书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第19章 Unit Five Money (1)

Part One In Class Reading

Time Spent Agonizing over Money

1. 词汇精练

1) The expe riment was but finished when the teacher came to ask for the repor t yesterday morning.

A. nothing B. anything

C. something D. all

2) He did not one idea to the discussion.

A. att ribute B. constitute

C. dist ribute D. cont ribute

3) In Br itain,people four million tons of potatoes eve ry year.

A. swallow B. dispose

C. consume D. exhaust

4) They decided to make further improvements on the ca r’s design

the light of the requi rements of customers.

A. in B. on

C. for D. with

5) His pe rsonality was undoubtedly a in the company ’s s uccess.

A. feature B. factor

C. characteristic D. cause

6) A relief has been set up to help ea rthquake victims.

A. collection B. fund

C. donation D. tr easury

7) He r for money has resulted in shame and ruined upon herself.

A. claim B. thir st

C. applica tion D. stand

8) As shining lights on our national scene,these scientists ar e known to be the people the nation can afford to spare.

A. ill B. well

C. only D. financially

9) We have had to raise our prices because of the incr ease in the cost of mate rials.

A. raw B. rough

C. original D. primitive

10) Once out of the ear th’s gravity,the ast ronaut is by the problem of weightlessness.

A. rela ted B. effected

C. affected D. inclined

11) They life at the cost of honour.

A. purchased B. stocked

C. spent D. cha rged

12) It is t rue that a wild plant into a major food crop such as wheat requires much r esea rch time.

A. breeding B. genera ting

C. magnifying D. multiplying

13) The doctor told Mr Jones to smoking.

A. cut back on B. cut off

C. cut on D. cut in

14) Her husband that it was he who had damaged her car.

A. confused B. confirmed

C. convinced D. cont ributed

15) You shouldn’t your guests talking until the small hours.

A. keep.on B. keep.up

C. keep.in D. keep.with


1) D 2 ) D 3 ) C 4 ) A 5 ) B 6 ) B 7) B 8) A

9) A 10) C 11 ) A 12) A 13) A 14) B 15 ) B

2. 词汇精解

action* [.... k....n] n.①行为②作用③诉讼

[ 同义] ①activity②effect,influence③charge

[ 考点] take/raise/have/bring (an ) action against sb.对某人提出起诉put/set in action = bring/call into action 使行动;使开始工作;使起作用

[ 例句] He brought legal action against his neighbour.affect * [....fekt ] v.①影响② (疾病) 侵袭③假装

[ 同义] ①influence② st rike③pretend

[ 考点] be affected with 受(疾病).侵袭;与. 有关;感到

[ 例句] The lit tle boy is affected with high feve r.

[ 辨析] affect;effect;influence affect 相当于have an effect on (对. 有影响;对.起作用),它的宾语是受到影响的人或事物;effect 作动词时,意为“产生、招致”,宾语是某种影响所带来的变化或结果;influence 指能导致潜移默化的变化或决定一个过程或立场。

afford* [....f....d] v.①担负得起(损失、费用、后果等) ② 给予;提供

[ 同义] ①bear② give,offe r,provide

[ 考点] can ha rdly afford to do sth.几乎不能做某事can well/ill afford sth.完全/难以负担起某事afford sb.sth.给某人带来某物

[ 例句] 1 ) He can hardly afford to mis s anothe r day at school.

2) Music affords us pleasure.

agonize [........naiz] v.痛苦

amass [....m .. s ] v.(大量的) 积累

aspire* [....spai..] v.渴望

[ 同义] long,purs ue

[ 考点] aspire af ter/to/to do 渴望.

[ 例句] The young man aspired to the leade rship of the pa r ty.

bankrupt* [..b ....kr..pt ] ad j.①破产的②枯竭的

[ 同义] ②exhausted

[ 考点] bankrupt in/of 完全缺乏.的

[ 例句] He is bankrupt of all me rciful feelings.

bankruptcy [..b ....kr..ptsi] n.破产事件

billion [..bilj..n] n.(especially US) 十亿

breed* [ bri..d] n.品种v.①饲养;育(种) ②培育③产(仔)

[ 同义] n.type,species

v.①rear,raise②educate③ bea r

[ 考点] cul tivate/originate fine breeds of 培育良种.

be br ed as 作为.培养

[ 例句] He was br ed up as a painter.

[ 辨析] breed;reproduce;bea r breed 表示通过孵化或妊娠繁殖后代;r eproduce 为繁殖或再生,指有性或无性生殖;bear 为自然产生,意味生育后代或使果实成熟。

consume* [ k..n..sju..m] v.①消耗②吃光③使充满

[ 同义] ①waste ②eat up,exhaust ③overwhelm,absorb

[ 反义] ①save ②preserve

[ 考点] be consumed with 因.而毁灭;对.着迷consume much of one’s time in (doing ) sth.在

(做) 某事上花了许多时间。

[ 例句] She was consumed with guilt.

consumer * [ k..n..sju..m..] n.消费者

contribute* [ k..n..t ribju..t ] v.①投稿②捐献③贡献

[ 同义] ②give,donate

[ 考点] cont ribute to 有助于,促使;投稿cont ribute towa rds/to 捐献.

