书城公版Robert Falconer


hoomble,humble, hoombly,humbly, hoor,hour, hoo's,how is, hoose,house, hooses,houses, hoot,pshaw,exclamation of doubt or contempt Hoot awa!,tuts!; nonsense!,also exclamation of sympathy hoot toot,tut!,exclamation of annoyance hoots,pshaw,exclamation of doubt or contempt horse-huves,horse hooves, hose,stocking, hostit,coughed, houp,hope, houpe,hope, houps,hopes, humblet,humbled, hunger,hunger; starve, hungert,starved, hunner,hundred, huntin',hunting, hurdies,buttocks, hurry an' a scurry,uproar; tumult, hurtit,hurt, huves,hooves, hynd,straight; by the nearest road, i',in; into, I doobt,I know; I suspect, I wat,I know; I assure (you), ilk,every; each,also common; ordinary ilka,every; each,also common; ordinary ilkabody,everybody; everyone, ill,bad; evil; hard; harsh; badly,also misfortune; harm 'ill,will, ill-contrived,tricky; mischievous,also badly behaved; ill-tempered ill-doin',badly behaved,also leading an evil life ill-fashioned,vulgar in habits; ill-mannered,also quarrelsome ill-faured,unbecoming; ill-mannered; clumsy,also unpleasant ill-mainnert,ill-mannered, ill-tongued,foul-tongued; abusive, ill-used,used wrongly, ill-willy,ill-tempered; spiteful; grudging,also reluctant 'im,him, impidence,impudence, imputin',imputing, inheritin',inheriting, in't,in it, interesstin',interesting, interferin',interfering, interruppit,interrupted, intil,into; in; within, ir,are, Ishmeleets,Ishmaelites, isna,is not; is no, is't,is it, ither,other; another; further, 'ither,other; another; further, itsel',itself, iver,ever, jabberin',chattering; idle talking, jaloosed,suspected; guessed; imagined, jaud,lass; girl; worthless woman,old worn-out horse jaw,billow; splash; surge; wave, jawin',talking; chattering, Jeames,James, Jeck,Jack, jeedgment,judgement, Jeroozlem,Jerusalem, jined,joined, jines,joins, jist,just, judgin',judging, jumps,tallies; coincides, justifee,justify, justifeein',justifying, jyler,jailer, kailyard,kitchen garden; small cottage garden, keek,look; peep; spy, keekin',looking; peeping; prying, keepit,kept, kelpie,water-sprite; river-horse, ken,know; be acquainted with; recognise, kenna,do not know, kennin',knowing, kens,knows, kent,known; knew, kep,keep; catch,also intercept; encounter kickin',kicking, kickit,kicked, kin',kind; nature; sort; agreeable,also somewhat; in some degree kin'ness,kindness, kirk,church, kirks,churches, kirkyaird,churchyard, kirstened,christened, kirstenin',christening, kissin',kissing, kist,chest; coffer; box; chest of drawers, kists,chests; coffers; boxes; luggage, kitchie,kitchen, kittlins,kittens, kneipit,knocked, lad,boy,term of commendation or reverence laddie,boy,term of affection laddies,boys,term of affection lads,boys,term of commendation or reverence laicher,lower, laird,landed proprietor; squire; lord, lameter,cripple,also lame lammie,little lamb,term of endearment lan',land; country; ground, lane,lone; alone; lonely; solitary, lang,long; big; large; many,also slow; tedious langed,longed, langer,longer, lang-leggit,long legged, lang's,long as, lang-tailed,tedious, lan'less,landless, lap,leaped, lapstane,stone on which a shoemaker,hammers his leather lass,girl; young woman,term of address lasses,girls; young women, lassie,girl,term of endearment lat,let; allow, lat's,let's; let us; let his, latten,let; allowed, lattin',letting; allowing, lauch,laugh, lauchin',laughing, lauchter,laughter, lave,rest; remainder; others,also leave laverock,lark (type of bird), Lawlands,Lowlands, lea,leave, lea',leave, leadin',leading, leal,loyal; faithful; sincere; true, learnin',learning,also teaching learnt,learned,also taught leavin',leaving, leddy,lady,also boy; lad; laddy lee,pasture; fallow ground,also shelter from wind or rain; lie leear,lier, leebrary,library, leed,lied; told lies, leein',lying; telling lies, lees,lies, leevin',living; living being, leiser,leisure, len',lend; give; grant,also loan len'th,length, leuch,laughed, leuk,look; watch; appearance, leys,grasslands, licht,light, lichtlie,make light of; disparage, lickin',thrashing; punishment, lien,lain, lift,load; boost; lift; helping hand,also sky; heavens