书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第28章 Unit Eight Social Problems (1)

Par t One In class Reading

Latchkey Children Knock,Knock,

Is Anybody Home?

1. 词汇精练

1) We can’t judge a man simply on the of his appea rance.

A.br as s B.basis

C.basic D.base

2) Anything that him interests me.

A.concerns B.states

C.proclaims D.relates

3) His mind was a t ease and fel t in the future.

A.confident B.confidential

C.confidant D.confidence

4) The United States is t rying to the serious problems created by the energy crisis.

A.put up with B.submit to

C.comply with D.cope with

5) The doctor was as ked to go back to the hospital because of case.

A.an operation B.an eme rgency

C.a t rea tment D.an incident

6) He felt for his scoffing (嘲笑他人).

A.innocent B.illegal

C.guilty D.unlawful

7) The house was very quiet,as it was on the side of

a mountain.

A.isolated B.isolating

C.being isolated D.having been isolated

8 ) The problems requiring immediate solution will be given

a t the meeting.

A.pr iority B.urgency

C.super iority D.emergency

9) He set up a standard of perfection of himself,which seldom pe rmitted him to.

A.free B.excite

C.relax D.dismiss

10) John Dewey believed that education s hould be a prepa ration for life,that a per son learns by doing,and that teaching must the cur iosity and cr eativity of children.

A.seek B.stimulate

C.shape D.secure

11) I t is up to the Government to tackle the air pollution problem and measures in line with the council’s suggestions.

A.set about B.fill up

C.work out D.bring over

12) He me that I couldn’t do it.

A.beat B.bat

C.bet D.bled

13) The new sport cente r for all kinds of leisur e activities.

A.ca ters B.supplies

C.furnishes D.deals

14) Of course,I shall be very for your guidance.

A.graceful B.gr ateful

C.mindful D.cheerful

15) It has been very difficult to all of the local agencies into the na tional organization.

A.integra te B.gather

C.combine D.alternate


1) B 2 ) A 3 ) A 4) D 5) B 6) C 7) A 8) A

9) C 10 ) B 11 ) C 12 ) C 13) A 14) B 15 ) A

2. 词汇精解

accessibility [..k..ses....bil..ti ] n.可以得到,容易得到

advisable* [..d..vaiz..bl] a dj.明智的;可取的,适当的

[ 同义] wise,appropriate,prope r,s uitable

[ 反义] inadvisable,foolish,improper assistance* [....sist..ns ] n.帮助,援助

[ 同义] aid,help,support

[ 反义] obstacle,barrier

[ 考点] give (lend/r ende r/extend ) as sistance to sb.援助某人

come to sb. ’s as sistance 帮助某人

be of assistance to sb.有助于某人

with the assistance of 在.的援助下

[ 例句] He was of considerable as sistance to us.

athlet ic * [......letik] ad j.运动的

basis* [..beisis ] n.基础,根据

[ 同义] base,foundation

[ 考点] on the basis of 以.为根据

[ 例句] On the basis of our sales for ecasts,we may begin

to make profits next year.

burden* [..b....d..n ] n.负担

[ 同义] load,weight,trouble

candidly [..k .. ndidli] adv.坦率地,直率而诚恳地

[ 同义] fr ankly,honestly,faithfully

compelling [k..m..peli..] ad j.使人非注意不可的

[ 同义] forceful,convincing,pursuasive concern* [ k..n..s....n ] n.①担心;忧虑,焦虑②关系v.①涉及②忙于,使某人关心

[ 同义] n.①fea r;worry,anxiety②relationv.①involve

[ 考点] show conce rn for sb.对某人表示关心

have no concern with 与.无关

concern oneself in/with/over/about sth .关心;忙于

be concerned with 涉及,与.有关

be concerned about/for/with 关心

as/so fa r as.be concerned 就.而言

[ 例句] As far as I’m conce rned,I don’t ca re about what you think about.

confident* [..k..nfid..nt ] ad j.确信的,自信的,有信心的

[ 同义] cer tain,convinced,assured

[ 考点] be/feel confident of/about 对.充满信心be confident in 对.有信心

[ 例句] I feel quite confident tha t everybody will do his duty.

conversely * [..k..nv....sli] adv.相反地

cope* [ k..up] v.对付,处理;(机会均等地) 竞争

[ 同义] manage,handle,compete

[ 考点] comp with 对付,处理

cope with each other for sth.相互竞争某物

[ 例句] He knew how to cope with a complicated situation.

decade* [..dekeid] n.十年

determination [dit....mi..nei....n] n.决心,意志力

[ 同义] willpower,self-contol

doze [ d..uz] v.(打) 瞌睡

[ 同义] sleep

[ 考点] doze off 打瞌睡

[ 例句] Some of the students dozed off during the lecture.

effectively * [ i..fektivli ] adv.有效地

[ 同义] efficiently,well

[ 反义] inefficiently

emergency* [ i..m....d....nsi ] n.紧急情况,不测事件

[ 同义] c risis,dange r,urgency

[ 考点] in an emergency 在紧急情况下

rise to the emergency 能应付紧急事件

face an emergency 毅然面对紧急情况

in case of eme rgency 若发生紧急情况

[ 例句] You should use this door only in an emergency.

