Word,Definition,Notes a',all; every,also have a' gait,everywhere, a' thing,everything; anything, abeelity,ability, abettin',abetting, a'body,everyone; everybody, aboon,above; up; over, aboord,aboard, aboot,about, aboot it an' aboot it,all about, abune,above; up; over, accep's,accepts, accoont,account, accoonts,accounts, accordin',according, acquant,acquainted, a'-creatin',all-creating, ae,one, aff,off; away; past; beyond, aff-gang,outlet, afflickit,afflicted, affoord,afford, affront,affront; disgrace; shame, affrontet,affronted; disgraced,also ashamed; shamed afit,afoot; on foot, afore,before; in front of, aforehan',beforehand, aften,often, aftener,more often, agen,against, aheid,ahead, ahin',behind; after; at the back of, ahint,behind; after; at the back of, aiblins,perhaps; possibly, aidin',aiding, ailin',ailing; sick, ain,own,also one airin',airing, airm,arm, airm-cheir,armchair, airms,arms,also coat of arms; crest airmy,army, airth,earth, aise,ashes, ait,eat, aither,either, aiths,oaths, aitin',eating, aits,oats, alane,alone, alang,along, Algerine,Algerian, alloo,allow, allooed,allowed, Almichty,Almighty; God, amaist,almost, amang,among; in; together with, amen's,amends, amo',among, amuntit,amounted, an',and, ance,once, ane,one,also a single person or thing aneath,beneath; under, anent,opposite to; in front of,also concerning Anerew,Andrew, anes,ones, angert,angered; angry,also grieved anither,another, answerin',answering, answert,answered, a'ready,already, aricht,aright, aside,beside,also aside aspirin',aspiring, astarn,astern, 'at,that, ate,hate,also eat a'thegither,all together, a'thing,everything; anything, 'at's,that is; that has, attreebuted,attributed, atweel,indeed; truely; of course, atween,between, aucht,eight; eighth,also ought; own; possess aul',old, auld,old, aulder,older, aumrie,cupboard; pantry; store-closet, aumry,cupboard; pantry; store-closet, a'-uphaudin',all-upholding; all-supporting, ava,at all; of all,exclamation of banter; ridicule awa,away; distant,also off; go away awa',away; distant,also off; go away awaur,aware, Awbrahawm,Abraham, aweel,ah well; well then; well, awfu',awful, awpron,apron, ay,yes; indeed,exclamation of surprise; wonder aye,yes; indeed, ayont,beyond; after, bade,did bide, badena,did not bide, bagonet,bayonet, bailey,civic dignitary; magistrate, bairn,child, bairnie,little child,diminutive bairns,children, baith,both, bakehoose,bakery, baneless,insipid; without pith, banes,bones, barfut,barefoot, barrin',barring, barrowfu',wheelbarrow full, baubee,halfpenny, baubees,halfpennies, bauchles,old pair of shoes,also shoes down at the heel baukie,bat, beggit,begged, beginnin',beginning, begud,began, behaud,withhold; wait; delay,also behold behavin',behaving, bein',being, beir,bear, beirer,bearer, beirs,bears, bejan,first year's student,at a Scottish university belangs,belongs, believin',believing, ben' leather,thick leather for soling boots/shoes, bena,be not; is not, bend-leather,thick leather for soling boots/shoes, benn,in; inside; into; within; inwards,also inner room benn the hoose,in/into the parlour,best room of the house beowty,beauty, beuks,books, beyon',beyond, bide,endure; bear; remain; live,also desire; wish bides,endures; bears; remains; lives,also stays for biggit,built, bilin',boiling,also the whole quantity bin',bind, binna,be not, birse,bristle; hair; plume of hair, bit,but; bit,also small; little--diminutive bitch,,term of contempt usually applied to a man bitin',biting, bittie,little bit,diminutive bittock,a little bit; a short distance, blaeberries,blueberries, blastit,blasted, blate,over-modest; bashful; shy, blaud,spoil; injure; soil, blaudit,spoiled; injured; soiled, blaw,blow, blecks,nonplusses; perplexes; beats, blessin',blessing, blether,talk