书城公版The Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches


(June 1831)

Letters and Journals of Lord Byron; with Notices of his Life.By THOMAS MOORE, Esq.2 vols.4to.London: 1830.

WE have read this book with the greatest pleasure.Considered merely as a composition, it deserves to be classed among the best specimens of English prose which our age has produced.It contains, indeed, no single passage equal to two or three which we could select from the Life of Sheridan.But, as a whole, it is immeasurably superior to that work.The style is agreeable, clear, and manly, and when it rises into eloquence, rises without effort or ostentation.Nor is the matter inferior to the manner.

It would be difficult to name a book which exhibits more kindness, fairness, and modesty.It has evidently been written, not for the purpose of showing, what, however, it often shows, how well its author can write, but for the purpose of vindicating, as far as truth will permit, the memory of a celebrated man who can no longer vindicate himself.Mr.Moore never thrusts himself between Lord Byron and the public.With the strongest temptations to egotism, he has said no more about himself than the subject absolutely required.

A great part, indeed the greater part, of these volumes, consists of extracts from the letters and journals of Lord Byron; and it is difficult to speak too highly of the skill which has been shown in the selection and arrangement.We will not say that we have not occasionally remarked in these two large quartos an anecdote which should have been omitted, a letter which should have been suppressed, a name which should have been concealed by asterisks, or asterisks which do not answer the purpose of concealing the name.But it is impossible, on a general survey, to deny that the task has been executed with great judgment and great humanity.When we consider the life which Lord Byron had led, his petulance, his irritability, and his communicativeness, we cannot but admire the dexterity with which Mr.Moore has contrived to exhibit so much of the character and opinions of his friend, with so little pain to the feelings of the living.

The extracts from the journals and correspondence of Lord Byron are in the highest degree valuable, not merely on account of the information which they contain respecting the distinguished man by whom they were written, but on account also of their rare merit as compositions.The letters, at least those which were sent from Italy, are among the best in our language.They are less affected than those of Pope and Walpole; they have more matter in them than those of Cowper.Knowing that many of them were not written merely for the person to whom they were directed, but were general epistles, meant to be read by a large circle, we expected to find them clever and spirited, but deficient in ease.We looked with vigilance for instances of stiffness in the language and awkwardness in the transitions.We have been agreeably disappointed; and we must confess that, if the epistolary style of Lord Byron was artificial, it was a rare and admirable instance of that highest art which cannot be distinguished from nature.

Of the deep and painful interest which this book excites no abstract can give a just notion.So sad and dark a story is scarcely to be found in any work of fiction; and we are little disposed to envy the moralist who can read it without being softened.

The pretty fable by which the Duchess of Orleans illustrated the character of her son the Regent might, with little change, be applied to Byron.All the fairies, save one, had been bidden to his cradle.All the gossips had been profuse of their gifts.One had bestowed nobility, another genius, a third beauty.The malignant elf who had been uninvited came last, and, unable to reverse what her sisters had done for their favourite, had mixed up a curse with every blessing.In the rank of Lord Byron, in his understanding, in his character, in his very person, there was a strange union of opposite extremes.He was born to all that men covet and admire.But in every one of those eminent advantages which he possessed over others was mingled something of misery and debasement.He was sprung from a house, ancient indeed and noble, but degraded and impoverished by a series of crimes and follies which had attained a scandalous publicity.The kinsman whom he succeeded had died poor, and, but for merciful judges, would have died upon the gallows.The young peer had great intellectual powers; yet there was an unsound part in his mind.

He had naturally a generous and feeling heart: but his temper was wayward and irritable.He had a head which statuaries loved to copy, and a foot the deformity of which the beggars in the streets mimicked.Distinguished at once by the strength and by the weakness of his intellect, affectionate yet perverse, a poor lord, and a handsome cripple, he required, if ever man required, the firmest and the most judicious training.But, capriciously as nature had dealt with him, the parent to whom the office of forming his character was intrusted was more capricious still.