
第63章 TAP-TAP-TAP!(2)

The world's most successful men and women live daily with their ideas.They hold their objectives constantly in mind.It isn't just a case with them of picturing something once,and then forgetting about it.Theirs is no wishy-washy or dilly-dally approach.They mean business.They expect to reach their goals,they are willing to work day and night,if necessary,to get there,and they have faith that this power within is working right along with them,giving them guidance in the form of urges to move in the right direction,magnetizing conditions around them,attracting resources and opportunities in accordance with their needs!

You can measure the intensity of your own desires in comparison.How much of a price in effort and sacrifice are you willing to pay to attain the things you want in life? Are you willing to try to accomplish something over and over again,until by repetition,out of seeming failure,you gain the experience and the ability to achieve? If you are,you must eventually succeed.Nothing can stop you.All obstacles must yield to your will,your drive,your faith,your God-given creative power,if you persist.But you must realize at the start that you can't get something for nothing.The universe doesn't operate this way.You must give out in effort and in faith,if you wish to receive.

Tap,tap,tap—visualizing what you want over and over—little drops of water,the endless pounding of the sea on the beach,the tramp,tramp of feet on stone stairs,cause and effect ...cause and effect ...action always brings about reaction....You can't notice it at first,but the forces of nature and of mind,centered on any obstacle,can move that obstacle in time,or wear it away,or change it.

Harness your power to faith

Faith can move mountains,mountains of fear and doubt and worry,faith repeated again and again—faith in yourself,faith in the God Power within.It's a simple,silent,unspectacular operation,if you view it at any second,but over a long time span what you accomplish will astound you.

Now,you are the sum total of what you believe,good and bad; what you have accepted in mind,what is motivating your thoughts and acts as a result of your beliefs.As your beliefs change,your life will change with them,for your life is really based upon faith.

You have faith,every day,that you are going to keep on breathing,that your heart will continue beating,that you are alive and well.If this faith is upset,your health is upset.You have faith in everything around you ...your work,your friends,your ability,your car,your future.You've accepted all this as a part of your life.You visualize a continuance of it all as it has been in the past.Each day you add the repetition,in general,of another similar experience.You get more and more in the groove of whatever you are doing and this may be bad,if you are doing little that is worth while.It can be good if you are applying yourself as you should.

Take inventory and make sure that what you are repeating,day after day,is helping you grow in experience,in ability,in achievement,in personal satisfaction and happiness.If it is not,you will not wish to go on repeating these activities and interests.You may want to break away from them and start a new cycle of development for yourself.

Remember: what man has done once he will do again,because he is a creature of habit.Bad thoughts are easily repeated because like always attracts like.Whatever thoughts you take into consciousness will not feel at home unless they can find similar thoughts to keep them company.What kind of thoughts are you entertaining? Are they the kind that can lead you to things you don't want to do,to experiences you don't want to have? If they are,throw them out now,before they become deeply entrenched through repetition.

An excessive drinker finds it difficult to stop drinking because the habit of drink has been so long impressed upon body and mind.He "sees" himself taking another drink so vividly that it becomes a gigantic task to picture himself not drinking.

The pictures you hold of yourself in mind today have only to do with your past.If you don't take charge and create new pictures of yourself,you will only repeat tomorrow what you have done today and yesterday.

Most human beings,unhappily,are on a treadmill of their own making,ending up each day where they were yesterday,although seeming to make progress because they have been moving about.But the merry-go- round always ends up at the same place unless you take stock of where you are going,get off the rotating platform by visualizing a new direction and purpose in life,and then take the high road toward greater and greater happiness and success,which can never be reached on a carrousel.

Tap,tap,tap! Is the tap,tapping that is going on in your consciousness producing more of the same for you ...or is it the kind of tap,tapping—repetition of pictures—that is impressing right thoughts and right actions upon your subconscious?

You are the only one who knows.You are the only one who can do anything about it! Learn to use the great power of repetition in the right way,and all things shall be added unto you!