nonsense; babble; boast, bletherin',talking nonsense; babbling; boasting, blethers,talks nonsense; babbles; boasts,nonsense; foolish talk blin',blind, blink,take a hasty glance; ogle,also shine; gleam; twinkle; glimmer blinner,blinder, blude,blood, bluidy,bloody, boasom,bosom, boatles,bottles, boddom,bottom, body,person; fellow,also body boglet,bamboozled; terrified, bonnet,man's cap, bonnetfu',bonnetful; capful, bonnets,man's caps, bonnie,good; beautiful; pretty; handsome, bonniest,best; most beautiful; prettiest,also considerable bonny,good; beautiful; pretty; handsome, boodie,ghost; hobgoblin, booin',bowing, bools,marbles, boon',bound, boord,board (i.e.room and board), bothie,cottage in common for farm-servants, boucht,bought, bourach,heap; cluster; mound, bowat,stable-lantern, bowie,small barrel or cask, boxie,little box,diminutive brae,hill; hillside; high ground by a river, braid,broad; having a strong accent, brak,break, brakfast,breakfast, brat,child,term of contempt braw,beautiful; good; fine,also lovely (girl); handsome (boy)brawly,admirably; very; very much; well, breedth,breadth, breeks,breeches; trousers, breid,bread, breist,breast, breists,breasts, breith,breath, breme-bush,broom-bush,also simpleton brewin',brewing, brig,bridge, brither,brother, brithers,brothers; fellows, brithren,brethren; brothers, brocht,brought, broo,brow; eyebrow, broucht,brought, browst,brewage; booze,also the consequences of one's own acts bruik,broke, brunt,burned, bude,would prefer to; behoved,also must; had to budena,must not; could not; might not, buff,nonsense, buik,book,also Bible buiks,books, bund,bound, burd alane,quite alone,also the only surviving child of a family burn,water; stream; brook, burnin',burning, burnside,along the side of a stream, buss,bush; shrub; thicket, butes,boots, butt,main room in a croft; outside,includes kitchen and storage butt the hoose,into the house; into the kitchen, by ordinar,out of the ordinary; supernatural,also unusual by ordinar',out of the ordinary; supernatural,also unusual by-ordinar,out of the ordinary; supernatural,also unusual byous,exceedingly; extraordinary; very, ca,drive; impel; hammer, ca',call; name, ca'd,called, cadger,carrier; pedlar, ca'in',calling, cairds,cards, cairriage,carriage, cairriet,carried, cairry,carry, cairryin',carrying, calfie,little calf,diminutive callant,stripling; lad,term of affection cam,came, cam',came, camna,did not come, camstairie,unmanageable; wild; obstinate, camstairy,unmanageable; wild; obstinate, camstary,unmanageable; wild; obstinate, can'le,candle, canna,cannot,also cotton-grass canny,cautious; prudent; shrewd; artful, cap,wooden cup or bowl, capt'n,captain, carena,do not care, carldoddies,stalks of rib-grass,also term of endearment carritchis,catechism, ca's,calls, cast up,taunt; reproach, catchin',catching, cattle,lice; fleas,used contemptuously of persons cauld,cold, caure,calves, 'cause,because, caw,drive; impel; hammer, cawed,driven; impeled; hammered, cawin',driving; impeling; hammering, ceevil,civil, 'cep',except; but, chackit,checkered, chairge,charge, chap,knock; hammer; strike; rap, chappit,knocked; hammered; struck; rapped, chaps,knocks; hammers; strikes; raps, chaumer,chamber; room; bedroom, cheep,chirp; creak; hint; word, cheerman,chairman, chessel,tub for pressing cheese, chice,choice, chiel',child; young person; fellow,term of fondness or intimacy chield,child; young person; fellow,term of fondness or intimacy chimla-lug,fireside, chits,sweetbreads, chop,shop; store, circumspec',circumspect, claes,clothes; dress, claikin',clucking (like a hen),also talk much in a trivial way claith,cloth, clams,vice or pincers,used by saddlers and shoemakers clap,press down; pat; fondle, clashes,blows; slaps; messes,also gossip; tittle-tattle