[ 辨析] emergence;emergency emergence 是从动词emerge (出现,暴露) 派生出来的名词形式,意为“出现”;emergency 为名词,指突然出现的紧急情况、不测事件、非常时刻,需立即着手处理。

emot ional* [ i..m..u....n..l ] ad j.情感的

[ 同义] moving,touching,arousing

enable* [ i..neib..l] v.使(某人) 能够做某事,使可能

[ 同义] permit,allow,authorize

[ 反义] forbid,inhibit,prevent

[ 考点] enable sb.to do sth.使某人能够做某事

[ 例句] A rabbit’s la rge ea rs enable it to hear the slightest sound.

exhausted* [ i....z....stid] ad j.极其疲倦的

[ 同义] tired,worn-out

[ 反义] refreshed,vigorous,energetic

expense* [ ik..spens] n.①花费;支出②经费,费用

[ 同义] ①charge,cost②payment

[ 反义] ①income,earnings,profits

[ 考点] a t the expense of 由.来支付;以牺牲.为代价

[ 例句] He built up a successful business but it was all

done at the expense of his health.

fee* [ fi..] n.费用

[ 同义] charge,payment,cost

foster* [..f..st..] v.鼓励,助长

[ 同义] encourage,promote

[ 反义] discourage

fulfillment* [ful..film..nt..] n.满意,满足

[ 同义] satisfaction

furthermore* [ f..........m....] adv.此外,再者

[ 同义] also,besides,similar ly

guilty* [....ilti ] ad j.内疚的,有罪的

[ 同义] blamable,ashamed

[ 反义] innocent

[ 考点] feel guilty about 对.感到内疚

be guilty of 犯了.罪

find sb.guilty of 宣判某人犯有.罪

[ 例句] Mike was found guilty of murder.

homemaker* [..h..um..meik..] n.主妇,操持家务者

interview* [..int..vju..] n.面试

[ 同义] meeting,talk

[ 考点] a job interview 招聘面试

[ 例句] Don’t be late for your job interview.

invaluable* [ in..v .. lju..b..l ] ad j.价值连城的,极宝贵的

[ 同义] priceles s,precious,valuable

[ 反义] wor thles s

isolate* [..ais..leit ] v.使隔离,使孤立

[ 同义] separ ate,detach

[ 反义] unite,join

[ 考点] isolate sb.(sth .) from 把某人(某物) 与.隔离

[ 例句] When a person has an infectious (传染的) disease ,he is us ually isolated from other people.latchkey [..l .. t..ki..] n.钥匙maturity [ m....tju..r..ti] n.成熟

[ 同义] adulthood

[ 反义] youth

necessity * [ ni..ses..ti ] n.必要性

[ 同义] need,requirement

[ 考点] make a vir tue of neces sity 爽快地做非做不可的事

of neces sity 不可避免的,必然的

unde r the neces sity of doing sth.不得不做某事

[ 例句] He was driven by necessity to steal food for his

starving (挨饿的) children.

opt imum* [....ptim..m] ad j.最佳的,最适宜的

[ 同义] best

[ 反义] worst

overwhelming* [..uv....welmi..] adj.势不可挡的;巨大的

[ 同义] irr esistible,t remendous

[ 反义] insignificant

phenomenon* [fi..n..min..n] n.现象

[ 同义] happening,occurrence

priority * [ prai....riti] n.优先权,优先考虑的事

[ 考点] have/take priority ove r sth./sb.比某人/某事有优先权

give priority to 把优先权给予.

first (top) priority 最优先的项目(问题)

according to prior ity 依次

by priority of 以.为序

[ 例句] Your claim (请求) has priority over his.

relax * [ ri..l .. ks ] v.(使) 松弛、放松

[ 同义] loosen,ease

[ 反义] intensify,tighten

[ 考点] relax oneself 使自己放松一下

relax one’s muscles/discipline/guard/mind 放松某人的肌肉/纪律/警惕/思想

[ 例句] The music will help to relax you.

resentful * [ ri..zentful ] ad j.充满愤恨的

[ 同义] angry,offended

resentment* [ ri..zentm..nt ] n.愤恨,怨恨

[ 同义] ange r,dislike,hat red

secure* [ si..kju..] adj .① 安全的② 无忧虑的③ 稳固的,有把握的

[ 同义] ①safe

[ 反义] ①insecure

[ 考点] be secure from/against 没有.的危险

feel secur e about (as to) sth.对某事感到放心

be secur e of sth.对某事有信心,认为某事靠得住