[ 例句] Does smoking contr ibute to lung cancer?

dealer [..di..l..] n.商人

depart* [ di..p....t ] v.①离开②违反

[ 同义] ①set off,leave ②break away,st ray

[ 反义] ①return,a rrive ②stick to

[ 考点] depa rt for 前往depa rt from 中止;离开

[ 例句] The r escue ship depa r ted from the a rea as quickly as possible.

elusive [ i..lju..siv] ad j.难以达到的

evil * [ i..v..l] n.罪恶

ad j.邪恶的

[ 同义] n.sin ad j.wicked,bad,ill

[ 反义] ad j.good,vir tue

[ 考点] speak evil of 讲.的坏话,中伤do (no) evil 做坏事(不干坏事)

for good or for evil 不论好歹

[ 例句] Don’t speak evil of anyone behind his back.

[ 辨析] bad;ill;wicked;evil bad 指应受指责的任何人或事;ill 意味着恶意;wicked 指在道德方面严重的可指责性;evil 除了指应受指责外还意味着是险恶用心的。

ewe [ ju..] n.母羊

factor * [..f .. kt..] n.①因素②因数

[ 同义] ①element,component,ingr edient

[ 考点] a contributing factor in sth./of sth.在某事中起


[ 例句] Heavy snow was a cont ributing factor in the accident.

fashioned* [..f ......nd] adj..式的

financial* [ fai..n .. n....l ] ad j.财政的,经济的

[ 同义] economic,monetary

founder * [..faund..] n.创建者,缔造者

fund* [ f..nd] n.①资金②贮存

[ 同义] ①resources,foundation② reserve

[ 考点] have a fund of (加可数名词或不可数名词) 有大量的.

c reate/establish/found/set up/institute a fund for 为.设立基金

[ 例句] She’s got a fund of amusing jokes.

govern* [......v..n] v.①管理②支配

[ 同义] ①rule,regulate ②cont rol,domina te,conduct

[ 反义] ①mis rule

[ 考点] gove rn oneself 克制

[ 例句] Try to govern your pas sions.

hoard [ h....d] v.储藏;积聚

industrial * [ in..d..st ri..l ] ad j.工业的

inventor * [ in..vent..] n.发明家

invention* [ in..ven....n] n.①发明(物) ②捏造

[ 同义] ①cr eation

journal * [..d......n..l ] n.①日志②期刊③日报

[ 同义] ①daybook,diary ②magazine,periodical ③ daily,newspape r labor * [..leib..] v.①辛苦劳作②费力地前进

[ 同义] work

[ 考点] labor afte r 忙于.

labor sb.with sth.用某事困惑某人

[ 例句] The love of money pushed he r to labor af ter wealth.

lamb* [ l .. m] n.①羊羔②温顺的人

lest* [ lest ] conj.①以免②担心

[ 考点] lest 从句后面用虚拟语气should + 动词原形或动


[ 例句] He ran away lest he (should) be seen.

miserable* [..miz..r..bl ] ad j.痛苦的

mortgage* [..m......id..] n./v.抵押

[ 同义] v.pledge

[ 考点] mor tgage sth.to.for sth.为.抵押某物

[ 例句] The house is mor tgaged to the bank for 30,000.

net [ net ] n.净赚

pantry [..p .. nt ri] n.食品储藏室

patent* [..peit..nt ] v.取得专利权


[ 考点] take out/obtain a patent on sth. 取得.专利权

[ 例句] She took out a pa tent on her new invention.

peacefully* [..pi..sfuli] adv.平静地

penniless * [..penilis] adj.身无分文的

purchase* [..p....t....s] n.①购买②购置物v.①买②获得

[ 同义] v.①buy②win

[ 考点] make a la rge pur chase of 大量购买某物

on purchase of sth 购买某物时

pur chase sth.at the cost of 以牺牲.换取

pur chase.with 用.换得

[ 例句] The happines s purchased with money may not last for life.

rare* [ r....] adj.①稀有的②珍奇的

[ 同义] ①sca rce

[ 反义] ordina ry,common

[ 考点] be rar e for sb.to do sth.对某人来说做某事是极少有的

[ 例句] It is rar e for a pe rson in his position to make s uch a mistake.

raw* [ r....] adj.①生的②未加工的

[ 同义] ①uncooked,unripe②crude,untr eated

[ 反义] ①cooked,ripe

spin* [ spin ] v.①纺织②旋转

[ 同义] ①weave②r evolve,rotate

[ 考点] spin out 延长

[ 例句] We were able to spin out our money until the end of our holidays.

stock * [ st..k] n.①股票②库存v.储备

[ 同义] n.①s har e② store

[ 考点] in stock/out of stock 备有现货/脱销

be stocked with 备有;充满

inc rease one’s stock of 扩大自己的.

[ 例句] Your mind has been stocked with knowledge essential for the task.

sum* [ s..m] n.①一笔钱②总和


[ 考点] in sum 总而言之

sum up 总结;集中

[ 例句] Please sum up all your ene rgies to finish the job.

test drive [..testdraiv] v.试开

thirst* [......st ] n.①渴②渴望v.①想喝②渴望

[ 同义] n.②passion,appetite v.②long,desire