做某事的追求

[ 例句] 1) Nothing will stop them in their quest for t ruth.

2) She does aerobics four times a week in her quest to achieve the pe rfect body.

ribbon4 [..r ib..n] n.丝带,缎带

[ 考点] a narrow r ibbon of sth.一小段.

be in ribbons 撕成碎片

[ 例句] 1 ) She tied a yellow ribbon round her hat.

2 ) A narrow ribbon of road st retched ahead of us across the deser t.

softball [..s..ftb....l] n.垒球

sweatband* [..swetb .. nd] n.吸汗巾

teammate* [..ti..m..meit ] n.队友

[ 例句] He kicked the ball to his teammate who then scored the goal.

tryout* [..t rai..aut ] n.试用,试验;测验

[ 同义] test

[ 例句] Afte r a tryout in Bath ,the play is due to open in Edinburgh next month.

varsity [..v....siti] adj.(AmE) (大专学校的) 体育代表队的,校队的

yearbook* [..ji..buk] n.(学校的) 年鉴

[ 例句] There was a photo of her in the school yearbook holding a t rophy that she’d won for playing tennis.

be bound up with 有赖于;与.有关系

[ 例句] The survival of these c reatures is intimately bound up with the health of the ocean.

be up against 面对,面临

[ 例句] We’re up against challenge now.

come in for criticism/ blame 挨批评/ 指责

[ 例句] The journalist came in for criticism by the governor for revealing some dir ty business.

go for ①选择,争取获得②喜欢,被.吸引

[ 例句] 1 ) The Russian relay team will again be going for the gold medal at the Olympic Games.

2 ) Most borrowers of libr ary books go for romance ,mystery and cr ime.

in shape 处于良好的健康状况

[ 例句] She runs six miles a day to help keep herself in shape.

dawn on (someone) 突然意识到

[ 例句] It dawned on her that per sonal expe rience was mor e likely to interest the readers.

go well with 一致;相配;相适

[ 例句] He r blue jeans go well with her shor t cut hair.

sign up 签(报) 名参加

[ 例句] My brother has signed up as a sailor.

strike someone as 在某人看来似乎.

[ 例句] The football match str ikes him as a big movie.

Passage Ⅲ Performance and Technology


acceleration4 [..k..sel....r ei....n] n.加速

[ 反义] deceler ation

[ 例句] 1 ) The acceler ation in the decline of our industr ial base is the fault of gove rnment cuts.

2 ) My ca r has very poor acceler ation.

acrobatic [.... kr..u..b .. tik] ad j.杂技的

[ 考点] acrobatic (= skilled and gr aceful ) leap into the air 优雅娴熟的空中跳跃

an ac robatic young dance r 一位年轻的优雅的舞蹈演员

[ 辨析] acroba tics n.杂技;ac robat n.杂技演员。

[ 例句] He is very ac robatic.

alloy6 [.... l..i ] n.合金

v.(喻) 使变质;损害

[ 例句] 1 ) Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.

2 ) My pleasure in receiving the letter was somewhat alloyed by its contents.

aluminium4 [ .. lju..mini..m] (AmE) aluminum 铝

[ 考点] aluminium foil 铝箔

aluminium cans 铝罐

[ 例句] We take all our aluminium cans for recycling.

arc6 [....k] n.弧,弧形物

[ 考点] a rc lamp 弧光灯

a rc light 弧光

[ 例句] The crowd watched as the ball rose in a high a rc and fell behind the bounda ry line.

badminton [..b .. dmint..n] n.羽毛球(运动)

bamboo6 [ b .. m..bu..] n.竹,竹子

ad j.用竹子制的

[ 考点] bamboo fr ame 竹框

bamboo canes 竹竿

[ 例句] 1 ) I looked a t the photogr aph in the bamboo frame.

2 ) I use bamboo canes to suppor t tall plants in the ga rden.

bobsled [..b..bsled] n.大雪橇(BrE) bobsleigh

canoe [ k....nu..] n.独木舟,小划子


[ 同义] canoeing ,canoed

[ 例句] 1 ) They canoed acros s the lake.

2 ) She’s involved in a lot of outdoor activities like hiking and canoeing.

computerized* [ k..m..pju..t..r aizd ] ad j.用计算机操作(管理)的

crossbar* [..kr..sb....;(US) ..kr....s- ] n.横杆

efficiency4 [ i..fi....nsi ] n.效率

[ 例句] What is so impr essive about their society is the efficiency of the public services.

embed6 [ em..bed] v.(embedded ,embedding ) (AmE) inbed ①嵌(埋、插) 入②含有. ,注(植) 入.

