
第3章 New Life Came

I woke up at about 8 O"clock in the morning。It was a sunny day.After I had my first breakfast in America,I went shopping with my par-ents.It was a different and big store.It was quiet,not liked the shop in China-everywhere is full of people and kind of noisy.The people here are helpful and friendly,especially to the foreigners.It was still very cold here in winter,the strong wind made the weather even drier.The sun is shining and the sky is crystal clear.The environment was very good here in Iowa City.There are thousands square of the grasses,tall trees and small animals everywhere.The squares are the most common animals here.Back in Beijing,it is difficult to find any animal besides family pets in streets.Iowa City is different;it is much smaller in landand has less population.The place I lived has a really cool name,which is“Hawkeye court”.It is a dwelling district constructed for foreigners who study in the University of Iowa only,like my dad.It was quiet and beautiful.I liked to hang out with my mom when I have free time.I found that I"nl accepting the new life here gradually.

I knew I have to go to a high school here as soon as I adapt to the life here.I was apprehensive and even frightened to go to a school here.I thought my English is kind of poor.I think.My dad and mom always encouraged me to be daring and confident.After three days I came to America,my parents and I went to a high school nearby which is named Iowa City West High School.It was located on a small hill.The recep-tionist was a fat but friendly lady who introduced the school enthusiasti.cally to me.Soon then,I was given a test on English and math.The English test was pretty easy.I almost got a full mark.However the mathtest is a bit hard as there were so much knowledge that I hadn"t learnt yet.As a result,I was chosen in the algebra I class for math skills.Asfor English,I was chosen in ELL and ESL ELD class which were set especially for foreigners.I became a ninth grader at this school.Wecould choose the subject based Off personal interests besides the re-quired lessons.I chose six classes in all according to the recommendation of the counselor such as geometry,American study and found sci-enee.For the first time,I got my own ID card at this school.

At the same time,I got any own locker,which was designed for students to store books or clothes.I also met my math teacher and advi-sory teacher who can speak amazing Chinese!At last,I was guided by the receptionist to the school library to fetch my textbooks there.The text books here are not sold and could only be lent to students bv scan-ning their ID cards.The textbooks here are so big and heavy that I couldn"t carry all of them at one time in my arms although there were only 3 of them.They weighted 5 kilograms at least.I was kind of excit.ed when I came home expecting the day when I could go to this school.However when I thought about my language skill,I was ditfident.It was an exciting night with kind of blue.I couldn’t fall asleep because the next day was as likely to be a special festival as a total disaster for me.I didn’t know.