书城外语《 新编大学英语③ 》词汇突破记忆

第12章 Unit Three Leisure Activities (2)

[ 辨析] environment;surroundings;situation;circumstances ;situation;condition environment 指自然环境,在用于某人或某一生物时,不但表示自然环境,而且还表示其所处的外部因素,而且这些因素在某类或某个人的体力、脑力和道德诸方面的发展是至关重要的;surroundings 建筑物或人所居住地的周围环境;situation 代表具体环境条件之组合的状况,更强调有关的人和所处的环境的关系;circumstances 和situation 的含义差不多,但多用于一些固定词组搭配中;condition 强调造成某一结果的原因及条件,其复数可指条件或特征的总和。

[ 例句] He grow up in an environment of pover ty.

flesh4 [ fle..] n.肉,肉体

flute [ flu..t ] n.笛

folklore* [..f..ukl....] n.民间信仰,民间传说,民俗

forehead4 [..f..rid;(US) ..f....rid] n.前额

futuristic [ fju..t......r istik] adj.未来的,未来派的,未来主义的

gravi ty4 [....r .. viti ] n.重力,引力

harp [ h....p] n.竖琴

illusion6 [ i..lu....n] n.错觉,幻觉,假象

[ 例句] It is time for them to cast aside their illusion.

inspire4 [ in..spai..] v.使产生灵感,启示,鼓励,激励

[ 同义] stimulate ,affect ,quicken

[ 反义] expir e

[ 考点] inspi re sb.to sth.促使某人.

inspi re + obj.+ to do 鼓励某人做某事

inspi re + obj.+ in 激起某人的.

inspi re + obj.+ with 使某人产生.

[ 例句] 1 ) I was inspir ed to work hard by he r example.

2 ) His driving ha rdly inspi res confidence in his passengers.

jellyfish [..d..elifi..] n.水母,海蜇

Marseilles [ m......seilz] n.马赛(法国第二大城市)

Medi terranean [..medit....reini..n] n.地中海

microphone4 [..maikr..f..un] n.麦克风,话筒,传声器

opera4 [....p..r..] n.歌剧

opt ional4 [....p....nl] adj.可选择的,非强制的

[ 同义] elective ,faculta tive ,alternative ,non obligatory,voluntary

[ 反义] compulsory ,obligatory ,r equir ed

[ 例句] Purchase of tickets is purely optional.

radical4 [..r .. dikl ] ad j.基本的,彻底的,主张彻底改革的,激进的

[ 同义] fundamental ,essential ,ext reme ,liberal ,constitutional

[ 反义] superficial

[ 辨析] radical;fundamental;es sential;basic

radical 指改变后的情况与现在的情况完全不同;fundamental 指最基本的,是其他条件存在所必须的;es sential 指最明显、最重要的;basic 指比其他都重要或必要的。

[ 例句] Radical depar tures from t radition and custom in dr ess were introduced in the 1960 s.

revolutionize* [ r ev....lu......naiz] v.使发生革命性剧变,使彻底变革

[ 例句] The substance ,discove red by accident ,has revolutionized medicine.

sensory * [..sens..ri ] ad j.感官的,感觉上的

[ 同义] sensa tional,sensatory ,sensitive

shrimp [..rimp] n.(小) 虾

siren [..sai..r..n] n.塞壬,汽笛,警报器

skull6 [ sk..l] n.头骨

snap4 [ sn .. p] v.啪地移动,突然断开,断成两截

[ 考点] snap at s b.怒声责骂

snap one’s finge rs at 表示某人对.的不尊敬

snap sth.up 迅速抓住,马上接受

[ 例句] 1 ) As an ar tist ,he’s always snapped his fingers at convention.

2 ) It’s really a ba rgain ,you should snap it up!

snorkel [..sn....k..l] n.水下呼吸管

speaker4 [..s p..i k..] n.扬声器,喇叭

submerge4 [ s..b..m....d..] v.(使) 潜入水中,使浸没,淹没

[ 同义] dip ,deluge

[ 考点] submerge sth.in sth.把.浸入.

[ 例句] At the fir st sign of danger the submar ine submerged in the sea.

synthesize* [..sin..isaiz] v.合成

[ 例句] They synthesize their experience into pr inciples and theories.

underwater* [....nd....w....t..] ad j.水面下的

upside down [....psaid..daun] adv.颠倒地

vague4 [ vei..] adj.含糊的,模糊的

[ 同义] obscure ,faint

[ 反义] express

[ 考点] be vague about 对.不了解,

[ 例句] The final let ter is ve ry vague,pos sibly an R or a K.

vision4 [..vi....n] n.洞察力,远见

[ 同义] revelation ,fancy

[ 考点] have visions of sth.幻想,梦想,想象

[ 例句] The re was so much tr affic on the road that I had visions of missing my plane.

weightlessness* [..weitlisnis ] n.失重

attach to 系于,贴于,固定于

[ 例句] The tourist at tached labels to all his bags.

complete with 齐备的,备有.的,具有

[ 例句] We had a picnic complete with dancing last Sunday.

hold one’s breathe 屏息

[ 例句] He has held his br eath for one minute.

in contact with 和.接触着

[ 例句] She has been in contact with the disease.

Passage Ⅱ Fatal Attraction


arrest4 [....rest ] v.逮捕


[ 同义] detain ,pinch

[ 反义] discharge ,liber ate,release

[ 辨析] a rrest;catch a rrest 指警察向某人正式宣布因其做了违法之事

而被捕;catch 指警察抓住一个罪犯。

[ 例句] He has been arr ested on suspicion of murde r and taken into custody.

clockwork* [..kl..kw....k] n.发条装置,类似钟表机械的装置

convict6 [ k..n..vikt ] v.证明.有罪,宣判.有罪

[ 考点] be convicted of 证明.有罪,宣判.有罪

[ 例句] They were convicted of murder.

cosy6 [..k..zi] adj.温暖舒适的

[ 同义] comfor table ,intimate

dated* [..deitid] ad j.过时的,老式的

[ 同义] old fashioned

[ 反义] up to the minute

detection4 [ di..tek..n] n.发现,察觉

[ 辨析] detection;discovery;notice detection 由于非常小、微弱或不清楚而很难被看到或听到,但却被发现了;discovery 发现一个非常重要的而且以前没有人知道的东西;notice 当某事已发生后才注意到。

[ 例句] His c rime escaped detection for many years.

drama4 [..dr....m..] n.剧,戏剧

fiction4 [..fik..n] n.小说

fictional * [..fik....nl ] ad j.小说的,虚构的

gardener4 [........dn..] n.园丁

invest igate4 [ in..vesti..eit ] v.调查,查明,探究

[ 同义] explore

[ 考点] investigate into 调查

[ 辨析] investigate;inquir e investigate 努力找到一犯罪、事故或科研问题的真相;inquire 警察通过问问题而对某个人、犯罪、事故所作的调查。