书城教材教辅《 新编大学英语①》词汇突破记忆

第18章 Unit Four Holidays and Special Days (4)

[ 同义] describe,illustr ate

[ 考点] be depicted as 被描写成.

detail * [..diteil ] n.细节,详情v.详细讲述

[ 考点] go/enter into detail(s ) 详谈in detail 详细地

for fur the r details 欲知详情

give full detail of the mat ter 详细叙述这件事情

[ 例句] I wish to hea r the details of your adventure (奇遇).

determined* [ di..t....mind] ad j.有决心的

[ 同义] decided

[ 考点] be dete rmined to do sth.决心做某事

be dete rmined that + 从句决心,决意

[ 例句] We a re dete rmined that the law should be enfor ced.

doctorate [..d..kt..rit ] n.博士学位

dreadful * [..dr edful] adj.糟糕的,可怕的

[ 同义] awful,bad,fea rful

[ 考点] a dreadful night 可怕的夜晚

a dreadful movie 极糟糕的一部影片

economic * [..i..k....n..mik ] ad j.经济的

editorial* [..edi..t....ri..l ] n.社论adj.编辑的

[ 考点] an editorial on educa tion 有关教育的社论

environmentally * [ in..vai..r..n..ment..li ] adv.在环境方面

establish* [ i..st .. bli..] v.① 建立,创办(学校、医院等)


[ 同义] ①found,c rea te,set up

[ 考点] establish.as 使确认,以.确立

establish oneself in 在.落户

establish.in 使.立足于

[ 例句] 1 ) She established he r fame as an actr ess.

2 ) He established his son in business.existence* [ i....zist..ns ] n.存在

[ 同义] being,reality

[ 考点] bring into existence 创造,使产生

come into existence 开始存在,产生

in existence 现存的

put out of existence 灭绝

[ 例句] 1 ) It is believed that this is the only copy of the book in existence.

2 ) When did this wor ld come into existence?

expertise* [..eksp......ti..z] n.专长,专门知识或技能

[ 考点] expe rtise in the economic mat ters 在经济方面的专长

extraordinary * [ ik..st r....d..n..ri ] ad j.不平常的,格外的

[ 考点] a man of extr aordinary genius 惊人的天才

an extr aordina ry memory 非凡的记忆力

fairy * [..f....r i] n.仙女;小妖精

fortify [..f....tifai] v.构筑防御工事;为.设防

genuine* [..d..enjuin] ad j.真实的,名副其实的

[ 同义] actual,r eal

[ 反义] a r tificial,false

[ 考点] a genuine picture by Xu Beihong 徐悲鸿的真迹

a genuine signature 亲笔签名

harmful * [..h....mful] adj.有害的

[ 考点] be harmful to 对.有害

the ha rmful effects of this drug 这种药物的副作用

[ 例句] Is this harmful to animals?

humiliation [ hju....mili..ei....n] n.羞辱

imaginary * [ i..m .. d..in..ri ] adj.想像中的,虚构的

[ 辨析] imaginary;imaginative;imaginable

imaginary 是想像的,虚构的。例: Although the

main characters in the novel are so true to life,they a re entirely imagina ry.imaginative“富有想

像力的”。例: He is an imagina tive writer.imaginable“可想像的”,往往放在被修饰的名词后面,前加all,every 或最高级形容词。例: This is the only solution imaginable.这是惟一想得出的办法。

increasingly * [ in..kri..si..li ] adv.越来越.,日益

incredibly * [ in..kred..bli] a dv.难以置信地

inspiration* [..insp....r ei....n] n.灵感

[ 例句] Many poets and a r tists draw their inspir ation from nature.

intellectual * [..int....lektju..l ] n.知识分子ad j.智力的,需要智慧的

[ 反义] ad j.ignor ant,stupid

[ 考点] intellectual educa tion 智育

an intellectual game 智力游戏

launch* [ l....nt..] v.①使(船) 下水②开办;发动③发射

[ 同义] ②sta rt

[ 考点] launch an a rtificial satellite 发射人造卫星

launch (out ) into politics 投入政界

launch a new business enterprise 创办一新企业

location* [ l..u..kei....n] n.地方,位置

[ 同义] place,spot,position

[ 考点] a suitable location for a camp 适合露营的场所a house in a fine location 地点很好的房子

[ 辨析] location;place;position;spot location 指标明特殊用途或有显著特点的场地。

例: This corne r would make a good location for a gas station.place 是普通用语,可取代本组的其他名词。position 指物体本身的位置,没有与他物相关的意味在内。s pot 指有一定局限的特定场所。

例: I don’t know the precise spot whe re he fell.