[ 例句] 1 ) The children embedded themselves in the sand.

2 ) I can’t move it.I t’s firmly embedded.

explosive4 [ ik..spl..usiv] ad j.①激增的,迅速的,扩大的② 易爆炸的

[ 考点] highly explosive 易爆的

an explosive clap of thunde r 响雷

explosive temper 爆怒

an explosive issue 易引起冲动的事件

an explosive device 炸弹(装置)

[ 例句] 1 ) Capital punishment (死刑) is an explosive issue .

2 ) Cer tain gases are highly explosive.

factually * [..f .. ktju..li ] adv.事实上

fiber4 [..faib..] n.(BrE) fibre 纤维

[ 同义] dieta ry fiber ,rough fiber

[ 例句] It’s reckoned tha t an incr eased intake of fiber in the diet can r educe the r isk of bowel cancer (肠癌).

fibeiglass* [..faib....l....s] n.玻璃纤维

flexibili ty * [..fleks....biliti ] n.柔韧性,灵活性

footwear4 [..futwε..] n.鞋类

[ 例句] you’ll need some fair ly tough footwear to go walking up mountains.

graphite [....r .. fait ] n.石墨,黑铅

input4 [..input ] n.投入,输入(物、数据)


[ 同义] intake

[ 考点] have much input into sth.大量投入

input sth.into 输进.

[ 例句] 1 ) I didn’t have much input into the project.

2 ) The input for the CD-ROM a re at the back of computer.

javelin [..d.... v..lin] n.标枪

kayak [..kai .. k] n.小艇,小划子

maximize* [..m .. ksimaiz ] v.使增加到最大限度

paddle [p .. dl ] n.短桨

ad j.塑料的;可塑的

[ 同义] changeable ,malleable ,pliant

[ 考点] paddle money 各式信用卡

paddle surgery 整形外科

[ 例句] She had paddle surgery on her nose.

prime4 [ praim] a dj.①首要的,主要的②最好的,第一流的

[ 同义] best ,select

[ 考点] Prime Minster (PM) 首脑,首相,总理

prime mover 发起者

prime numbe r (数学) 质数

prime time (节目播放的) 黄金时间

[ 例句] 1 ) Getting on the Olympic team became he r prime objective.

2 ) The inte rview will be broadcast dur ing prime time ,at seven o’clock in the evening.

propel6 [ pr....pel] v.推动,推进

racket6 [..r .. kit ] n.(网球、羽毛球的) 球拍

reap6 [ ri..p] v.①得到,获得②收割,收获

reflex [ ri....fleks] v.反射

regime6 [ rei....i..m] n.规律,养身法

rigidity* [ ri..d..i..iditi ] n.钢性,坚硬

rigorous6 [..r i....r..s ] ad j.严格的,严厉的,严密的

rudder [..r..d..] n.(船的) 舵

ski4 [ s ki..] n.滑雪板


[ 考点] ski boots 滑雪鞋

a ski club/ resor t 滑雪俱乐部/ 胜地

ski jump 滑雪跳跃

ski lif t 运送滑雪者上山之吊索设备

go skiing 去滑雪

[ 例句] 1 ) I’ve just bought a new pai r of skis.

2 ) He skied down the hill ,past the forest ,and into the village.

synthetic4 [ sin....etik] ad j.①合成的,人造的②虚假的

[ 同义] a r tificial

[ 反义] analytic ,genuine ,insincer e

[ 考点] a synthetic fur coat 人造毛外套

synthetic rubber 合成橡胶

[ 例句] She criticized the synthetic charm of television pr esenters.

tiller [..til..] n.(船的) 舵柄

timing* [..taimi..] n.计时,定时

upper4 [....p..] ad j.较高的,上面的

[ 反义] lower

[ 考点] the Upper House 上议院

have (get ) the uppe r hand (of ) 胜过;(比. ) 占优势

be (down) on one’s uppers 穷困不堪

[ 例句] Afte r hours of fierce negotia tions,the President got the upper hand.

vault [ v....lt ] n.(以手撑某物或撑竿) 跳跃

[ 例句] He vaulted over the brick fence and ran off.

vaulter [..v....lt..] n.撑竿跳运动员

wrestling [..resli..] n.(体) 摔跤,角力