clash-pyet,tell-tale; scandal-monger, clean,altogether; entirely,also comely; shapely; empty; clean cleant,cleaned, clear-e'ed,clear-eyed, cleed,clothe; shelter, cleedin',clothing; sheltering, cleuks,claws; hands; paws, clo'en,cloven, clomb,climbed, clood,cloud, cloods,clouds, cloody,cloudy, close,narrow alley; blind alley,also enclosed land closin',closing, clype,tell tales; gossip, coaties,children's coats; petticoats, coaton,cotton, coats,petticoats, coch,coach, coches,coaches, coff,buy, colliginer,college student,also college boy Come yer wa's butt.,Come on in., comin',coming, comman'ment,commandment, compleen,complain, con thanks,return thanks, considerin',considering, contradickit,contradicted, contrairy,contrary, contred,contradicted; thwarted; crossed, convence,convince, conversin',conversing, convertit,converted, coorse,coarse,also course coort,court, corbie,crow; raven, cornel,colonel, correck,correct, cottar,farm tenant; cottager, cottars,farm tenants; cottagers, cottar-wark,stipulated work done by the cottager, couldna,could not, coupit,tilted; tumbled; drank off, couples,rafters, crackin',cracking, cracklin',crackling, crap o' the wa',natural shelf between wall and roof, crappit,topped; cropped; lopped, crappit heids,stuffed head of cod or haddock, crater,creature, cratur,creature, craturs,creatures, cried,called; summoned, crookit,crooked, croon,crown, croudin',cooing; croaking; groaning, Cry Moany,Cremona,make of violin cryin',calling; summoning, cryin' doon,decrying; depreciating, cud,could, cudna,could not, culd,could, cumber,encumbrance; inconvenience, cunnin',cunning, curst,cursed, cuttin',cutting, cutty pipe,short tobacco-pipe, cwytes,petticoats, dacent,decent, dame,young unmarried woman; damsel,also farmer's wife damnin',damning; condemning, dancin',dancing, dang,knock; bang; drive,also damn darnin',darning, dauchter,daughter, daunerin',strolling; sauntering; ambling, daur,dare; challenge, daured,dared; challenged, daurna,dare not; do not dare, daursay,dare say, dauty,darling; pet,term of endearment dawtie,darling; pet,term of endearment daylicht,daylight, debosh,excessive indulgence; debauch,also extravagance; waste deboshed,debauched; worthless, deceitfu',deceitful, deceivin',deceiving, dee,do,also die deed,died,also deed; indeed 'deed,indeed, dee'd,died, deein',doing,also dying deevil,devil, deevil-ma'-care,devil-may-care; utterly careless,also no matter deevilry,devilry, deevils,devils, deid,dead, deif,deaf, deil,devil,also not de'il,devil,also not De'il a bit!,Not at all! Not a bit!, deith,death, deleeberately,deliberately, dementit,demented; mad; crazy, denner,dinner, desertit,deserted, desperate,exceedingly; beyond measure,also irreclaimable; very bad didna,did not, differ,difference; dissent,also differ dingin',overcoming; wearying; vexing,also raining/snowing heavily dinna,do not, direckly,directly; immediately, dirt,worthless persons or things,term of contempt dishcloot,cloth for washing dishes, disna,does not, disoun,disown, distinckly,distinctly, div,do, divots,thin flat pieces of sod, dochter,daughter, doesna,does not, doin',doing, doin's,doings, doited,foolish; stupefied; crazy, dominie,minister; schoolmaster,slightly contemptuous dooble,double; duplicate,also double dealing; devious dooble-sole,double-sole, doobt,suspect; know; doubt,have an unpleasant conviction doobtin',suspecting; knowing,also doubting doobtless,doubtless, doobts,suspects; knows,also doubts dooce,gentle; sensible; sober; prudent, dooms,extremely; exceedingly; very, doon,down, doonricht,downright, door-cheek,door-post; threshold; doorway, door-stane,flagstone at the threshold of a door, dother,daughter, dottled,crazy; in dotage, douce,gentle; sensible; sober; prudent, dowie,sad; lonely; depressing; dismal,also ailing draigon,dragon; also