mislead [..mis..li..d ] v.误导,使入歧途

[ 考点] be misled by a guide 被向导领错了路

mislead sb.into doing sth.误导某人做某事

[ 例句] Don’t let his friendly words mislead you into trust - ing him.

moth [m....] n.飞蛾

normally * [..n....m..li ] adv.通常地

overlook * [....uv....luk ] v.①俯瞰②忽略,没有注意

[ 同义] ②neglect,ignor e

[ 考点] overlook a valley from a hill 从山上俯视山谷overlook a printer’s error 放过一处印刷错误

[ 辨析] overlook;neglect;ignore

overlook 指由于轻率、不小心而导致的疏忽。

neglect“疏忽;不留心”,指行为而言。例: I don ’t trust her,for she often neglects her duty.ignore 通常指对那些不愿意承认的事情故意视而不见,明显地不予关注。例: They ignored our warning.他们对我们的警告置之不理。

planet* [..pl .. nit ] n.行星

pollute* [ p....lu..t ] v.①污染②玷污,败坏

[ 考点] pollute the air with waste gas 用废气污染空气

pollute a count ry’s honor 败坏一国的名声

books which pollute the mind 毒害思想的书籍

producer * [ pr....dju..s..] n.制片人;生产者

[ 反义] consumer

professional * [ pr....fe....nl] adj.职业的;专业的

[ 反义] amateur

[ 考点] professional skill 专业技术

professional tennis players 职业网球选手

programme* [..pr..u..r .. m] n.节目;程序;计划

[ 同义] blueprint,schedule,timetable

[ 考点] dr aw up/ca rry out a program (me ) 制订/执行一项计划

prepa re a computer programme 编制计算机程序

a live progr amme (电视) 现场直播

the first item on the progr amme 第一个节目

the progr amme of tr avelling 旅行的日程安排

publish* [..p..bli..] v.出版,发行

[ 考点] publish in book form 以书的形式出版

publish works through/with the Commercial Pres s 在商务印书馆出版著作

publish to the wor ld 公诸于世

recognise* [..rek....naiz] v.①认出,辨出②承认

[ 同义] ①identify②admit

[ 考点] be recognised as 被认为是.

recognize one’s own responsibility and duty 认清自己的责任和义务

[ 例句] He was recognized as the gr eatest genius of all time.

reserve* [ r i..z....v] v.①保留②预订


[ 同义] v.①keep,store②book

[ 考点] rese rve for 替.保留;为.预订

without reserve 无保留地

rese rve oneself 养精蓄锐

[ 例句] 1 ) I accept your idea without r ese rve.

2 ) He never works with rese rve.

responsible* [ ris..p..ns..bl] ad j.对.负责

[ 反义] irr esponsible

[ 考点] be responsible for 对.负责

be responsible in morals and in law 在道义和法律


[ 例句] The bus dr ive r is r esponsible for the passenge rs ’ safety.

rival * [..raiv..l ] n.对手


[ 同义] n.competitor v.compete

[ 考点] have few rivals among 在.中几乎没有什么对手

defeat/beat one’s rival 击败对手

rival with sb.for 为得到.与某人竞争

scruple* [..skru..pl] n.顾虑,良心上的不安

[ 考点] a man of no sc ruples 一个无所顾忌的人

make no scruple to do (of doing) sth.肆无忌惮做某事

strip* [ st rip] n.狭条,带状物v.脱光衣服

[ 同义] v.undress,r emove

[ 考点] a st rip of pape r 纸条

st rip for a bath 脱衣洗澡

st rip s b.to the skin 剥光某人的衣服

st rip s b.of one’s power 剥夺某人的权力

[ 例句] The boy st ripped himself to go swimming in the river.

supplement* [..s..plim..nt ] n.①增刊,副刊②补充(物)

[ 考点] a supplement to sth.对.的补充

[ 例句] These reading materials a re used as the supplement to Book One.

telegraph [..teli..r....f] n.电报

totally* [..t..ut..li] a dv.完全地

[ 同义] completely,entir ely,wholly

[ 反义] par tially

uncover* [....n..k..v..] v.揭露;揭开.的盖子

[ 反义] cove r

[ 考点] uncove r a plan to rob a bank 破获一个抢劫银行的犯罪计划

vegetation* [..ved..i..tei....n] n.(总称) 植物add to 增加,增添

[ 例句] Your company adds to the enjoyment of our visit.eat up 吃完

[ 例句] We gr eedily ate up a whole plate of food that we didn’t really want.

look through 快速检查,快速阅读

[ 例句] I’ll look your suggestion through before making a decision

think twice about something/doing something 三思而后再决定做某事

[ 例句] 1 ) I advised him to think twice about deciding to quit school.

2) Do not think twice about it,but say“ No ”;that’s all.