A boy,before he really grows up,is pretty likea wild animal. He can be scared right out of hiswits one day and by the next he’ll have forgottenall about it.
Anyway,that’s how it was with me. I keptthinking about the rabies Burn Sanderson told meabout. I didn”t get much sleep that night. I keptseeing pictures in my mind of mad dogs and madwolves,and sometimes I would see Mama and LittleArliss being bitten so that they got ill and went madtoo. I lay in bed and shook,I was so afraid.
Then,next day,I went out to round up andmark the hogs and I forgot all about the rabies.
Our hogs ran loose in those days,like our cattle.
We fenced them out of the fields,that’s all. Wenever fed them,except perhaps in a bad winterwhen we’d throw them a little corn. The rest of thetime they had to look after themselves.
Usually they fed on acorns,berries,wildplums,prickly - pear apples,grass,weeds,and bulbplants they rooted out of the ground.
Sometimes,too,they’d eat a newborn calf ifthe mama cow couldn’t keep them away with herhorns. Or a baby fawn that the doe had left hiddenin the tall grass.
But most of these meat eaters were old hogs.
They would have begun to eat just anything theycould get hold of in a very cold winter,perhaps,orwhen there’d been no rain for more than a month.
Papa said they usually started by feeding on somedeer or cow that had died,and then from there theywent on to catching and killing live meat.
Mama didn”t like it a bit when I set out tocatch and mark all the pigs that had been born thatyear. She knew it had to be done so that we couldtell our hogs from everyone else’s. But she didn’tlike my doing it alone.
“Bu t I’m not d oing it a lone ,Mama ,”I pointedout.“I’ve go t Old Ye lle r,a nd Burn Sa nde rs on s a yshe”s a re a lly good hog dog .”
“Th a t doe sn”t me a n a thin g,”said Mama.“All
hog dogs a re good one s.A go od one is the only kindtha t c a n do the job a nd live.The be s t dog in the worldwon”t s top you from be ing cut to pie ce s if you shouldma ke a s lip.”
Well,Mama was right. I’d worked with Papalong enough to know that. If you leave a wild hog alonehe’ll run from you on sight ,like a deer. Butonce you corner him,he’s the most dangerous animalin Texas. If you catch a little pig out of thebunch,you’ve got a battle on your hands. They’llkill you if they can get to you;and if you”re notfast footed and don’t keep a close watch,they’llget to you. They had to be like that,of course,in acountry where the wolves,panthers,and bears werealways after them for a meal of fresh hog meat.
是 啊,妈妈是对的。我跟爸爸干这活已经有相当长的一段时间了,所以也懂得这一点。如果你不去碰它,野猪就会象鹿一样,一看到你就逃。可是,一旦你把它逼得走投无路,它便成了得克萨斯最危险的动物了。如果你从一群小猪崽里抓走了一只,你就得准备进行一场恶战。如果它们能够抓住你,就会把你给弄死;而如果你跑不快,警惕性不高,它们就会抓住你。在这个山村里到处有狼、豹和熊在追逐着它们,想吃上一餐鲜猪肉,因此它们当然也只能如此了。
But I liked working the hogs. I couldn’t help it.
It was fun,and I suppose I liked the danger.
Burn Sanderson was right about Old Yeller,Hewas a good hog dog. We found our first bunch ofhogs at a spring where they’d come to drink andcool off in the soft mud. They caught wind of us atabout the same time I saw them. They all raced offfor the hills,running through the rocks and bushesalmost as fast and silently as deer.
“He a d”em,Ye lle r,”I shouted.“Go ge t”emboy!”
But Old Yeller was gone already.
He was down the hill ,across the mud and hadthe last pig by the leg before the others knew hewas after them.