boy's paper kite,reference to Revelation 12-13draigons,dragons,also boys' paper kites dram,glass of whisky, drap,drop; small quantity of, drap i' the hoose,presence of someone unknown, drappit,dropped, drappy,little drop; a little (liquor),diminutive drauchts,plans; schemes; policies,also lineaments of the face drave,drove, drawin',drawing, dreadfu',dreadful, dreamin',dreaming, drear,dreary; dreariness; tedium, dreidfu',dreadful; dreadfully, drift,snow driven by the wind, driftin',drifting,snow driven by the wind drinkin',drinking, drivin',driving, droont,drowned, drucken,drunken; tipsy, drum-heid,drum head, drunken,drank; drunk, du,do, duin',doing, dumfoundered,perplexed; stunned; amazed, dune,done, dunna,do not, duv,do, duvna,do not, dwalls,dwells, d'ye,do you, dyke,wall of stone or turf, eaves-drapper,eavesdropper, Ebberdeen,Aberdeen, ee,eye, een,eyes, e'en,even; just; simply; equal,also eyes; evening efter,after; afterwards, efterhin,after; afterwards, efternune,afternoon, eident,industrious; diligent; steady, elbuck,elbow, eleckit,elected,chosen by God for salvation (Calvinism)ellwand,ell-wand; ruler; yardstick,1 ell = 37 inches or 94 cm en',end, endit,ended, eneuch,enough, Englan',England, enjoyin',enjoying, eppiteet,appetite, er,ere; before, er',ere; before, Erse,Irish; Gaelic, etairnity,eternity, ewie,young ewe, exackly,exactly, excep',except, expairience,experience, expeckin',expecting, expecs,expects, eyther,either, fa',fall; befall, fac',fact; truth; reality, fac's,facts; truths; realities, factor,manager of a landed property,lets farms; collects rents fact'ry,factory, faddom,fathom, fa'en,fallen, failin',failing, faimilies,families, faimily,family, fain,eager; anxious; fond,also fondly; gladly fa'in',falling, fairmy,little farm,diminutive Faith!,Indeed!; Truly!,exclamation fallow,fellow; chap, fan',found,also felt fand,found, farrer,farther, fash,trouble; inconvenience; vex, faun't,found, faured,favoured; featured, faut,fault; blame, fau'ts,faults, feared,afraid; frightened; scared, fearfu',fearful; easily frightened, fearsome,terrifying; fearful; awful, feart,afraid; frightened; scared, feelin',feeling, fegs!,truly!; really!; goodness!,mild oath; exclamation of surprise feifteen,fifteen, fell,very; potent; keen; harsh; sharp,intensifies; also turf feow,few, ferlie,wonder; novelty; curiosity, fess,fetch; bring, fest,fast, festen,fasten; bind, fiddlin',fiddling, fin',find,also feel fir-can'le,a torch; 'firwood' used as a candle, fishin',fishing, fit,foot; base,also fit; capable; able flax,flax; wick, flech,flea, fleys,terrifies; frightens, fleyt,terrified; frightened, flingin',kicking; throwing, flittin',shifting; removing; departing, flooers,flowers, flure,floor, flurin',flooring, forby,as well; as well as; besides,also over and above forbye,as well; as well as; besides,also over and above foresicht,foresight, foret,forward, forgather,assemble; encounter,also meet for a special purpose forgathert,assembled; encountered,also met for a special purpose forgettin',forgetting, forgie,forgive, forgien,forgiven, fortnicht,fortnight; two weeks, fou,full; well-fed, fouchten,fought, fower-hoors,four o'clock tea, fowk,folk, frae,from, freely,quite; very; thoroughly, freits,superstitions; charms,also superstitious fancies fremt,stranger,also strange; foreign fren',friend, fricht,frighten; scare away,also fright frichtit,frightened; scared away, frichtsome,frightful, frien',friend, frien's,friends, frien'ship,friendship, fu',full; very; much, fule,fool, fummles,fumbles, fun',found, fun-buss,whin-bush, fund,found, furbye,as well; as well as; besides,also over and above fushionless,pithless; tasteless; feeble, fut,foot, gae,gave, gaed,went, gaein',going, gae's,gave us; gave his, gaird,guard; watch, gait,way; fashion,also