liket,liked, likit,liked, likliheid,likelyhood, likly,likely, limmer,rascal; rogue,also loose woman; prostitute lingel,shoemaker's thread, links,stretch of sandy grass-covered ground,near the seashore lint-bells,flowers of the flax, lippen,trust; depend on,also look after list,enlist as a soldier, livin',living, 'll,will, lockit,locked, longin',longing, Lonnon,London, loon,rascal; rogue; ragamuffin,also boy; lad loot,let; allowed; permitted, Losh!,corrupt form of 'Lord',exclamation of surprise or wonder losin',losing, loup,leap; jump; spring, loup-coonter lads,shopkeepers; salesmen, loupin',leaping; jumping; springing, loupin'-on-stane,horse-block, lowse,loose; free,also dishonest; immoral luckie-daddie,grandfather,also fondly regarded forefather luckie-daiddie,grandfather,also fondly regarded forefather luckie-minnie,grandmother, lucky,old woman, lucky-daiddy,grandfather,also fondly regarded forefather lug,ear; fin (fish); handle,also shallow wooden dish lugs,ears, luik,look, luikin',looking, luikit,looked, luiks,looks, luve,love, lyin',lying, lythe,shelter, 'm,him, ma,my, magistrand,student about to become M.A.,at Aberdeen University maijesty,majesty, mainner,manner, mainners,manners, mair,more; greater, mairch,march, mairry,marry, maist,most; almost, 'maist,almost, maist han',almost, maister,master; mister, maistly,mostly; most of all, maitter,matter, maitters,matters, mak,make; do, mak',make; do, makin',making; doing, maks,makes; does, mak's,makes; does, man-body,full grown man, Markis,Marquis, maukin,hare,also a reference to a poem by Burns maun,must; have to, maunna,must not; may not, mayna,may not, meanin',meaning, meddlin',meddling, meenit,minute, meenits,minutes, meenute,minute, meesery,misery, mell,mix; be intimate; meddle, mem,Ma'am; Miss; Madam, men',mend, men'in',mending; healing, men't,mended, merchan's,merchants; shopkeepers, mercifu',merciful; favourable, mere,mare,also mere merried,married, merry,marry,also merry micht,might, michtna,might not, michty,mighty; God, midden,dunghill; manure pile, middlin',tolerable; mediocre; fairly well, mids,midst; middle, mids',midst; middle, min',mind; recollection,also recollect; remember min' upo',remember, mind,mind; recollection,also recollect; remember ministert,ministered, minit,minute, mint,insinuate; hint; feign,also aim at; attempt mintin',insinuating; hinting; feigning,also aiming at; attempting mintit,insinuated; hinted; feigned,also aimed at; attempted mirk,darkness; gloom; night, mischeef,mischief; injury; harm, misdoobt,doubt; disbelieve; suspect, missionar',missionary, mistak,mistake, mither,mother, mithers,mothers, mizzer,measure, moedesty,modesty, mony,many, moo',mouth, moose,mouse, mornin',morning, morn's,tomorrow, mou',mouth, moufu',mouthful, mou'fu',mouthful, mould,mould; loose earth; top soil, muckle,huge; enormous; big; great; much, muckler,bigger; greater, mull,snuff-box, mune,moon, munelicht,moonlight, murnin',mourning, mutch,woman's cap with protruding frill,worn under the bonnet mutchkin,liquid measure,equal to an English pint my lane,on my own, mysel',myself, na,not; by no means, nae,no; none; not, naebody,nobody; no one, naething,nothing, nane,none, nanetheless,nonetheless, nater,nature, nat'ral,natural, natur',nature, naything,nothing, nearhan',nearly; almost; near by, near-han',nearly; almost; near by, nears,kidneys, nebs,tips; points; nibs; beaks, neebor,neighbour, neebors,neighbours, neebour,neighbour, needfu',needful; necessary; needy, needna,do not need; need not, ne'er-do-weel,an incorrigible; troublemaker, neist,next; nearest, nesty,nasty, neuk,nook; recess; interior angle,also corner news,talk; gossip, nicht,night; evening, niffer,exchange; barter, no,not, no',not, noething,nothing, noo,now, noo',now, noo a-days,now; in these days, nor,than; although; if,also nor nor's,than is, notwithstandin',notwithstanding, nuik,corner, o',of; on, objeck,object, obleeged,obliged, och,,exclamation of sorrow or regret och hone,alas, Od,disguised form of 'God',mince oath odds,consequence; change, o'er,over; upon; too, ohn,without; un-,uses past participle not present progressive Ohone!,Alas!, on',and,possibly a mispelling--should be an'