
第9章 School life was colorful

Time passed so fast.I have stayed here about I month already.The school life was enjoyable,generally speaking.The subjects were just easy for me,except for American study.Anyway,I enjoyed the busy and challenging life.

The third trimester began soon.It will be my first as well as last trimester at this school.It was truly very valuable for me.I always wanted to make best of it.On the first day of third trimester,nothing special happened.The only thing that changed a bit is our seats in the classroom.The teachers held their seat arrangement at hands and stu-dents were pointed and arranged into a new seat.My seat has not been changed except for algebra and geometry class.The other changing thing was my lunchtime.It changed from C time to B time,which start-ed at 11:24 and ended at 11.54.After we finished lunch。we do have to continue our class.It was much more inconvenient than before.Anyway,I had to adapt to it.

The boy who came from shanghai joined American study in my class this trimester.I felt confident when I stood in front of him because I had had one more month experience in this lesson than he does as a sophomore.The name of the girl who came from Taiwan was I-chau Liang.We all felt more familiar with each other now.Nonetheless,the American study class still seemed to be hard.I didn"t know why,but every time when I walked into this classroom,I was always nervous.The teacher was strict and I Was not good at the subject possibly.

For ESL ELD class.the teacher called “Mrs.Bunnell”would leave for the next school,which was full of tiny children to go on with her internship.It Was a pity for all of us because she was kind and friendly.We all felt reluctant to be apart with each other.On her last day of the school,I had my first presentation and report of my work.She praised my unique and intelligent story and of course I got full mark on this project.Later,when we finished the presentation of the project.we held a small party to her.The new teacher and the other two teachers brought food to class.We had coke,sprite,salsa and some special Korean food that Were brought by the Korean students.It Was areally interesting day.The atmosphere turned a bit sad when the sched-ule bell rang.Mrs.Bunnell sobbed.She said that this was her first teaching experience after she graduated from university.She told us that she loved teaching,especially the teaching students of different cultures.Ms.Lyons,the assistant of ELL,at the end of class took a photo of us.At last,Mrs.Bunnell promised us to remember us forever and comeback to us at the end of May.I gave her a special gift that I brought from China-a Chinese tie.She was moved and hugged me.I encouraged her to be confident and daring in the new school.She thanked me,any-way.

A dancing party was held by international women club at that night.I went with my morn together.It was interesting that there was no man at the party.The holders were all old lady who worked as ESL or ELL teacher.They were all retired from work now.They were friendly and kind to us foreigners.We just danced and danced With the happy and relaxing music.Everyone has a partner of dancing.And there should be a gentleman and a lady for each group.Unfortunately,I was considered as that man who wore a red scarf as the symbol.And all those old ladies acted the men as well.We jumped and sang.And at last,we ate desserts and bread.It was a special and exciting night.

The spring break was coming,which was considered as a publicholiday through America.My family was planning a fantastic trip.Un-luckily,the forecast reported that it"d be rainy all day.That was really bad.My plan had to change and we finally decided to stay at home and watch TV.To my surprise.there was no homework assignment during the holiday.Entirely different form what we usually do in China,teach-ers here openly wished us happy spring break with no homework aspresents.