route; street gaither,gather, ga'le,gable, gane,gone, gang,go; goes; depart; walk, gang yer wa's,go on, gangs,goes; walks, gar,cause; make; compel, garred,made; caused; compelled, garrin',making; causing; compelling, gars,makes; causes; compels, gart,made; caused; compelled, gar't,make it; cause it; compel it, gate,way; route,also method; fashion; habit gatherin',gathering, gaun,going, 'gen,by; in time for; whether, German Ocean,,old reference to the English Channel & North Sea gether,gather, gettin',getting, gey,fairly; considerably,also considerable gi',give, gie,give, gie a lift,give a helping hand, gied,gave, giein',giving, gien,if; as if; then; whether,also given gi'en,given, giena,do not give, gies,gives, gie's,gives; give us; give his, gill,tipple; drink, gin,if; as if; then; whether, gird,hoop for a barrel or tub, girn,grimace; snarl; twist the features, glaid,glad, glaidly,gladly, glaiss,glass, gleds,kites; buzzards, gleg,quick; lively; smart; quick-witted, Glendronach,particular brand of whisky, glimmerin',glimmering, gloamin',twilight; dusk, gloggie,insipid; artificial; unnatural, glowered,stared; gazed; scowled, goin',going, goon,gown, goul,howl; yell; whine, gowd,gold, gowk,cuckoo; fool; blockhead, gran',grand; capital; first-rate, grandmither,grandmother, gran'father,grandfather, gran'mither,grandmother, grat,cried; wept, gravestane,gravestone; tombstone; headstone, greet,cry; weep, greetin',crying; weeping, greit,cry; weep, greitin',crying; weeping, greits,cries; weeps, grew,greyhound, grip,grasp; understand,also hold grips,grasps; understands,seizures; colic growin',growing, grun',ground, grup,grip; grasp, grups,grips; grasp, grutten,cried; wept, gude,good,also God gude-bye,goodbye, gude-hertit,good-hearted, gudeness,goodness, guid,good,also God guide,treat; handle; look after; save; keep, Guidsake!,For God's sake!, ha',have,also hall; house haddie,haddock, hadna,had not, hae,have; has,also here ha'e,have,also here haein',having, haena,have not, hae't,have it, haill,whole, hairm,harm, hairps,harps, hairst,harvest, hairst-play,school holidays during harvest, Haith!,Faith!,exclamation of surprise haithen,heathen, haiven,heaven, halesome,wholesome; pure, half-dizzen,half-dozen, half-stervit,half-starved, hame,home, han',hand, han'fu',handful, hangin',hanging, hangt,hanged, hang't,hanged, han'le,handle, han'led,handled; treated, han'let,handled, han's,hands, hantle,much; large quantity; far, hard,heard,also hard hash,mess; muddle, hasna,does not have, haud,hold; keep, hauden,held; kept, haudin',holding; keeping, hauld,hold, haveless,careless (therefore helpless),also wasteful; incompetent haven,heaven, haverin',talking incoherently; babbling, havers,nonsense; foolish talk; babble, hay-sow,long oblong stack of hay,shaped like a sow he that will to Cupar maun to Cupar,a wilful man must have his way, heap,very much,also heap heardna,did not hear, hearin',hearing, hearken,hearken; hear; listen, hearkened,hearkened; heard; listened, hearkenin',hearkening; listening, hearkent,hearkened; heard; listened, Hecklebirnie,Hell, hecklet,cross-questioned; examined, hed,had,also hid heepocreet,hypocrite, heicht,height, heid,head; heading, heids,heads; headings, helpin',helping, helpit,helped, her lane,on her own, hersel',herself, hert,heart, hertily,heartily, herts,hearts, het,hot; burning, hev,have, Hielan',Highland, Hielan'man,Highland man, hillo,,a call to attract attention him lane,on his own, himsel',himself, hinder,hinder; hind; latter, hine,away; afar; to a distance, hing,hang, hingin',hanging, hings,hangs, hinnerance,hinderance, hinney,honey, hintit,hinted, hips,borders of a district, hiz,us,emphatic hizzies,hussies; silly girls, hoo,how, hooever,however, hooly,slowly; cautiously; gently,also 'take your time'