书城外语《 新编大学英语③ 》词汇突破记忆

第13章 Unit Three Leisure Activities (3)

[ 例句] He has been investigated but found blameless.

invest igator * [ in..vesti..eit..] n.调查者

loose4 [ lu..s ] ad j.不严谨的,未固定住的,松开的

[ 同义] relaxed ,slack ,detached ,free,incohe rent

[ 反义] tight

[ 考点] keep loose 松的let someone loose on 放任某人干.

a t a loose end/ at loose ends 没有固定职业的loose leaf 活页

[ 例句] 1 ) Don’t let him loose on the garden ,he’ll pull up all the flowe rs.

2 ) Can I come over?I’m at a loose end this morning.

miscarriage [ mis..k .. rid..] n.失败,未达到预期的结果,流产

obsession [..b..se..n] n.着魔,困扰人的想法

penalty4 [..pen..lti ] n.刑罚,惩罚,处罚

[ 同义] fine

[ 考点] penalty for sth.由于.而处罚

penalty of sth.什么样的处罚

impose penalty on sb.惩罚某人

dea th penalty 死刑

stiff/ heavy/ tough penalty 严厉的处罚

[ 辨析] penalty;punishment

penalty 官方作出的惩罚;punishment 一般的惩罚。

[ 例句] 1 ) She has paid the penalty for crime with five years in prison.

2 ) The law imposed tough penalty on adver tise rs who do not tell the t ruth.

predictable* [ pr i..dikt..bl ] ad j.可预料的,可预见的

[ 辨析] predictable;foreseeable predictable 指可以在某事发生之前说出它将要发生;for eseeable 指有能力预测将来某一特定时间发生的事。

[ 例句] The res ult is predictable.

puzzle4 [..p..zl ] n.①难题,令人费解的事②拼字游戏,拼图游戏

[ 同义] mystery ,riddle

reader4 [..ri..d..] n.读者

shatter6 [...... t..] v.(使) 粉碎,(使) 破碎

[ 同义] fr agment ,smash ,splitte r ,destroy

[ 例句] Suddenly the silence was shatter ed.

shortage4 [........tid..] n.缺少,缺乏,不足

[ 同义] failure

[ 反义] overage

[ 考点] shortage of sth ./ sb.缺乏

[ 例句] There’s no shor tage of skilled worke rs but ther e ar en’t enough jobs for them.

suspect4 [..s..spekt ] n.嫌疑犯

unsettle* [..n..setl ] v.使不安

[ 同义] disorde r ,upset ,discompose

[ 反义] settle

whereabouts [w....r....bauts ] n.行踪

whodunit [ hu....d..nit ] n.侦探小说(或戏剧、影片)

whydunit [wai..d..nit ] n.犯罪动机小说(或影片、戏剧) end with 以.结束

[ 例句] He ended his speech with a quotation from the Bible.

like clockwork 极有规律性和准确性地,顺利地

[ 例句] Our plan was carried out like clockwork.

loose end(s) 未好好完成的细节

[ 例句] The commit tee’s r epor t was very good ,but ther e a re still just a few loose ends to be tied up.

miscarriage of justice 审判不公,误判

[ 例句] His ten year in prison sentence was a misca rriage of justice.

take on 开始具有或呈现(某种品质) ,以.面貌出现

[ 例句] 1 ) The word takes on an entirely different meaning in this context.

2 ) The city took on a festive air a few weeks befor e Christmas.

without doubt 无疑地,确实地

[ 例句] He is without doubt someone who we all like.

under arrest 被捕;在押

[ 例句] A killer was unde r a rrest last night.

Passage Ⅲ Wow,Would I Love to Do That


announcement * [....naunsm..nt ] n.宣布,宣告

[ 同义] decla ration ,statement

[ 考点] an announcement of 对.的宣布

applaud6 [....pl....d ] vt.鼓掌

[ 例句] The audience applauded the pe rformance for three minutes.

auditorium [......di..t....ri..m] n.礼堂

bare4 [ b....] adj.赤裸的,裸露的

[ 同义] bald ,naked

[ 反义] cove red

[ 考点] bar e of 没有.的,缺少.的

lay bar e 揭露,暴露,使公开

barefoot* [..b....fut ] ad j.赤脚的

bounce4 [ bauns ] v.弹回,反弹,跳起

[ 考点] bounce off 反跳

bounce back 弹回,迅速恢复元气,复苏

[ 例句] The ball hit the wall and bounced off it.

bowling [..b..uli..] n.保龄球

cascade [ k ....skeid] n.小瀑布

elation [ i..lei..n] n.兴高采烈,洋洋得意

entertainer * [ ent....tein..] n.(娱乐节目的) 表演者

hasten* [..heisn] v.加快

[ 考点] hasten to sth.匆忙赶往.

hasten to do.匆忙干.

[ 例句] 1 ) He hastened to the station to meet her there.

2 ) In order not to be misunderstood ,he hastened to add a few words.

hooked* [ hukt ] adj.对.着迷,被.迷住

[ 考点] be hooked on sth.被.迷住

[ 例句] He’s so hooked on compute rs that he won’t stop even to eat.

juggle [..d......l ] v.玩杂耍,连续抛接若干物体

mom [ m..m] n.妈妈

performer* [ p....f....m..] n.表演者

resume4 [ ri..zju..m;(US) -..zu..m] v.继续,重新开始

[ 同义] reas sume ,reoccupy ,r eposses s

[ 反义] cease ,halt ,postpone ,quit ,interrupt

[ 考点] resume + n./ doing 继续干.

[ 例句] We’ll stop now and r esume working a t two o’clock.

scared* [ sk....d] adj.害怕

[ 同义] afraid ,star tled ,panicked

[ 反义] unafr aid ,unsca red

[ 考点] be scared of 害怕.

be scared to do 害怕做某事be scared that 害怕,担心.

[ 例句] 1 ) I’m sca red of snakes.

2 ) I’m sca red to fly in a plane.

shorts* [......ts ] n.短裤

stripe4 [ st raip] n.线条,条纹

torch4 [ t....t..] n.火炬,火把

unicycle* [..ju..nisaikl ] n.独轮车

vengeance [..vend....ns] n.报复,报仇,复仇

wow [wau] int.哇

back out 不履行,打退堂鼓,食言

[ 例句] He promised to help me at the very beginning and then backed out.

catch on 懂得,理解

[ 例句] It was a long time before the police caught on to what he was really doing.

fill in for someone 替代某人的工作

[ 例句] Out teacher was ill so Mis s Jones filled in for him.

get through 干完,完成

[ 例句] When you get through with your work ,let ’s go out.

start over 从头开始

[ 例句] I’m sta r ting over ,t rying to rebuild my own self esteem.

try something out 试用,试验,考验

[ 例句] I’m going to t ry the new ca r out.

with a vengeance 激烈地,猛烈地

[ 例句] It is r aining with a vengeance.