
第16章 拥有今天(5)

“... and I got so scared. I want to come home. I know running away was wrong and you’ve been worried sick. I should have called you days ago but I was afraid, afraid ...”

13)Sobs of deep-felt emotion flowed from the receiver and poured into my heart. Immediately I pictured my daughter’s face in my mind, and my fogged senses seemed to clear, “I think ...”

“No! Please let me finish! Please!” She pleaded in desperation. I paused and tried to think what to say. Before I could go on, she continued. “Mum. I know I shouldn’t be drinking now...but I’m scared, Mum. So scared!”

The voice broke again, and I bit into my lip, feeling my own eyes fill with moisture. I looked up at my husband, who sat silently mouthing, “Who is it?”

I shook my head and when I didn’t answer, he jumped up and left the room, returning seconds later with a portable phone held to his ear. She must have heard the click in the line because she asked, “Are you still there? Please don’t hang up on me! I need you. I feel so alone.”

I clutched the phone and stared at my husband, seeking guidance. “I’m here, I wouldn’t hang up,” I said. “I should have told you, mum. When we talk, you just keep telling me what I should do. You read all those pamphlets on how to talk to kids. You don’t listen to me. You never let me tell you how I feel. It is as if my feelings aren’t important. Because you’re my mother you think you have all the answers. But sometimes I don’t need answers. I just want someone to listen.”

I wallowed the lump in my throat and stared at the how-to-talk-to-your-kids pamphlets scattered on my nightstand. “I’m listening,” I whispered.

“You know, back there on the road after I got the car under control, I saw this phone booth and it was as if I could hear you preaching to me about how people shouldn’t drink and drive. So I called a taxi. I want to come home.”

“That’s good honey,” I said, relief filling my chest.

“But you know, I think I can drive now.”

“No!” I snapped. My muscles stiffened and I tightened the clasp on my husband’s hand. “Please, wait for the taxi. Don’t hang up on me until the taxi gets there.”

“I just want to come home, Mum.”

“I know. But do this for your Mum. Wait for the taxi, please.”

I listened to the silence in fear. When I didn’t hear her answer, I bit into my lip and closed my eyes. “There’s the taxi now.” Only when I heard someone in the background asking about a Yellow Cab did I feel my tension easing.

“I’m coming home, Mum.” There was a click, and the phone went silent. Moving from the bed, tears forming in my eyes, I walked out into the hall and went to stand in my 16-year-old daughter’s room. My husband came from behind and wrapped his arms around me.

I wiped the tears from my cheeks. “We have to learn to listen,” I said to him. He studied me for a second, and then asked, “Do you think she’ll ever know she dialed the wrong number?”

I looked at our sleeping daughter, then back at him. “Maybe it wasn’t such a wrong number.”

“Mum, Dad, what are you doing?” The muffled voice came from under the covers. I walked over to my daughter, who now sat up staring into the darkness. “We’re practicing,” I answered. “Practicing what?” she mumbled and laid back on the mattress. “Listening,” I whispered and brushed a hand over her cheek.






















Marble Trader
