书城公版The Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches


She passed from paroxysms of rage to paroxysms of tenderness.At one time she stifled him with her caresses; at another time she insulted his deformity.He came into the world; and the world treated him as his mother had treated him, sometimes with fondness, sometimes with cruelty, never with justice.It indulged him without discrimination, and punished him without discrimination.He was truly a spoiled child, not merely the spoiled child of his parent, but the spoiled child of nature, the spoiled child of fortune, the spoiled child of fame, the spoiled child of society.His first poems were received with a contempt which, feeble as they were, they did not absolutely deserve.The poem which he published on his return from his travels was, on the other hand, extolled far above its merit.At twenty-four, he found himself on the highest pinnacle of literary fame, with Scott, Wordsworth, Southey, and a crowd of other distinguished writers beneath his feet.There is scarcely an instance in history of so sudden a rise to so dizzy an eminence.

Everything that could stimulate, and everything that could gratify the strongest propensities of our nature, the gaze of a hundred drawing-rooms, the acclamations of the whole nation, the applause of applauded men, the love of lovely women, all this world and all the glory of it were at once offered to a youth to whom nature had given violent passions, and whom education had never taught to control them.He lived as many men live who have no similar excuse to plead for their faults.But his countrymen and his countrywomen would love him and admire him.They were resolved to see in his excesses only the flash and outbreak of that same fiery mind which glowed in his poetry.He attacked religion; yet in religious circles his name was mentioned with fondness, and in many religious publications his works were censured with singular tenderness.He lampooned the Prince Regent; yet he could not alienate the Tories.Everything, it seemed, was to be forgiven to youth, rank, and genius.

Then came the reaction.Society, capricious in its indignation as it had been capricious in its fondness, flew into a rage with its froward and petted darling.He had been worshipped with an irrational idolatry.He was persecuted with an irrational fury.

Much has been written about those unhappy domestic occurrences which decided the fate of his life.Yet nothing is, nothing ever was, positively known to the public, but this, that he quarrelled with his lady, and that she refused to live with him.There have been hints in abundance, and shrugs and shakings of the head, and "Well, well, we know," and "We could an if we would,"and "If we list to speak," and "There be that might an they list." But we are not aware that there is before the world substantiated by credible, or even by tangible evidence, a single fact indicating that Lord Byron was more to blame than any other man who is on bad terms with his wife.The professional men whom Lady Byron consulted were undoubtedly of opinion that she ought not to live with her husband.But it is to be remembered that they formed that opinion without hearing both sides.We do not say, we do not mean to insinuate, that Lady Byron was in any respect to blame.We think that those who condemn her on the evidence which is now before the public are as rash as those who condemn her husband.We will not pronounce any judgment, we cannot, even in our own minds, form any judgment, on a transaction which is so imperfectly known to us.It would have been well if, at the time of the separation, all those who knew as little about the matter then as we know about it now, had shown that forbearance which, under such circumstances, is but common justice.

We know no spectacle so ridiculous as the British public in one of its periodical fits of morality.In general, elopements, divorces, and family quarrels, pass with little notice.We read the scandal, talk about it for a day, and forget it.But once in six or seven years our virtue becomes outrageous.We cannot suffer the laws of religion and decency to be violated.We must make a stand against vice.We must teach libertines that the English people appreciate the importance of domestic ties.

Accordingly some unfortunate man, in no respect more depraved than hundreds whose offences have been treated with lenity, is singled out as an expiatory sacrifice.If he has children, they are to be taken from him.If he has a profession, he is to be driven from it.He is cut by the higher orders, and hissed by the lower.He is, in truth, a sort of whipping-boy, by whose vicarious agonies all the other transgressors of the same class are, it is supposed, sufficiently chastised.We reflect very complacently on our own severity, and compare with great pride the high standard of morals established in England with the Parisian laxity.At length our anger is satiated.Our victim is ruined and heart-broken.And our virtue goes quietly to sleep for seven years more.